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Friends 1994

My all time favorite.

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The greatest comedy show I have ever seen!

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Classic. 6 very different people who just work perfectly together. Sadly missed!!

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So much love for Friends.

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Greatest sitcom ever! Lovable characters and compelling story!

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Just perfect. Nothing else to add.

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Best of the Best <3

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This is definitely an entertaining show that I did enjoy watching, however is it worth all the hype, (in my opinion), that's it's received, no. it's a fun show to relax to and enjoy with some great and funny moments, some comedic jokes stepped slightly over the line and I was sad that, unlike other sitcoms I've seen this one didn't seem to be able to balance sombre and comedic moments as well as them. However this is filled with a brilliant cast, the main six Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Mathew Perry, Matt Leblanc, Courtney Cox, and David Schwimer all did brilliant playing the main roles in this show. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this.

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Friends is one of the greatest and best sitcoms of all time. Friends is about the lives of six unique adults who overcome different adventures and experiences which makes their lives both troublesome and entertaining.

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Well as I am really close to the last episodes of this show,I can confirm that this show is one of the best series you can ever watch and this one can be classed easily as the best comedy show ever.
All the characters are cool and likable and you will love them from the first episode to the last one
My favorite shows comes in this order:
1-Breaking Bad
2-Game of thrones
3-Friends <3

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love this show!Does somebody know when the movie`s gonna come?

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I LOVE this show. One of the greatest comedies of all time. Through syndication I watch it almost every day!

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engrave every scene of this show on my tombstone

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Rest in Peace Matthew Perry, bought us one of the funniest characters in TV with Chandler Bing

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Cracks me up a little, and then more. It numbs the noise in your life so easily.

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Can I give it more than 10? If you find out how, please let me know!!!

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The greatest sitcom off all time!

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Best TV Series ever!

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Simply the best show ever <3

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My #1 Sitcom of all time!

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Classical TV Show, good sitcom for everyone :)

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Theres nothing bad to say this show is so funny and its the best show to watch when your in a bad mood. I love it so much

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i just finished it omg

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The One where we all lost a friend. Rest in peace Matthew Perry!

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Great show, I loved all the 5 friends. There was also Phoebe but she was just an awful person.

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A goat honestly I watched like a billion times

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This show almost perfectly fits in the problems of the generation X stepping into the adulthood. Great work of the creators that almost everyone could find themselves among the "Friends".

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The first three seasons is where it's at, after that it becomes formulaic. Characters become caricatures of themselves which is disappointing. In saying that though, the cast have such a great dynamic together.

Friends is really easy to watch, which for me has ultimately become it's drawback, as I've seen the episodes too many times. I find myself getting annoyed with the characters now more often than I did 10 years ago, which has altered my perception of the show. Seinfeld's strength is Friends' weakness, given Seinfeld has no overarching storyline (with minor references in some episodes to past episodes), the episodes become standalone, giving Seinfeld the unparalleled advantage on focusing purely on the characters and their nuances in certain situations.

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Such a beautiful, refreshing and funny show. Friends really does have it all - heartbreak, humour, happiness and even anger. I was so skeptical of watching this because it's very different from what I usually watch but I listened to everyone's recommendations and gave it a go and boy was I glad I did!

All characters are perfectly written (Team Chandler) and watching them grow and learn together was so bittersweet, that final episode really did make me cry. I really recommend everyone to give this a try as Friends will always be remembers as one of the best. 10/10

R.I.P Matthew Perry :broken_heart:

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The only thing that removes depression from me and makes me smile all the time!!!

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One of the best sitcoms ever! I love this show so much!

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Do I even dare talk about Friends? The magic that is a sitcom that runs for 10 years, with the magic of the script, the actors' chemistry, the evolution of their lives, the epicness of Joey, the unforgettable Rachel-Ross love story... there's nothing you could say about Friends, except it shaped a generation and spun so many similar TV shows (Happy Endings, How I Met Your Mother come to mind)

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This show is pretty much the essential American sitcom. Its incredibly funny but has some really meaningful moments too. I can't say I always liked every character, but I came to realize that part of the point is to be realistic and you can't like everyone the entire time. The real thing preventing this show from being a true 10 is the obscene number of clip episodes (episodes consisting of over 90% old episode clips). If it weren't for those annoying reuses of old clips, I would happily say this is probably the best sitcom to have graced the American television. I've probably learned more about how to approach friendship and life from this show than anyone else, now I just need to get off the TV and get out there :smiley:.

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Actually one of my favourite TV Show ever!!

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Shout by Deleted

The best show ever!!!!!!!!! ♥

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Overall, Friends is a show that you can watch and rewatch at will. I know some will say it has gotten a little old, the jokes are dated and the lack of diversity is shining exemple to the 90s treatment of non-white characters.I'll concede the last point but this show hasn't aged apart from that. The main theme at its core is life in your twenties, finding love, making a career and this is all very much still the magic of that show. The cast is incredible in their different parts and while I'll always have a soft spot for David Schwimmer as Ross, all the other actors are solid and contribute in their own way.

Friends will make you smile when you're down.

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This show never gets old! No matter how often you watch the episodes, they're always funny :)

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I've seen several random episodes as a kid but never completed the series. Now I'm finally going through all of it, and I absolutely love the series and its humour.

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I just finished the show and it's like I've said goodbye to my best friends :(

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This show makes me really happy whenever I've watched it

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please get a life soon

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Hello i am Jorge Urdiales

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keep watching on warner channel s2

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You want comedy! This is the series to watch!

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i really liked this show. it's fun and easy to watch and it's comfortable. it'll always be there for you :) the acting is great too and chandler is my spirit animal :P

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The cast is great and the show is funny. Unfortunately, the showrunners obviously didn't have a long-term plan or any attention to detail. These issues lead to many technical mistakes and an absurd amount of continuity issues.

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What's not to love about Friends? A show originally airing in the 90's that still holds up to all ages today is a feat in and of itself, but the fact it is watched and adored by so many today even after being off the air for 16 years is simply incredible. In my opinion, the show was ever so slightly rocky to start due to some awkward character writing, and then dragged on in season six with some unfunny humor (in comparison to the rest), but beyond that the other eight seasons were REALLY rock solid. Can't recommend enough. I am sure I will rewatch again eventually.

Average Season Review: 8.5/10

Recommendation - Must See (for Sitcom Fans)

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First 4 seasons are classic.

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All time classic. Still funny today.

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What can I say? It's "Friends"! If you havent seen it or not like it then something must be wrong with you!
A comedy show with great "replay value"! Gets my seal of approval!

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BEST COMEDY TV SHOW EVER MADE! :) I think ill watch it again after 3 years or little bit more :)
enjoyed it soo much.

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Simply a masterpiece.Truly a classic.

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Best tv series ever!

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The best show ever, sad it's over now

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Honestly, extremely mid. Definitely a product of its time but in its time it was a good show.
In current times, it's a great background noise.

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Why does season 8 only have 23 episodes when it originally had 24 .... So can it be fixed ?

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Never gets old, episodes always funny no matter how often you watch them, a real comfort show

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I saw this show when it originally aired. It has its moments and was a cultural touchstone during the later 90s.

With that said, the show really doesn't hold up well - compared to say Seinfeld. Both show a similar side of New York, although the latter is more grounded in reality - showing interactions with the different socioeconomic classes of NYC.

Unlike Friends, which almost exclusively seems to paint a picture of NYC as a city where only white affluent people live & where money seems to never be a problem. Ignoring that they seem to have considerable amount of free time and wealth to spend, the show had its moments but became extremely repetitive.

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The only show i would rewatch :)

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Seen this show for 25 times and I'm already watching for 26th time currently on season 2

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Best series ever seen it 11 times, will keep on watching

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Comfort show I’m currently watching for the 5th time

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Hands down my favourite comedy to watch. I can't recall how many times I've re-watched this series.

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I laugh every time is see this show. And I am watching it again for the (I lost the count) time. You become a part of that friends, you are one of them and you feel what they feel, quoting what they're saying. You even wish things went differently every time that something happens between Ross and Rachel. And by all that, every single time I laugh like an idiot at every episode. You got to love this series, forever.

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If you want see how white people were in 1994, this is the show to watch. Haha.

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My all time favorite tv show I loved watching in my youth! :) Nowadays, you watch it and look at the characters differently. Like, why didn't I love Monica more or I used to love Ross and Rachel, but now I notice what an arrogant ass Ross really was. But all in all, this group of friends totally brightens my days! ;)

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I really wanted to give this one a fair shot, but it just turned out to be too unfunny, too immature, too dated, and too boring. "Friends" tops many people's lists of best sitcoms ever, but it really just boils down to really dated 90's humor, cliche love triangles, nonsensical and poorly paced plotlines, and incessant stereotypical humor. The entire cast struggles with likeability, with the only real exception being Matthew Perry's "Chandler" due to his ability to actually have comic timing. The rest of the characters are just too cliche or too unlikeable (Rachel and Ross are easily the worst TV couple of all time). Unlike "Seinfeld", nothing about "Friends" stuck out to me during its first two seasons, and instead I felt like I was watching a bunch of people in their late 20's act like they were 17. The worst parts are the horrible "lesbian couple" jokes or the strange fascination with focusing alienating people of other races, which made a show that lacked cast diversity that much more uninteresting and unenjoyable. Off-putting, unfunny, overly dragged out - that was my experience with this show.

Final Verdict: 5.44/10 (Average)

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Is it strange that Friends never explored a Joey/Phoebe relationship? That would have been interesting.

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Love the show. The only problem is the abbreviated final season.

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Season Scores:
1 - 7.5 / 2 - 7.6 / 3 - 8 / 4 - 7.8 / 5 - 7.9 / 6 - 6 / 7 - 8.2 / 8 - 6.6 / 9 - 7.6 / 10 - 8.7

Average Total: 7.59

The one that's not for everyone. In pop culture, there is the saying you are either a Elvis fan or a Beatles fan. That statement was adapted in the late 90's to, you're either a Friends fan or a Seinfeld fan. Now I don't personally buy into neither ethos, I understand the logic behind it. There is a frame-of-mind compatibility when it comes to Friends. If you are looking for simple turn off your brain humor it'll work perfectly, whereas comedy with complexity and nuisance is what you're looking for, look elsewhere. in my opinion, is it the best show in the world? No. Is it even the best sitcom ever? No. But it's fun as hell and I do enjoy it very much.

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6 leads; all white, hetero people. I'm sure in 1998 these jokes were funny but now, this ain't it. Most overrated show ever. The 10% I watched, I did so in an empty room as I had guessed I might put forks in my eyes.

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One of the most overrated shows of all time without a doubt.

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What can you say about "Friends"? A show that after all these years is still on TVs and streaming platforms all over the world. How many times can you watch till you've had enough? I don't think I will ever stop watching it. To me, "Friends" is about the friends I would really like to have, in a timeline much simpler than the one we currently are.

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Comedy for the masses. You can see the jokes coming from 5 mins back. Pretty bad show. It's no Seinfeld that's for sure.

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I love this show, I have watched it more than 5 times!

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Best series ever :heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart::heart::yellow_heart::blue_heart:

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Friends! many of us have themmmm??...friends!

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Friends is simply a masterpiece. Even though this television series is meant to be comical, it portrays an honest and quite good demonstration of what reality is like. You will laugh non-stop watching this show and you will find yourself getting extremely attached to the characters, that you'll end up wishing they were your real life friends!

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I watched the entire thing over quarantine because one of my friend's a big fan and I wanted to like,, show interest in her interests or whatever. and it's not like I'm regretting it but I'm also not happy about it. chandler is funny, Monica is my favourite character, I didn't care about Rachel or joey, phoebe is more annoying than fun and Ross can choke. the way he treats his sister is disgusting, idk why y'all always focus on his romantic relationships to "prove" he sucks when Monica is literally right there. anyways, the humour is very dated and I'm convinced most of y'all my age (born '99) and younger laugh along for the vibes. or maybe I'm just uncultured. either way, a lot of the references were very timely and thus now age the show,, a lot. makes it quite boring to watch tbh. most of the show is just,,, very mid, even compared to other 90s sitcoms. not for me, but that's okay. I'll leave y'all to your nostalgia and go back to mine ^^

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Search up “Friends with no laugh track” on YouTube and you’ll realize how garbage this show is

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Being born into a white family in 1992, Friends was a big deal! I remember my mother asking the hairdresser to cut my hair like Rachel's. While I didn't pay a lot of attention to it as my mom watched, I do remember the last season as it was happening and feeling what a big deal this show was and what a big deal it was that it was ending after being on nearly my entire life.
However, I don't quite agree that it is the BEST show ever nor has it aged completely well. I try to avoid allowing critiques of characters' personalities cloud my judgement of the show, since it is just a show and personalities are going to be exaggerated, but it is hard to avoid letting their flaws overshadow the overall enjoyment after the first few seasons, especially since they seem to lean into those flaws as the show got more popular over time. Tropes tend to get played over and over.
With that being said, it is a good neutral show to have handy to play in the background or just when you are having one of those days.

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Could it be any more amazing

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The best comedy series to date!

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