Shout by whitsbrain

Prometheus 2012

It's been almost five years since I watched this the first time. I gave it a lukewarm review back then and I really got hung up on some of the silliness. Janek (Idris Alba) getting Vickers (Charlize Theron) to sleep with him by singing her a stinking old Stephen Stills song. A biologist and a geologist get stoned in their spacesuits. Let go of the hippie '60s already, Ridley!

Anyway, my second watch was much more enjoyable. I really liked David the android (Michael Fassbender) with his desire for freedom and his penchant for "Lawrence of Arabia". Shaw (Noomi Rapace) was a heroic character and I really respected her drive for answers, her faith, and survival instincts. Charlize Theron was great this time around and her role as a villain was much more pronounced.

There does seem to be a theme of creator/offspring or parent/child or something along those lines. The space jockeys were satisfying and what they were doing on planet LV-233 was a neat twist. We got a giant facehugger and a little Xenomorph. It didn't feel much like an "Alien" series movie, but I don't care. It was a much better Sci-Fi tale this time around.

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