Shouts about...

Prometheus 2012

OK. This was very good.. Ridley at his best. Most people will react in a bad way... people stop.. breath.. and think.. does this have "aliens" in the any way? NO. its not part of the aliens quadrilogy. It's based in the same universe. Very different thing.

Getting that out of the way.. Ridley has pushed this movie since he made the first alien.Why? since he did the space jockey scene he stated that he wanted to get back to that scene and explain it. He partially did it. This is his return to it, and to explain why the hell was that ship in lv426.

This thing has one to be best cinematography of 2012 so far. Very well directed, good tempo. Yes the script seems to have some small problems, but its based on editing. Ridley already come out saying the dvd/blueray editions will have an extra 20 minutes + 30 minutes of deleted scenes.. that's almost an extra hour of movie, that should tie it all up very well.

PS.: Warlord..Dont bring predaliens to the discussion.. its not of the same universe, and was just a way for fox to get a few more bucks out of all the aliens fans.

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Haters gonna hate...everything I desire in a sci-fi flick...great cast...check, stunning cinematography...check, gruesome footage..check, amazing soundtrack...check...yessss an actual soundtrack and not repeat radio edits of teenage hits... Cannot wait for the sequel(s) and looking forward to Neca releasing new Prometheus figures also

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Great movie! But you have to think and go further after the movie.

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Enjoyed this film. Great visual effect. <3 it :)

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I heard bad things about this movie. Because of those low expectations I was surprised. I don't regret watching it.

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Great film. No more to say. If you don't get it, don't watch the next one!

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A great movie, loved it :)

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Shout by Deleted


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Great! Not fatastic but i enjoy very much. Seems a prequel of Alien.

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I really enjoyed this and found it to be an excellent movie. Of course there are questions but there is with any movie. It was far better than say Alien 3. I have yet to watch Alien: Resurgence or Covenant yet. They are on my list.

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I really liked it. It was different from Alien. But I liked the atmosphere. Especially at the beginning where they began thinking about who created the human race.

The ending wasn't as strong as the beginning but I still really liked it.

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I actually love this film.. From production to the acting... #beemmeup

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Postmodern commercial film faithful to its roots.

I watched Aliens when I was 8 years old and I loved it. Then I watched Alien and I knew from the start it was a Masterpiece.

Prometheus has ingredients from both: It's full of symbols, with HR Giger's masterfull design, good script and score. The hardcore scientific crew conform a good bunch of characters.

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Love the gadget & technology implemented in this sci-fi movie. Wondering when will i can use those cool flying red ball environmental scanner..

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Has quite a few plot holes, but apart from those, brilliant movie!
Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender...

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So close to being perfect, this is an interesting take on our future and our past, in a pseudo-prequel to ALIEN that doesn't do a good a job as it thinks it is doing in explaining where we come from...;)

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I appreciate its not for everyone, but for me it's a great movie. Just don't expect loads of xenomorphs and enjoy it for what it is.

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Great movie.
More than I expected

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Awsome. Outstanding.
Yes. Do not expect another Alien-shot-em-up-on-a-space-ship-flick.
This is more! Same universe but far away of slimy aggresive beasts.
Thanks, Mr. Scott to share your visions.
Great setup, great design, great cuttingand.
If Hans Zimmer would have made the sound, oh my god....(he was booked for the Dark Knight, excused)

Looking forward to grap the BD.

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This movie may or may not be flawless considering the amount of information you truly have after seeing it. I had to see it twice but as far as how it places in the Alien universe it's number one for me. So many more blended themes and ideas than the alien movies. Each character in Prometheus has their own motives which double entirely different themes, or at least a part of one. man v man, man v himself, man v nature, man v machine, man v giant awesome huge albino white man who may or may not be a god/ superman, man v goo. Fucking terrific shit in this movie and without seeing a sequel I can't really pretend to know exactly what happened or what the motives of everyone in the movie was. Have to call this Superb/totally ninja. There was a few issues make up, and sound effects places over magic lord of the rings style jewelry.

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Overall a very good movie, however I wish more was explained and that the alien humanoid communicated with the expedition instead of rip some heads off!

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Probably the best outer space Christmas movie

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Love it. So twisted and dark

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A king has his reign, and then he dies. It's inevitable.

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I enjoyed this, way better than I had been led to believe

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Stunning visuals and production design are to be expected from a Ridley Scott film and this is no exception. Whilst set in the Alien universe, this is not an Alien film at all. Instead the film explores mankind's quest to find out who we are and how we were created. Scott touches on the conflict between faith, religion and science, the nature of creation, mankind's need for knowledge and drive to advance whatever the risk. These themes help to make Prometheus much more interesting than what could have been a retread of the Alien films. Rapace and Fassbender have the standout characters here, though Theron more than holds her own. There are some plot contrivances to drive the film forward, such as Shaw's remarkable recovery from surgery and Janek's sudden awareness of what is going on, but Scott still manages to craft a tense and exciting story and hopefully there will be further films to build on this.

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Just a nice slimy sci fi movie. Good SFX, entertaining, no more, no less.

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It's been almost five years since I watched this the first time. I gave it a lukewarm review back then and I really got hung up on some of the silliness. Janek (Idris Alba) getting Vickers (Charlize Theron) to sleep with him by singing her a stinking old Stephen Stills song. A biologist and a geologist get stoned in their spacesuits. Let go of the hippie '60s already, Ridley!

Anyway, my second watch was much more enjoyable. I really liked David the android (Michael Fassbender) with his desire for freedom and his penchant for "Lawrence of Arabia". Shaw (Noomi Rapace) was a heroic character and I really respected her drive for answers, her faith, and survival instincts. Charlize Theron was great this time around and her role as a villain was much more pronounced.

There does seem to be a theme of creator/offspring or parent/child or something along those lines. The space jockeys were satisfying and what they were doing on planet LV-233 was a neat twist. We got a giant facehugger and a little Xenomorph. It didn't feel much like an "Alien" series movie, but I don't care. It was a much better Sci-Fi tale this time around.

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Brilliant film.. Don't see why it's hated on so much unless they don't realize what prequel means...?

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Prometheus can still be pretty good, but it could have been much more than great visuals and ridiculous suspense. It ends questionable. The characters are not that appealing, except David. It's definitely not as superior as Ridley Scott's classic Alien movie. Scott sure did a well job directing this but he's muddled with this script and this incomplete story. But like I said, it's worth watching for the visuals and the interesting concept, but in the end, it will make you wait for the possible sequels. It's still fascinating and recommendable.

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I just heared very bad reviews from my friends and the media. But after i saw the movie, i have to say: great sci-fi-movie with a plot, that makes total sense.

One explaining was very very short, but if this is not a problem for you, it's a good movie.

The visuals are just fantastic.

total: 8/10

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Truth is people like to make "Prometheus" sound like the worst movie ever, but it's not. It may have some mistakes and a few bad narrative choices, but its still a very fun, compelling, genuine piece to watch.

Idris Elba, Fassbender and Charlize Theron KILL IT in their characters and all the visuals are stunning. A real must-watch/must-love to any Alien franchise fan. No big complaints.

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Shout by LegallyTheBear
BlockedParent2017-04-13T11:44:32Z— updated 2022-05-30T17:30:31Z

Actually enjoyed this movie but the ending was great with them leaving in a ship which leaves the movie to creators/directors to be able to make a squeal/continue of this movie telling us why they hate humans and what they were going to do with that liquid which kills humans Hoping they make a second movie!

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Before getting into detail about this film, I'll like to say that if you are a fan of the original "Alien" and expect a similar style film because is Ridley Scott directing. Then you need to stick with the classic 1970's film because you won't find it here. "Prometheus" is an entire new film with very few similarities to the 70's classic in terms of style. The story focus more on the begininng of the alien race and creates an introduction into a more expanded story. For many people this is a Prequel to "Alien", but for me this a prequel of a prequel to "Alien". In other words I see "Prometheus" as the introduction to a story that really goes beyond what I saw in the film. Many people have given negative comments about the film, but either they expected a total copy of the original or didn't understand the concept of the story plain and simple. At the end of the day, Prometheus is a smart and entertaining Sci-Fi/Adventure/Thriller that really creates a total new beginning to a very recognizable franchise that needed a new sense of direction. With great SFX and a great acting from Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba, Prometheus is a film I definately recommend for 1. The smart movie fan and 2. the Sci-Fi/Thriller and "Alien" franchise fan that can actually accept fresh ideas.

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Shout by jmonty

oi david keeps your hands off that

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"How far would you go to get what you came all this way for your answers? What would you be willing to do?"

When I first watched this in theaters I wasn't moved by it. 10 years later and I now see I was wrong. This movie is not flawless but it is still entertaining. Fassbender's performance is so good and while some of the characters are dumb, it fits the narrative for a sci fi horror.

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This was a great alien sci-fi movie that wasn’t boring and had a lot of great visuals.

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Very entertaining. Lot of the plot didn't make sense and found myself asking a lot of questions at the end.

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Fascinating and visually stunning even if the villains look like something that would be in Star Trek: the Next Generation. While Guy Pearce is a good actor; his old man make-up is as bad as his performance.
At least mostly everyone else is in top form and it's nice to have Ridley Scott's direction style for sci-fi films back. Otherwise I hope the next film gives better answers and is more satisfying.
Oh and feels less like it's stealing too many ideas from the first Alien. Like; the Android who can't be trusted, an infected crew member, a female crew member who won't let the infected on board. Hopefully the next doesn't just remake Aliens.

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Decent movie. Kept my attention.

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Decent movie, but i was expecting more. Alot of questions still though....

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Looks good, but feels a bit hollow to me.

'Prometheus' - which serves as a (loose) prequel to 'Alien' - didn't excite me and I didn't feel like I got anything from it. It's still a good film and it is a pleasant looking one at that, with neat special effects et al. I also like the casting for this 2012 release.

Noomi Rapace is probably the film's standout, though Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Charlize Theron and Idris Elba are also involved - the latter two feel a bit underused, we get a fair bit of them both but still I wanted to watch them more - especially Theron, who feels a bit tacked on.

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A Pretty Good Space Flick It Was

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Great movie. Only complaint is the lady who plays Elizabeth Shah, soooooo whiney. I love this franchise but man, she is an awful actress. The whole movie im thinking, just shut up already, no body cares about your story line. Come on, how many scientist do you know that would continue to wear a cross after finding out we are made from aliens, just stupid. She isn't in alien covenant, thank God. Sorry but Sigourney Weaver set the bar way too high for women in this franchise. At least the woman in Covenant is way more believable. On the flip side, Michael Fassbender was born to play his role. He is freaking amazing! Covenant is better however.

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I've enjoyed it in the movies ... one of the top movies in 2012 I think.

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I liked it more than i expected.

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It's probably the best movie in the franchise, after aliens 1 and 2. I was in between liking and loving, but some things held me back. Like the fact we didn't really learn about the origin even though this is an origin story and the fact there wasn't enough character development. Production wise, this is absolutely stunning. The sound design and score are beastly. I don't have much to say about the acting, casting, and dialogue because we were starved, but I liked it. Honestly, it feels like a homage to 'Alien', a great one. I was mind blown by the tense action sequences, though.

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I watched this year's ago but never got how it fit into the Alien timeline. This time I paid attention and now it make sense.

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Director Ridley Scott returns to the Alien saga with Prometheus. In this prequel, a group of specialists set off for a distant planet that could be the progenitor for life on Earth. The film has a strong cast that includes Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, and Charlize Theron; who all deliver great performances. The story is pretty good, but there are some continuity issues. Still, Scott is a master at building suspense and at delivering riveting action scenes. Prometheus is an intense thriller that provides an interesting origin to the Alien saga.

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Alien series have been around for awhile and this film, in my opinion, is perhaps the best one so far.

It starts off by showing that humans are traveling light years away from earth to find their creators. They believed that humans were engineered by advanced civilization and the questions they had were:

Why create humans?

Who are our creators?

Are there other worlds out there that can support complex human life?

I'm sure I am missing a few but those three are the main reasons they are doing what they're doing. Once they arrive, things seem normal at first but not for long... they find out that our creators were planning to destroy humans, while the others seemed to disagree and wanted to leave humans alone. A war broke between themselves, eventually one survived which still had the intentions to destroy earth.

Question is: why?

I'm awaiting the next film in hope it will answer that question.

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Shout by Deleted

Good film, i love the premise (i've been interested in ancient alien theories), but Elizabeth Shaw pissed me off somehow. I couldn't connect with her in any way.

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Shout by Deleted

My God what a disappointment after so much time waiting for a modern scifi/horror masterpiece. A movie Like this need a small detail called... TENSION!! and the end... well, it´s an insult to a REAL Masterpiece. this is just a CGI party with some random people talking that you only know they are actors because of previous works they made. I fell cheated. 5/10.

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Oh dear what happened? Bumbling idiots, petrified of the dark one minute, toying with a cobra like alien the next as if it were a cute hamster. A geologist lost amongs rocks. A kamikaze crew pledging their allegiance to a captain they knew for what 5 days? Heck let's throw a zombie into the mix for good measure, zombies are all the age after all.

All the boxes are checked so blatantly I wonder if there is a merchandising deal brewing somewhere here to boot.

It sure is pretty tho.

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Awesome visuals, especially the Giger elements. Unfortunately most of the characters are acting incoherently, irrationally and somewhat randomly. Not the actors fault, they're all fairly good.


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At the begining they had everything right, the feel and overall design reminding of alien 1 and 2 (with a touch of modernity, touchscreens and holograms) good actors... great special effects... but most of the crew is completely moronic, like FatalMuzza said, scared in the dark one minute, and then playing with alien serpents the next...

Ooh yeah the most disapointing.. the MONSTERS!! I dont mean the "architects" i mean the squishy things with tentacles..

okay the "snakes" (very penis shaped that really really wanna go into somebody's mouth for some reason.....) kinda looked like facehuggers without legs when they opened (even though i dont remember facehuggers having teeths..) born from worms... worms.. how did they even bring worms there? stuck on the shoes but not squished? yeah whatever..

And then a zombie.. how did that even happen? he got somehow posessed by one of the worms like a goauld? >.<

okay now let's throw another squishy little alien but with more tentacles, i'm not sure how it would have made it's way through her belly.. at least with an alien you know, they are tough, not squishy..
and then it manages somehow to grow HUGE with many eyes and big mouth and teeths and more tentacles..... oh yeah let's throw another "penis" into the "architect's" mouth... wtf... is it some hentai tentacle rape movie?

And to finish us completely after all this mess.. let's make some kind of badly "fan made" alien thing... they didnt even respect the previous movies..

see when a facehugger impregnate a predator, it makes a HUUUUGE SCARY predalien. (even taller than a predator)

so here when a HUGE facehugger impregnate a TOUGH and TALL (taller than a predator) humanoid being... the result is some small unfinished alien??

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Ridley Scott's legendary attention to detail is on full display here, although I couldn't help but wish for a more complete, uninhibited storyline to go along with it. For all his promises that this wouldn't just be a direct prequel to Alien, the director sure seems to stretch to bring the two films together, rarely to the benefit of either. That's a pity, because while the core questions that Prometheus has to ask are worthwhile if not unique, its constant urge to poke and prod several of Alien's richest, most eccentric mysteries keep it tethered to the ground floor.

A more compassionate cast may have smoothed over some of those rough spots, but this tight squad of explorers is thoroughly cold and conniving, naive and unlikable at their best. I wanted to adore this, and for the whole of the concept-heavy first act I did, but by the onset of the final standoff I'd been bucked like a fledgling cowboy. Fantastic, breathtaking special effects, stirring atmosphere and an astounding vision of near-future tech can only go so far.

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I could probably cut the whole movie down to 4-5 minutes length and I could do so without dropping anything relevant or particularly entertaining.

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I expted something a bit more....Mass Effect... Damn my expectations!

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Well it was made by Ridley Scott who should have retired years ago ironically his team is called Scott-free and that's what this film needed

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As a fan of Alien from Scott and Cameron i can't say i enjoyed this movie..Don't get me wrong is good better than other alien movies and smart in many ways but i expected much more especially from Scott..I reccomend this movie 6.4/10

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First half was quite interesting,but then in started to be to much for my taste.

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Shout by JC

Gorgeous production and set design can't elevate a film that's way too much brain and not enough heart, and the brain doesn't have much to say we haven't heard before. As it's own thing it's placid, and as an addition to the Alien universe it makes everything needlessly complicated. But it's pretty to look at, Fassbender is good, and there's a world where Elba and Wong are the stars instead of just buoying the film with their charisma whenever they're on screen.

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Shout by JC

Gorgeous production and set design can't elevate a film that's way too much brain and not enough heart, and the brain doesn't have much to say we haven't heard before. As it's own thing it's placid, and as an addition to the Alien universe it makes everything needlessly complicated. But it's pretty to look at, Fassbender is good, and there's a world where Elba and Wong are the stars instead of just buoying the film with their charisma whenever they're on screen.

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Too bad movie... WTF Ridley? Assasin vaginas?

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Just finished it. Feels like someone got me a pretty wrapped present which turnes out to be completly empty. I thought this was supposed to explain things instead it left more questions which I believe Scott intents to follow up on the sequel(s). because if there won´t be any this was a tremendous waste.

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This movie was a major disappointment.

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The plot and dialogue are pretty stupid. It looks pretty and the actors are good, but in general it isn't very good.

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Shout by movieswatcher
BlockedParent2022-11-19T19:03:43Z— updated 2022-12-11T12:10:22Z

10 points for visuals, - infinity for everything else. Before this movie I would go to the cinema almost weekly, after it, I just stopped. It was just not worth it to me anymore. The experience was so bad. One of the stupidest movies ever made.

(btw. my rating is 1, but even after many tries, I can't apply that rating to this movie, it's not accepted)

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Ridley Scott's return to the "Alien" universe, and, oh God, does it suck! I don't understand why people liked this movie so much. Were they just hoping and wanting to like it so much that they blinded themselves to what they were actually seeing? The plot makes no sense, the characters are the dumbest I've ever seen on screen, and the science and technical aspects make it feel like it was written by a Texas home-schooled kindergartner (if you're doing science fiction, you better get the science right). Okay, maybe that last bit is a little mean, but it's still pretty bad. I don't think I've ever rooted for characters dying so much in a movie. It has a few nice visuals. A few. That's it. That's all it has going for it.

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So bad it hurts. You know these movies where you cannot help yourself and shout at the screen when you see the movie's characters, whom are supposedly trained into being careful, do stupid things. Or take ridiculous decisions? That's it. All the time. So much frustration. Situation.
You are on a deserted world never explored yet, you are one of the best biologist/scientist. You see a strange and threatening organism before you, you;
a) try & pet him like a little doggie
b) get back, analyze the situation and contain the bloody monster
They choose a). ALWAYS. If there is something stupid to do, they will do it. It doesn't feel like they are good at what they do. It feels like a regular teen slasher movie. It feels like we should add "Prometheus" to the "Alien universe movies which did NOT happen", right next to Alien 4.

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Watching a second time, and I'm downgrading my rating.
Why take a shipload of bone-heads on a mission like this?
I guess it's cause the story relies on a series of stupid decisions.
Good if you like computer graphics and poor story line.
A total fail IMO.

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This movie Have not sense at all, mr. Scott has lost his touch.

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Immediately looked cheap. The costumes and sets were 70s sci fi without the cheese. I don't see where all the praise for the visuals come from. It's the usual big budget stuff that looks good with some parts that look really fake and dull. The characters were dumb. Even the very first one which was some Mr olympia bodybuilder alien. He's in an environment and all I'm looking at is its stupid body thinking 'why?' The acting didn't bring any of this script to life. I didn't care for the characters and found them hard to follow just because they were so boring. I lost track of what was going on not because of a complex story but because I was zoning out due to boredom. The story isn't compelling and is complete nonsense. So much CGI that it should be classed as an animation. Nothing against CGI but when it's over used for contrived imagery to try give a sense of vastness and power imagery it becomes ineffective. It's amazing how little dialogue there is in modern day blockbuster because of so much CGI filler. Wheres the good imagery from good film making? No tension or atmosphere.

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the movie made much more sense when watching them in order with the alien movies but for me the additional information about where aliens come from kills all thrill of the series.

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Fantastic film, everyone expected an Alien shooter but the story had to start somewhere and what a great way to start it.

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Stunning visuals and great acting makes this a nice horror flick. Actually felt chills in some scenes.
The movie as it is, however, is heavily criticized for its logic flaws.

But after watching the deleted scene where the Engineer speaks to the crew the ending made a lot more sense. The Engineer got angry over the fact that Wayland had wanted immortality and claimed to be a god, alike to the Engineers who had lived over 300,000 years. The lone Engineer looked concerned about Dr. Shaws questions and when she got hit. He realized that humans were flawed and that Waylon was an arrogant creator with a god-complex. Had they been more humble, the ending could have turned out a lot differently and a lot more answers would be answered.

Also I think we often forget that people act irrationally if they are afraid. Geologist pro-mapper got lost in a cave he made a map of? Sure, why not. Stress always does that.

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I loved the visuals. There's too many character and plot holes keeping it from being a strong movie, but it sure does look pretty.

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Awesome movie. Given this was almost 7 years ago - storyline and graphics in great level.

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Really really getting tired of Lindelof. He is the master of setting up mysteries and not resolving anything. He spends a tremendous amount of time and resources for making the viewers ask questions he never intends to answer. Instead he keeps on doing the Zen thing. What do YOU think it means? What you put in it is what you get out of it. It's all hokus pokus trickery. I enjoyed the first couple of seasons of Lost, but the more it progressed the more it became obvious that Lindelof does not provide any answers at all. That's his modus operandi. That's what he did with Prometheus and I'm mad at myself that I fell for it again.

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This was the worst movie I ever watched, I'm for real. But the visual effects is really great.

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i am sorry to say, but I have rarely seen such a bad movie

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Great special effects, I still felt that I was missing 'something' though. Too many unanswered questions still.

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Watch the extended if possible. It doesn't fix all this movies problems, but it gives you a better understanding of Scott's intentions. Seems like the studio wanted to speed up the space, so cut...everything in the movie that matters.

Weyland's intentions and motivations are highlighted to a much greater extent, including a 10-15 minute TED talk that doesn't add much. The rest of the added runtime is fairly beneficial, and makes it feel much more like an Alien movie. Especially the title card!

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Someone invested a lot of money so they pushed this poorly written cgi out the window.

It could have been great, such a story to tell, but it wasn't.

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The robot was fantastic-- period---

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Shout by Deleted

the flow of this movie was off. seemed to me to be a lot of jarring transitions and just plain awkwardness in how some of the points were presented. kinda like a kid with a thought in his head that he just has to get out this moment. just blurts it right out with no finesse. im way ok with movies that are pretty to look at (which this is) and whose story leaves something to be desired. but the story in this is bad enough to get in the way of me just accepting the universe and putting my brain on autopilot.

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it wasn't too bad, i enjoyed it.

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I can only accept this movie, if it is the first part of a trilogy.

If this is all there is, then it's bad. If there's more, then it might become great.

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According to a news article i read, their could be a sequel in the works already for this movie.

I haven't seen the movie myself yet, but from what i've heard in the credits at the end of the movie there is a logo of the fictive business Weyland Corp witch plays a vital part in the movie. Under the logo there is a date that says 10.11.12. According to speculation of several sources and forums on the internet that will be the date the movie comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray.

But here is where it gets interesting, when looking up you get a mysterious looking website that contains a small teaser of a young Peter Weyland (played by Guy Pearce) who quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche just when he is about to make a speech (the speech itself was one of the first teasers of this movie). Also in the source code of the website it says the following: "The next phase of Project Prometheus is coming…".

Could this be a clue of a new movie, or is it just a clever viral marketing plot to raise awareness about this upcoming movie? I guess we will know in 4 months....

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Shout by Ben

There is a nice 3min promo on IMDb check it out!

I can't wait for this flick to air!!!

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