Shout by Jason

Friends 1994

Season Scores:
1 - 7.5 / 2 - 7.6 / 3 - 8 / 4 - 7.8 / 5 - 7.9 / 6 - 6 / 7 - 8.2 / 8 - 6.6 / 9 - 7.6 / 10 - 8.7

Average Total: 7.59

The one that's not for everyone. In pop culture, there is the saying you are either a Elvis fan or a Beatles fan. That statement was adapted in the late 90's to, you're either a Friends fan or a Seinfeld fan. Now I don't personally buy into neither ethos, I understand the logic behind it. There is a frame-of-mind compatibility when it comes to Friends. If you are looking for simple turn off your brain humor it'll work perfectly, whereas comedy with complexity and nuisance is what you're looking for, look elsewhere. in my opinion, is it the best show in the world? No. Is it even the best sitcom ever? No. But it's fun as hell and I do enjoy it very much.

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