wtf is wrong with you people?
this season is boring? worst episode ever?
go watch the walking dead or something

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If the fact that an underage girl was raped isn't enough to call this "the worst episode ever", than i feel sorry for you and the rest of you people supporting stuff like this.

Yeah right, because Dany never got raped in the first episode, and no one complained at the time... What is the problem with you? Haven't you understood what kind of series is GoT after five season? Come on...

@тay The fact that you can't separate fiction from reality makes me feel sorry for you.
Of course I was disturbed by the scene, I guess that was the point of it, but I don't see how that makes this episode the worst ever.
but yeah, maybe I'm secretly supporting rape of underaged girls. Facepalm

@Tepo of course people complained about Dany getting raped, like people complained about Cersei getting raped last season... my problem is that i have an opinion and actual issues with this show, but alas.
@mic815 i can separate fiction from reality, the fact is they use rape as shock value [to get people talking about the show] and then some say 'oh but why are y'all complaining, you know how this show works!!' then you are fully supporting their writing, no matter how wrong it is. rape shouldn't be used as plot device and this is their third time. you said "what the fuck is wrong with you people" if you don't think it's normal for people to react this, i don't even know what else to say??? keep supporting the show then, good for you really. i'm done here.

@тay my comment wasn't aimed at the reactions to the rape scene, but at all the whining about this season being supposedly slow and boring.
I understand why people are very unhappy with the Sansa situation but its not like they thought ''hey lets get Sansa raped, that would be fun''. If they only wanted to go for shock value, they would have let Ramsay do to Sansa, what he did to his bride in the book, which was way worse than this.
This storyline is important for Theons redemption arc and you dont know how this will affect Sansa because you haven't seen the remaining episodes. I wonder if the outrage would have been so big if it wasn't Sansa who got raped but the random girl from the book.
I respect that you're finished with the show but you probably should have stoped watching after the first episode.
