Shout by fantastickkay

Friends 1994

Being born into a white family in 1992, Friends was a big deal! I remember my mother asking the hairdresser to cut my hair like Rachel's. While I didn't pay a lot of attention to it as my mom watched, I do remember the last season as it was happening and feeling what a big deal this show was and what a big deal it was that it was ending after being on nearly my entire life.
However, I don't quite agree that it is the BEST show ever nor has it aged completely well. I try to avoid allowing critiques of characters' personalities cloud my judgement of the show, since it is just a show and personalities are going to be exaggerated, but it is hard to avoid letting their flaws overshadow the overall enjoyment after the first few seasons, especially since they seem to lean into those flaws as the show got more popular over time. Tropes tend to get played over and over.
With that being said, it is a good neutral show to have handy to play in the background or just when you are having one of those days.

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