Shouts about...

The Marvels 2023

It’s not often that I have such a strong aversion to a movie that I have not seen. I will never ever ever watch this. From the preview, posters past Miss Marvel etc. I know with 100% certainty that I will hate this movie. I’m still having cringe flashbacks from the preview. And I love bad ass chicks - I even have Trakt list by that name…

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This is if Disney made a movie for marvel and for 13 year old girls. Probably the worst marvel movie, has nothing to do with the great first of Captain Marvel. Super boring, super childish, i mean Bollywood ? musical ? Spaceballs but in marvel style. A complete disaster.

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Worst MCU movie so far. If they don't produce something that feels epic and engaging going forward then the MCU is basically dead.

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This was awesome. Quit being a bunch of joyless funhaters.

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I laughed so much!
Not because the movie was funny but it had a so bad scenario, and the acting was so lame that I couldn't stop laughing.
We are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far from the first Marvel movies, Loki or Dr Strange movies.
It feels like a teenage Marvel movie.

The part with the singing people, I almost cried. Princess Carol, seriously?
Stay away from this guys

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Who approved such a crappy script? Do we need three to share powers. Pointless.

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This must be the first film written by chatgpt

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Absolute dumpster fire. Kamala Khan has to be the cringiest, worst "hero" in the MCU.

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Once again a Marvel movie/show starring Women get negative reviews for being boring, long, blah, etc., misc, and OMFG I am tired of it.

This movie had me laughing with quite a bit of the humor, as well as the Kamala fan-girling on Captain Marvel like one would expect. This movie had heart, it had accountability, ownership, humor and quite frankly it was fun (not to mention the first MOVIE to truly incorporate a Marvel show into the universe, rather than cameo or referencing it).

Ms. Marvel was short changed in her series, and I hope that we get to see more of her now that her character has this tie-in; and if we don't get something more with Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau, I am calling BS on Marvel Studios.

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Shout by Dulneth Perera
BlockedParent2024-01-16T08:25:34Z— updated 2024-01-29T13:00:39Z

3/10 (+1 for Hailee cameo)

Look, I wouldn't waste your time yapping how bad The Marvels is – the internet's got that covered. Let's just say Nick Fury could've seen the plot twist with one eye closed, blindfolded, and asleep.

To begin with,I went in expecting a lukewarm 5/10 with some good fighting scenes, but even that was too optimistic of me. Captain Marvel was also a mediocre movie for me, too bland and generic with little to no plot. The general formula for a sequel is to take everything in the prequel and make it a thousand times better. Same weak formula, tripled down on everything that made the first one meh. Poorly written female character? Triple it. Forgettable villains? Check. Corny and forced jokes? Check. Recycled plot lines? Recycle it again.

Overall its a cosmic snooze-fest.

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Fccckkkk this is bad. Don’t watch!

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If anyone has closely followed the last few Marvel series, this movie stands out. Additionally, a big plus for the great role of Iman Vellani, who perfectly transferred Ms. Marvel to cinemas. :)

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The haters are going to hate this movie. Mostly because they just default to hating Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel. Come in just looking for things to hate. But this movie is a LOT of fun. Go in in a light hearted mood. Numerous things had me laughing out loud in the cinema.

The end could have been wrapped up a bit faster.

And OMFG THE MID-CREDITS SCENE!!! OMGOMGOMOGOD!!! (there is no post-credits scene).

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What a trainwreck of a movie.

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I think Goose and company should get their own movie because they rocked! The extra scene was great too but other than that the movie wasn't marvel magic. It was a normal super hero movie with bad jokes and hope they work.

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Shoot me, I love it.

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I don't comment often on movies, but I gotta say I LOVED this one. There are so many haters out there over this movie, you really need to see it yourself and make your own decision on it. Yes, I've seen Ms. Marvel, which helps bring her into perspective for it, but I don't think that matters. I had no clue who Monica was, and that didn't matter. The characters all meshed so well, the story was fun and emotional. You don't need to be nose deep in the Marvel world to thoroughly enjoy this movie.

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Cringe. This did not need to be made.

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Wanted to drop after 15 minutes couldn’t stand it at minute 27.
Stay away from this. This is the first MCU movie I will not be watching.
I really think MCU is dead.

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Why does this feel like I'm watching one of Kamala's Captain Marvel fanfics

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Had there been any semblance of quality control at Marvel, they would have realized this movie was unfit for cinematic release.

Constructing a movie that requires hours of Disney+ homework to understand not one, but two main characters who have never been introduced into the cinematic universe before is not conducive to a good viewing experience.

Plot feels flimsy, sloppy and chopped to hell, character arcs are non-existent, and Captain Marvel in particular is written as a completely different character from her first film. Third act is contrived and on auto-pilot.

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"Monica, you gotta fly"
"I don't know how"
"Use black girl magic"

Oscar winning writing

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A Marvel Phase 5 movie for the cringe fangirls wannabes, the phony science mambo jambo tryhards and the weirdo unanappealing cat ladies. A humorless parody simulacra of a MCU movie from the first three phases. It's more painful to watch than the first episode of Ms Marvel (I never managed to watch the rest). Nick Fury managed to get eviscerated even further than he was on Captain Marvel and Secret Invasion. The only good things in the movie are two good songs that feel completely out of place and act like music videos with cringe visuals. The original music videos of those songs are a better watch though. The villain is a joke cosplayer that tries harder to be cool than the tryhard from the quantum realm.
You can really feel Marvel's desperation when they put the post credits scene on the trailer for the movie. I think this was a first. And what an empty mystery box that was! This was definitely a huge nail in the MCU coffin. Let's see for how much longer they will drag that corpse.

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Amazingly unhinged. One of the more enjoyable MCU films in a long time

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I watched this film this afternoon and I gotta say that IMHO the hate this film is already getting is almost totally unjustified. I think Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris and Iman Vellani did a brilliant job with their respective characters and their on screen chemistry with each other was spot on.

I agree with the criticisms I've read re: Dar-Benn the main villain, she was maybe a lil one dimensional but she was performed ok and fitted the narrative of the story as an Accuser looking to avenge Captain Marvel's destruction of the Kree empire.

I liked the final scene showing us what's to come with Ms Marvel meeting Kate Bishop, leading to the formation of The Young Avengers.

And finally there is one mid credit scene and that is a BIG reveal as we get introduced to an X-Men universe and we meet Kelsey Grammer's Beast and Binary played by Lashana Lynch (Maria Rambeau in the normal MCU universe).

For me personally this is a 8/10 film. I really enjoyed it!

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Another boring and inconsequential Marvel movie, not much different from what DC would do.

The change of positions between protagonists is the only interesting thing, but it doesn't feel very used.

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The most fun and fancy free Marvel movie since the original Guardians of the Galaxy. I was worried, but the only reason you won't like this movie is if you think the MCU has to be dark and surrius all the time or are intimidated by leads that are not white and/or male.

Also, we got old (good) Fury back. They need to add "What If..." to the title of Secret Invasion and never discuss it again.

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This movie is not bad like some people are saying. It's fun, but not filled with idiotic jokes completely out of time like Thor: Love and Thunder. The villain doesn't really stand out, but The Marvels work really good together AND OMG THE MID-CREDITS SCENE!!!!!!!! Overall, I liked it.

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I'd like to say that I'm surprised by the hate for this film, but it's so blatantly obvious, it smacks you right in the face. The problem here is not film itself. It's a wonderfully directed piece by Nia DaCosta, who kept the tone fun and light-hearted and created a film that didn't take itself too seriously. The three leads had great chemistry together. I think that Iman Vellani is a tremendous talent and has a bright future ahead of her. The hate for this film derived from the fact this it was a woman-forward film, and not just women but women of color. And, many of the co-stars of this film were people of color, as well. White, Marvel fanboys don't tolerate women or people of color at all, and it's been shown not only in the Marvel Universe but in other films, as well. Women-centric films, and films depicting stories involving people of color, receive low ratings and poor reviews from many members of the public. It's undeserved, and it stifles creative outlets for anyone who isn't white, Christian, heterosexual, and cisgender male.

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Finally a third act of a MCU movie that doesn't drag itself out far far too long. The shorter runtime on this is a legit thing that made the movie that would have been terrible, to a more neutral fine for me. All because unlike most recent entries, they trimmed it down nicely, if not poorly edited.

Fine movie, but carried for me at least by Iman Vellani's pure presence. When she or the Ms Marvel family was on screen it was a delight, and the rest of the movie was fine enough, although I really did enjoy both the intro sequence and training montage.

The CGI looks better than recent entries, albeit nothing too incredible but also not near the Disney forced crunch of Antman/MODOK. Pretty enough, fun enough and short enough that it was fine if not tonally all over the place lol.

Better movies out there this year that you should watch instead, but also worse movies.

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Carol Danvers is the only, and will always be "THE ONLY" Ms Marvel.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008)
The incredible Hulk (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Thor (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The Avengers (2012)
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Black Panther (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Phase Four
Black Widow (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Eternals (2021)

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
The Marvels (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Fantastic Four

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I wasn't blown away by this, it was OK, but...maybe it was the Disney influence - from the singing and dancing princess (really) to the lack of peril.
For a superhero film to thrill you really need peril, and this just didn't have it, at no point was I thinking, even a little, "how are they going to get out of this?".
MCU lite for kids not even born when the MCU started, maybe.

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I think you have to go into The Marvels having seen a trailer, or at the very least, Ms. Marvel, because they set the tone perfectly. The Marvels sometimes lands awkwardly, but for the most part, does what it sets out to do and that is 'be fun'.

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Went in with low expectations, and enjoyed it. Didn't have to think about the multi verse too much in this MCU movie.

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This was a really fun movie and I'm so disappointed I didn't support it in theaters. It was the same amount of fun I got from Thor Ragnarok! I implore anyone to give a try, the chemistry between the three actresses is very fun and it adds nicely to the wider "cosmic" world that's been built by Ragnarok and the Guardian movies!

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What kind of bs resolutions were those...!!? Pulling "space-time" fracture pieces with "light" threads, like Spiderman pulling trains with his web! And Carol just jump-started a star..! If she could've done that, then their entire civil war happened because "Carol didn't think of that." Disappointing.

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Was I watching a superhero movie or a musical

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this was fun as hell and i feel genuinely bad for anyone who didn't enjoy it. not a cinematic masterpiece, absolutely a weak villain, but this is the mcu—fun is all i want out of the franchise these days.

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Great fun, even with the monotonous score. The scene during the credits was fantastic.

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Wow, the Marvel universe is really just scrapping the bottom of the barrel to cater for everyone.

This movie is squarely aimed at 10-14 year old girls. Everyone else should just skip this movie. Way too much girl drama.

Special effects are of course great, no expense spared in that department, but the story is incredibly weak, and honestly, I just don't like most of the characters.

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Haters hating the movie que gives more comic books vibes...what a joke


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Just BAD! Best part was seeing BEAST in the end! no the very very end

The rest can go into the future trash Bin! Like most of the woke industry this did it justice! If you want to sit through a Disney quality movie you're going to get exactly what you're asking for with this. High budget $220m movie. Crappy acting. Sam Jackson was seen very little as always. I recommend passing on this. You won't even get the feeling that you've watched a meaning marvels movie! Since Disney's takeover all the Marvel movies have been underwhelming, And have decided from this point forward that I no longer will be supporting this industry. The IP is dead, just like they killed Star Wars. Some of my most favorite, most memorable movie moments. Have been in the Marvel Universe and in the Star Wars. But thank you for killing all that! Hi5.

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Outstanding Flick! The plot was a bit different than normal Marvel fare, but it was still awesome!

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Just more WOKE Garbage ! Belongs in the Septic Tank

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the corporate greed monster has completely lost its way.

this movie and a few before is the death knell of the Marvel Universe and Disney.

I used to really like these movies but the quality of the writing, the really odd scenes, lazy casting and obvious mistakes just made this hard to watch.

It reminded me of a really bad, back of the drawer, straight to Netflix movie.

not worthy of your time, just utter garbage.

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OMG! The cat was must MARVELOUS, BABY!!! Hilarious!

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Really fun movie, the singing people were a bit weird. For the rest is was funny and good. Acting started really poor but in the end it got better. The movie itself gets an 7 but because of the end credit scene with beast!!

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I don't get the hate for this, it was fun. Could the villian have been a little better fleshed out? absolutely, but I laughed out loud at several parts and didn't regret watching it in the slightest. It's just a fun, popcorn movie.

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Annoying kid. A lack of storyline. Too many unesscessary scenes. A lack of any real character development.

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Monica is alive and then finally she found her mom.
And Goose has a Born kitten Omg!!:rofl::rofl::joy::joy::cat2:‍:black_large_square::cat2:‍:black_large_square::kissing_cat::kissing_cat:

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There's actually a couple of very fun and refreshing sequences in this that kept it from being the slog that that the last 2 years of marvel has largely felt like to me!

Thank goodness for Iman Vellani and the khan family otherwise this movie would have been particularly rough.

Who is the villain? What did they want? What exactly happened to them? I honestly am not sure.

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Genuinely bland at everything it tries to do, yet I never found myself bored or particularly displeased. The three protagonists work well together and end up getting surprisingly likeable. Somehow, it felt like an early MCU film, ludicrous moments and naive writing included. The central part felt a little rushed, but at the same time, I have a feeling that keeping the running time as short as possible is one of the film's strengths.

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The villain had fuck all to do with Thanos something Disney advertised in the last trailer.
I didn’t hate it but it’s not a good movie.
There’s so many problems with this movie and only a few positives.
- Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) steals the show.
- The whole thing with teleportation whenever they use their powers was cool and well done.
- Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau were fine.
- The villain had nothing to do with Thanos. Honestly I can’t remember her name she was a 1 and done character that is quite forgettable.
- A planet where people sing as a way of communicating.
- Another MCU movie where there’s big consequences but never taken seriously with way too much humour especially Nick Fury who is meant to be the serious one.
- Mid-credit scene didn’t really provide anything new that we didn’t already know and no end credit scene.

Definitely not the worst MCU movie.

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Based on the comments I think I'll skip

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I loved this! Singing and lots of cute kitties with a bit of action :yum:

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why the hell did they shove a musical in the middle of the movie. Apart from that it was Ok but very predictable especially the way she helped the planet at the end.

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The Marvels is far from perfect. But, it’s nonetheless entertaining and it's difficult not to get swept up in its infectious energy.

It’s exciting to see three women superheroes actually work together and get none of the Endgame “female empowerment” scenes.

The chemistry between these three leads is a joy to watch. Their comedic timing and warmth make this trio one you immediately want to see more of.

Iman Vellani’s Kamala Khan is the heart of the film and she delivers a warm, big-hearted, charming performance.

No one's having more fun in this movie than Kamala Khan.

As an enjoyable entry into the MCU, The Marvels proudly celebrates being unapologetically wild and funny.

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I’m glad I watched those two tv shows so I knew the other two Marvels, but it feels like Marvel Studios won’t be doing that shit again. The three leads have really good chemistry and there are some fun moments with the teleporting gobbledygook that holds the film together. Outside of that, it is kind of messy, between the underdeveloped villain and the cartoon formerly known as Nick Fury. But hey there is always a post credit scene to leave you wanting more.

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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique

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Did they leave a planet to get destroyed, and then forget about it seconds later. This movie is annoying

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too short, needed more backstory, plot development

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This was an embarrassment. Only writers purposely out to destroy a movie could’ve produced this hot garbage. They’re the real villains in this story.

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ms marvel was sexy, elegant and womanizing, the MCU killed that character. Created abomination.

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The Marvels is filled with cheap thrills but no meat.

The Marvels" is a fun, action-packed superhero adventure that brings together Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Monica Rambeau to save the universe. While the film has some positive moral elements like family and doing the right thing, it falls very short of the standards Marvel had set till Endgame. Often falling into the categories of cringe and unnecessary drama. You never really care about the Characters as the writing is extremely mediocre and has minimal emotional depth.

The character interactions, visuals, and humor might still make it a popcorn-worthy entertainer, but be informed that the story is messy, the villain is uninteresting, and the pacing is uneven throughout. Performances are strictly over the top. However look out for that mind blowing post credit scene integrating Marvel to whole new world.

Overall, "The Marvels" is a decent entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially for fans of the individual characters but will stay a huge disappointment for the ardent Marvel fans from before.

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The mediocracy of Marvel Phase Five continues with The Marvels, another generic superhero film. When the new Kree leader launches a series of attacks on other worlds, Captain Marvel attempts to stop her, but finds herself switching places with two other women due to a mysterious connection. Brie Larson seems to be phoning in her performance, but Iman Vellani is incredible charismatic and really shines in her role. Also, the writing is rather weak; particularly in how it tries to manufacture conflict between Marvel and her pseudo-niece and create some kind of mystery as to what happened with Marvel and the Kree. Still, there are some fun and exciting action scenes, as well as some nice bits of humor. The Marvels is entertaining and delivers some thrills, but it’s largely forgettable and does little to advance the larger MCU.

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While the musical communication scene caught my attention as a musical enthusiast, the film overall left much to be desired. The randomness throughout often left me bewildered, struggling to follow the plot. The ending, though amusing, seemed more absurd than satisfying, eliciting laughter for perhaps unintended reasons.

Despite its shortcomings, I found some enjoyment, particularly in Miss Marvel, who emerged as a standout character. However, "The Marvels" falls short of becoming a favourite in the Marvel cinematic universe, with its disjointed narrative and an ending that leans towards the ludicrous.

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The musical crap I could have dealt without but the rest was good. People were way over critical, it's not the best but not the worst as painted in the media.

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Even for a superhero movie, this is pretty dumb, and full of plot holes you could drive a semi through!

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I'm 26 yo, and today, 30th march 2024, I've seen the worst movie ever made

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Cute movie but honestly getting sick of the girl power movies always hitting the girly stereotypes. The chemistry between the 3 female leads is great, so it's that much more disappointing that it has to hit all those girly girl BS.

If these companies, especially Disney, want to create real female heroes then they're going to have to let go of this Disney princess garbage. It's false, misleading, and makes girls that want to grow up to be taken seriously think that it's a requirement to be girly still. Worse it instills it into boys and men who watch this. Young women should be shown as strong without the princess nonsense.

Finally the multiverse is stupid. Unlimited universes would mean only a matter of time before the whole thing would collapse mathematically. Fun to explain how so many characters can die, come back to life, redo entire storylines, but tired and not based in any reality.

Still fun, but just like every other Disney movie about female leads, so a 6/10.

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I can see why this movie exists and who it might appeal to, but to a general fan this one will be skipped/forgettable. It is cheesy, noticeably lower budget, and does not hit the highs of the great superhero films. I still enjoyed this much more than several Marvel films, but it is FAR from the best.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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One of the worst Marvel movies. OMG

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What a dogsh*t movie. They really do a disservice to women by pretending this garbage is empowering.

I genuinely hope women get better superheroes than this trash.

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I had low expectations for this only because the trailer made it look pretty bad.
This was fun to watch, Iman Vellani was adorable. I’ve only seen half of Ms Marvel, but I thought she was great and added a fun dynamic to it.
Story was typical Marvel, the power switching was inconsistent but a neat idea and the ending seemed anti climactic.

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That could have easily been one of Ms Marvels episodes - nothing special about it

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Wow, that was painful to watch.

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To be honest, I don't really get the hate. All movies in the MCU are meant to just turn off your brain and enjoy. If you do that, you'd realize these movies are actually a lot of fun even if you didn't watch their origin stories (I don't really remember Captain Marvel's movie or watched Ms Marvels's movie but I really enjoyed this one)...Though I could be wrong but I don't think the other one had an origin story released in the MCU, and that's ok.

Do you need to watch any other movies in the MCU to understand this one? Maybe Avengers Endgame as they do reference the blip...but tbh that is like 2 seconds of the movie so you'd be ok if you haven't seen it.

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While the chemistry between the leads shines, "The Marvels" struggles with a muddled plot and rushed emotional connections, leaving it a disappointing entry in the MCU.

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Marvel is dead. This is not marvel

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waste of my time. so disappointed.

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People can’t seem to agree on The Marvels, but it’s definitely not worse than Thor: The Dark World and it’s also better than the original Captain Marvel. You can’t convince me otherwise.

I had a pretty okay time with this. Kamala is easily the highpoint, but I must say, I like the these three together most of the time. The training montage was fun, for example. I even chuckled a few times. Not so serious Nick Fury fits right in and is a lot more fun than Secret Invasion’s grumpy old bastard.

Does it have issues? Sure, the whole thing is super rushed. That doesn’t benefit the storytelling, but it is nice and short because of it. A had a bigger problem with things happening or people knowing things, because they have to in order to keep things moving in the necessary direction.

“I have to close the rift from the other side.”
“Just because.”

That’s just one example and it’s lazy writing. That is the biggest flaw for me, so it’s not the singing planet or something. Yes, it’s goofy and weird. And it doesn’t make sense at all, but I didn’t really mind it.

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There was almost a consensus that this film was bad, but it is very bad. I don't know what audience Disney/Marvel wanted to reach, but it must have pleased a very small group.
The fight scenes are pathetic. The scenes with Kamala's family are at the most childish level possible.

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It's only downward from the last movies. I just watched it to see if I miss anything. But it if you didn't watch the ms marvel serie and Wanda vision you barely understand it. This movie is utter crap. The cgi is bad and the sad face of cap marvel is getting on my nerves.

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Ugh! I guess it would have helped if we'd watched Captain Marvel first, but it was still just so awful. Confusing, weird, not funny. Only saving grace were the costumes and scenery at the various worlds.

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage: - Honestly terrible film.. Could have done much better

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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I think the intended audience is younger than me, which explains why it didn’t hit home for me.

However what I DID love, I sure loved a lot: Kamala, the Flerkins, and the mid-credit scene.

I think it’s a fun, fast paced movie, and it will knock it out of the park for the more youthful crowd. I just think I’ve become more of a “get off my lawn you wacky kids!” than “how do you do, fellow kids?” and that’s not The Marvel’s fault.

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Wow i have never seen such a boring uninteresting Amateur Film as the Marvels.

Bad Acting, Boring Story (actually this Film didnt have a Story) and a Samuel L. Jackson who is in every Movie that comes to the Cinema - at least it feels that way... I turn off the TV after 80 minutes or so because this Movie was not worth my precious time.

I hope that this isnt the end of the Marvel MCU, there are a lot good Movies in there.

And its not the female lead i m criticising there are a LOT good Movies with female Lead Actors like Kill Bill, Neil Marshalls The Descent or Ridley Scotts Alien, only to name a few.

This isnt simply one of them - could it be better ?

Sure with a good Script and a betterDirector.

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I’ve not enjoyed the last few Marvel productions so went into this expecting to hate it but I’ve got to say I really enjoyed it. It was a fast paced fun movie and it wasn’t overly long kept me entertained.

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This is part of the downfall of Marvel movies. I was a big fan of the early movies. And as a kid a loved the comics. But what happend to the scripts and storytelling and I miss the 'darkness' overall. This movies is anothet example: storytelling is bad. There is no character building. Why are the trying to put humor in it? Its not funny at all. It's the humor of Thor, she-hulk, mss marvel... I feel these movies are only pushing womenpower.. why is that have to be in combination with badscripting, bad humor and bad storytelling? Oh and half-way the movie the writes thought it would be funny that they end up in a place where the only can sing... wtf

Oh and I liked WandaVision and Loki a lot by the way.

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Film 57 (Goal: 300) of 2024

Doesn't deserve the hate it received. It's just really forgettable. Any time the film touches on potential it dashes it pretty quickly. Could also do without all the Flerken stuff. But man does Zawe Ashton suck. I get she's Tom Hiddelston's wife but she sucked in Velvet Buzzsaw and she sucked in this as well. Best moments are the interactions of Larson / Parris and Vellani, with Parris and Vellani getting a chance to show their star quality among their more famous lead.

Again, just standard and ultimately forgettable.

There is a post-credit scene (duh). Just how does Beast look worse 15+ years on.

Ranking: 25 / 33 (MCU Feature Films only)

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Lacks proper writing and holds no artistic value. This could be said about nearly any Marvel movie, but with how boring and badly presented this one is - you can't even defend it for being fun.

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Everything was decent until they got to Disney world with the fucking singing. Seriously who the fuck greenlit that? So cringe. And then the cat thing, really? Like really?

what an absolutely boring and forgettable villain. Dar-who?

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I don't think even children dig this...
Marvel keeps getting PG-er solely because they're greedy fucks who want to grab only money with every movie. It's even toned down for kids. What? Is the idea to encompass as much audience as possible?

Also, the adults are more childish than the actual supposed children (25-year-olds masquerading as teens) it's baffling.

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I really liked the first Captain Marvel movie but back then we were still in the Infinity Saga and basically all Marvel movies were great. Unfortunately we all know that the quality of Marvel movies has been stagnating ever since. There are a few outliers (Spider-Man, GotG Vol. 3 for example) but in most cases I‘m not even motivated to watch these movies on the big screen anymore. Same happened with The Marvels and so I waited for it to be released on Disney+ which was today. I must say that it is a decent movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It‘s also not too long which is a good thing. I would definitely recommend to watch the miniseries Ms. Marvel beforehand because the story will be much more enjoyable this way.

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[Disney+] An obvious disaster that sometimes even ends up being so ridiculous that it is funny. At this rate, Phase Five of the MCU is going to be the most mediocre of all, which already indicates the exhaustion, not only of the viewers, but of the creators themselves. With insubstantial villains, unclear plots, childish ideas and little consistency in the main characters, it is not possible for a film to be entertaining. But above all there is a notable weakness in the concept of superheroes, a kind of self-parody that ends up turning them into uninteresting characters.

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So bad, such a shame its gone this direction

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More like Captain Cringe, so many non sensical plot points, song and dance routines and cats, I am definitely no the target audience for this tripe.

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Decent. Not the best, not the worst, but it does take the risk. I personally think The Marvels fit this vibe perfectly. The soundtrack was decent, and the cgi, in most parts, looked great. The costumes weren't the best, and the story was like a wild adventure. A loose plot that took us nowhere but gave us a filler plot to join a trio.

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