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The Marvels 2023

There was almost a consensus that this film was bad, but it is very bad. I don't know what audience Disney/Marvel wanted to reach, but it must have pleased a very small group.
The fight scenes are pathetic. The scenes with Kamala's family are at the most childish level possible.

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It's only downward from the last movies. I just watched it to see if I miss anything. But it if you didn't watch the ms marvel serie and Wanda vision you barely understand it. This movie is utter crap. The cgi is bad and the sad face of cap marvel is getting on my nerves.

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Ugh! I guess it would have helped if we'd watched Captain Marvel first, but it was still just so awful. Confusing, weird, not funny. Only saving grace were the costumes and scenery at the various worlds.

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage: - Honestly terrible film.. Could have done much better

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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I think the intended audience is younger than me, which explains why it didn’t hit home for me.

However what I DID love, I sure loved a lot: Kamala, the Flerkins, and the mid-credit scene.

I think it’s a fun, fast paced movie, and it will knock it out of the park for the more youthful crowd. I just think I’ve become more of a “get off my lawn you wacky kids!” than “how do you do, fellow kids?” and that’s not The Marvel’s fault.

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Wow i have never seen such a boring uninteresting Amateur Film as the Marvels.

Bad Acting, Boring Story (actually this Film didnt have a Story) and a Samuel L. Jackson who is in every Movie that comes to the Cinema - at least it feels that way... I turn off the TV after 80 minutes or so because this Movie was not worth my precious time.

I hope that this isnt the end of the Marvel MCU, there are a lot good Movies in there.

And its not the female lead i m criticising there are a LOT good Movies with female Lead Actors like Kill Bill, Neil Marshalls The Descent or Ridley Scotts Alien, only to name a few.

This isnt simply one of them - could it be better ?

Sure with a good Script and a betterDirector.

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I’ve not enjoyed the last few Marvel productions so went into this expecting to hate it but I’ve got to say I really enjoyed it. It was a fast paced fun movie and it wasn’t overly long kept me entertained.

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This is part of the downfall of Marvel movies. I was a big fan of the early movies. And as a kid a loved the comics. But what happend to the scripts and storytelling and I miss the 'darkness' overall. This movies is anothet example: storytelling is bad. There is no character building. Why are the trying to put humor in it? Its not funny at all. It's the humor of Thor, she-hulk, mss marvel... I feel these movies are only pushing womenpower.. why is that have to be in combination with badscripting, bad humor and bad storytelling? Oh and half-way the movie the writes thought it would be funny that they end up in a place where the only can sing... wtf

Oh and I liked WandaVision and Loki a lot by the way.

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Film 57 (Goal: 300) of 2024

Doesn't deserve the hate it received. It's just really forgettable. Any time the film touches on potential it dashes it pretty quickly. Could also do without all the Flerken stuff. But man does Zawe Ashton suck. I get she's Tom Hiddelston's wife but she sucked in Velvet Buzzsaw and she sucked in this as well. Best moments are the interactions of Larson / Parris and Vellani, with Parris and Vellani getting a chance to show their star quality among their more famous lead.

Again, just standard and ultimately forgettable.

There is a post-credit scene (duh). Just how does Beast look worse 15+ years on.

Ranking: 25 / 33 (MCU Feature Films only)

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Lacks proper writing and holds no artistic value. This could be said about nearly any Marvel movie, but with how boring and badly presented this one is - you can't even defend it for being fun.

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Everything was decent until they got to Disney world with the fucking singing. Seriously who the fuck greenlit that? So cringe. And then the cat thing, really? Like really?

what an absolutely boring and forgettable villain. Dar-who?

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I don't think even children dig this...
Marvel keeps getting PG-er solely because they're greedy fucks who want to grab only money with every movie. It's even toned down for kids. What? Is the idea to encompass as much audience as possible?

Also, the adults are more childish than the actual supposed children (25-year-olds masquerading as teens) it's baffling.

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I really liked the first Captain Marvel movie but back then we were still in the Infinity Saga and basically all Marvel movies were great. Unfortunately we all know that the quality of Marvel movies has been stagnating ever since. There are a few outliers (Spider-Man, GotG Vol. 3 for example) but in most cases I‘m not even motivated to watch these movies on the big screen anymore. Same happened with The Marvels and so I waited for it to be released on Disney+ which was today. I must say that it is a decent movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It‘s also not too long which is a good thing. I would definitely recommend to watch the miniseries Ms. Marvel beforehand because the story will be much more enjoyable this way.

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[Disney+] An obvious disaster that sometimes even ends up being so ridiculous that it is funny. At this rate, Phase Five of the MCU is going to be the most mediocre of all, which already indicates the exhaustion, not only of the viewers, but of the creators themselves. With insubstantial villains, unclear plots, childish ideas and little consistency in the main characters, it is not possible for a film to be entertaining. But above all there is a notable weakness in the concept of superheroes, a kind of self-parody that ends up turning them into uninteresting characters.

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So bad, such a shame its gone this direction

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More like Captain Cringe, so many non sensical plot points, song and dance routines and cats, I am definitely no the target audience for this tripe.

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Decent. Not the best, not the worst, but it does take the risk. I personally think The Marvels fit this vibe perfectly. The soundtrack was decent, and the cgi, in most parts, looked great. The costumes weren't the best, and the story was like a wild adventure. A loose plot that took us nowhere but gave us a filler plot to join a trio.

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Shout by Deleted

This tried very hard but totally failed. Right up there with Eternal

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Captain Marvel 2.0 with lot's of everything!
Specifically in the inclusiveness section of the cast.
Okay, I'm gen-x so maybe this is more for the younger generations.
For me, this was a "see it once and do not add to the collection" kind of movie.

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this movie has high production values, but it is a real letdown. unsure why it was ever released

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At least the fight scenes don't disappoint. And the credit scene salvages this film, LOL.

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Didn’t expect much. But it was actually pretty entertaining. 7/10

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A minor entry within the MCU.

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Totally crap. Can't believe i went to the theatre for this.

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The movie was blah! Felt like one of those Netflix movies your throw on in the background when you're doing other things. Marvel franchise is tanking with all these new movies.

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Dar-benn was the only interesting character in this whole movie.

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Shout by kinky

Just look at all those cats!

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Multicrossoverlywannabeinteresting totallyforgettablebigbudgetgoodlookinggildedturd

(-) Singing!!
(-) out of place, bad music overall, nothing memorable or worth listening

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The Flerken rocks big time!!

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This movie just needed a lot more time in the oven. The script is paper-thin and the character building completely absent, especially for the villain Dar-Benn. What might have shocked me the most were some of the movie sets they build and used. Some of them looked like sets from the old Power Rangers show and that's not a good thing in 2024 :sweat_smile:. The movie made me wonder if they have a thing like 'quality control' at Disney.

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As a die hard Marvel fan, I am thoroughly disappointed. This had tons of potential and they just had no idea what to do with it! Brie carried the movie, but what bothered me was her expression, it was one face all movie long.

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I honestly cannot believe, someone paid to see that "movie".

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Makes a great TV movie without the commercials. This was a bit entertaining, with predictable results. The Marvels definitely is not a movie that is blockbuster-worthy. Disney could have left the whole princess/musical scene at the door, this wasn't High School Musical for the big screen. all and all.. 4.5/10

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marvel universe survived by BLADE... and got ended by THE MARVELS .

so disappointing.

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Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParent2024-01-16T21:32:22Z— updated 2024-02-11T15:44:58Z

meh meh meh meh meh. This movie sucks! Don't waste your time on this garbage. Good god I can't endure another one of these!

I found the constant switching to be obnoxious!

If only Kamala would have kept falling from the sky to her death. I found myself wanting to punch her in the face every time her mouth opened. "Twinsies?" STFU you tool.

Not nearly as good as the first one

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Nice easy movie to watch. Nothing fantastic, some good CGI scenes. Love the cat's.
Reminder, watch after some of the credits and see what could be up next. X Men? :thinking:

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Not the worst MCU movie, not the best either, but better than the Ms. Marvel show.

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Why couldn't she close it from this side?

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Way better than I was led to believe. Had a few good chuckles, the chemistry was good between the three leads. Plot was a bit wonky and the villain was very flat. Still, better than expected and didn't deserve to crash this hard at the box office.

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I really tried to write something profound, but kept failing. Guess it'll just say, WTF happened to the "good old" Marvel movies?

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since when were the marvels women. woke

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Second time was better -- even breaking it up over coupl'a viewing sessions.
Nice seeing Beast again!
Binary had both bangles!

ps: We've all seen enough deleted scenes, and heard enough about their process, to know they change things constantly during filming and production: they look for - wait for - lightning to strike. It's not like they start from a blockbuster novel -- these were comic books, and they're getting stuck together in new and different ways. (I've watched deleted scenes from, "Thor Ragnarok," where Hella gets introduced that are so cringy, I for one am SO glad for their process!)

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The Marvels - :heart:x6

Sooo - This movie definitely should have been better. It seems that either the writers left gaping holes in the storyline or the editor did a horrible job and left major plot points on the cutting room floor. Either way, this is why I had to downgrade my rating on this one.

But - it was still enjoyable and fun. The kittens scenes were especially fun. Ms Marvel's pure joy and enthusiasm of meeting her heroes was quite palpable.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Honestly, the post-credits scene was the most interesting part of this movie. That's not to say this movie is bad, it's fine.

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3 Words: Short Disney Stock.

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Black girl magic and a short chunky well on her way to rotund Ms Marvel, what's not to love?

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They are trying really hard, but they aren't getting the right Marvel mix like they used to. This is an enjoyable movie but not Marvel level epic type of enjoyment.

They need to go back to the drawing boarding and build up the Marvel Universe again.

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So much fan service, I loved it. Not too long, funny and silly, but not too dumb, a lot of Marvels, but not too Marvel. And the best post credit scene since Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Iman Vellani is just amazing, so cool to see her on the big screen. Kamala Khan for the win! You earnt the extra point for your team!

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Shout by Deleted

Nah. No. Nope. Don't like it.

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"He doesn't have to sing?"
"No, it's okay, he's bilingual."

I've enjoyed, "Captain Marvel," "Wanda Vision," "Ms. Marvel," and, now this. (But, Kathleen Kennedy should go.)

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I’m not a huge fan of super hero movies, but this one is actually enjoyable.

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I find it a very entertaining movie, it consumes everything, and the story is very good.

The one I like the least is Brie Larson, she doesn't fit the character

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always the same, the majority of the vilans are boring... but the movie is a lot of fun!

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While this is a decent movie. The under-rated and wrongfully hated Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania film is much better. This has better reviews of course. The villain in this especially has nothing on Jonathan Majors.
Even the Jude Law villain in the first one is more memorable. Also the cats steal the show in a Captain Marvel film again…
There’s some fun in Ms. Marvel (Iman Vellani) teaming with her hero Captain Marvel at least. With Vellani’s enthusiasm and charm a plus for the movie.
The movie may grow on me but for now I say it is good but nothing special.

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Shout by Connor Santilli
BlockedParent2023-11-16T05:27:42Z— updated 2023-12-07T21:04:02Z

Rated a Connor 0, normal 5.4

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Surprisingly this was actually a good film! The interaction between the 3 main characters was interesting and Kamala was great playing the super hero fan. There was some rather funny parts in the film, and generally was a feel good movie. Predictable, yes, but definitely one of the better films released recently.

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While I did enjoy these superheroines working together, I want to point out that the amount of movies and series one has to watch to make any sense of this film is simply overwhelming. I thought that I was prepared enough by watching the two series in which Ms. Marvel and Dr. Rambeau gained their powers (and most of the other stuff up to 2021) - but was wrong. In fact, one has to watch pretty much ALL movies and series from the current MCU since 2008 to understand the overall setting and the backgrounds of the characters that appear here...

While it's absolutely great that Marvel recently tries to be more inclusive and enthral women for their movies, I highly doubt that strategy is going to work when these potential new audiences are expected to have watched hundreds of hours of previous movies and series beforehand.

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A 6.5 more than a 6 but felt very superficial : badly acted/written anti-heroes , kamala khan character is just annoying as hell , everything was super predictable, dance/music scene was just awful.
Fights looked ok but very repetitive.

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I Enjoyed both WandaVision and Ms Marvel. Both had well driven plots and interesting and fun lead characters. Bringing them together in this new team up worked fairly well. Where it was let down was in the jumbled plot and lack of any tangible threat. The predictable plot developments and lack of any tangible threat made the whole film feel inconsequential.

Good acting, some interesting visuals don't make up for the rushed plot. Where is the overarching story that we got so engrossed in in Phase 1 & 2 without even realising it. This unsubtle jumble of ideas feels like a wasted opportunity to bring Marvel to a new audience and instead angered the existing supporters.

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The movie did not hold my intereit was like going to the bathroom and come back and you didn't miss anything it was boring to me The CW version Was more interesting. sorry!

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This movie was enjoyable and fun. I enjoyed this more than Quantumania. One of my favorite MCU movies in a while.

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Like an orgasm during a colonoscopy, this was more feel-good than I expected or wanted.

While I appreciate the feminine forward momentum of the film and found it pleasantly more focused than its predecessor, The Marvels was too light for a serious Marvel film and too serious for a comedy.

That said, Iman Vellani was an energy blast of light all over this movie.

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The body switching was fun, not a terrible movie, not the best either. Didn’t like how everything was shot in such a tight and narrow field of view. Felt like I was watching a higher budget tv show than a full production cinematic movie.

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I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I'd say it's definitely worth a watch. Kamala really steals the movie. Her attitude and excitement through the movie was just fun to watch. The flow of the movie wasn't bad. I never felt like I was bored. It also jumps into the action pretty quickly by picking up where Ms. Marvel ended. The fights and battles were really well done. Especially after all 3 of the main characters figured out how to control their powers.

You can honestly skip the after credit scene. It's the sound of a cat and not worth you time.

The mid credit scene is absolute fire though. It's nice to see that Marvel is finally moving forward

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That was the most fun MCU film to date. I absolutely adored the on screen chemistry between the Marvel Trio! Be sure to stick around for the mid credits scene!

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I loved Kamala in this. A lot of shit was unnecessary (like adding Nick Fury), but the movie was great. Not TOP TIER great, but enjoyable.

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the best part is the relationship between the 3 main characters and especially Miss Marvel, the worst part is the rest.

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"The Marvels" showcases impressive chemistry among its three lead characters, delivering a fun and charming dynamic that stands out. The film excels in setting up future stages of the MCU, echoing the groundbreaking promise of "Iron Man" nearly two decades ago. The editing deserves praise for seamlessly handling the protagonists' power swaps.

However, the movie suffers from a convoluted plot, juggling too many characters, locations, and side stories simultaneously, leading to a lack of investment in certain elements. The villain, while having a clear drive, feels underdeveloped and reminiscent of past two-dimensional Marvel antagonists. The film's reliance on Disney Plus shows for a complete understanding may alienate viewers who haven't watched them, posing a potential challenge for those seeking a standalone cinematic experience. Despite these issues, "The Marvels" remains a must-watch for MCU fans, offering crucial insights into the future of the universe.

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It was mid bordering on decent, way better than most slops Marvel has been coming up with post MoM. The leads are decent, the scenario feel a bit rushed to be fair, especially the start, and the final fight is also underwhelming, but everything in between was good and the villain isn't as lame as some people pretend. She is threatening and already has a threatening past. This isn't some non-risky villain as professionals reviewers loved to pretend.

But unfortunately like nu-Marvel and everything post endgame, it's aimless and safe. If you watch this on streaming, you'll probably have a decent time. Less so paying full price for a cinema ticket and expecting your money to be well spent.

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A fun and wacky adventure that was mostly self contained and minimally consequential. What Thor Love and Thunder tried to be. 

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Not as bad as Love and Thunder and the musical was held to one song. So better than expected.

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With all the nervousness of Marvel, and after being disappointed with some previous Marvel movies, I was skeptical. But I liked Captain Marvel, was amazed by the story of Captain Rambeau through the series, and I love the fresh take on superhero and being a crazy fan for your idol of Ms Marvel, so I had to see this on the big screen. First evening, in an almost empty theater, but man, this did NOT disappoint. My face is still sore of all the smiling, I laughed out loud so many times, this movie is a lot of fun!!!

A bit of science babble, a bit of action, some personal moments, a not too farfetched story with a not too complex solution, and a nice continuation in the grand scheme of things being set up - I loved this!

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