Review by Deluxe3

Friends 1994

"We were on a break!" You won't need a break once you pick this show up. The series follows 6 tight knit friends in New York City trying to find their way through the early stages of adulthood. It dives into all the classic topics of youth: dating, professional life and post school self identity. "Friends" ushered in some of the funniest sitcom moments with a slew of hilarious hijinks. As the seasons go on, and the characters age, the show moves from young single life to long-term relationships, marriage and children. While the show was made for everyone, I'd highly recommend watching this when you're expecting a child. It perfectly sums up life before and slightly after kids. It feels like a seamless transition to your new life.

"Friends" is nearly perfect in everyway. My only complaint would be that it doesn't have a strong overarching story running through the show. After the first few seasons it mostly plays the "will they, won't they" game with various characters. That being said, each episode is so funny and enjoyable that it's hardly relevant. This is show is a masterpiece of calamity and the characters sell themselves.

Could I be watching anymore episodes? I think you'll find that the answer is always yes.


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