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Get Out 2017

I do admit. The first viewing had me frustrated. That if white people even tried to make a movie. About how white people would act if black people took over their bodies. The movie would never be allowed to be made.
You’re better off letting it go, sit back and enjoy the movie. Because it is clever and occasionally fun.

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What a film. This was my third viewing of Get Out and the best viewing yet. Jordan Peele is such a masterful director with every single thing feeling so perfectly selected and executed. Each song, the score, the subtle way characters act, how easy it is to know what is happening especially on rewatch but still be on the edge of your seat. This movie has the perfect runtime and is perfectly paced. It makes you nervous but also makes you laugh and maybe has the best protagonist in any horror movie. Chris never does anything extremely dumb that makes you mad at the character he handles every situation as you would like to think you would in the same situation. Just a masterpiece and one of the best horror films ever made.

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Shout by Horror future #7
BlockedParent2017-03-17T20:11:27Z— updated 2019-03-28T22:36:59Z

Unique movie with great plot full of tense and amazing directing 9.5/10!

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Shout by Félix Cuervo
BlockedParent2020-10-09T15:45:36Z— updated 2020-10-13T08:48:06Z

The audio commentary is great ;)

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Even better on a second watch. Daniel Kaluuya makes so many wtf faces. He does so many subtle things that makes his performance great. Allison Williams really is great too. Rod is the real M.V.P. Jordan Peele you have my attention.

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You know what this feels like? An M. Night Shyamalan film. It has that overall creepy feeling when you’re watching it, not quite knowing when to expect something to happen…but you know it’s coming at some point. It even has a repetitious focus on one particular object and (color) throughout the film – which is what Shyamalan used to do. This really feels like something he did…which is weird, because he didn’t. So when I think about what makes this a special and unique talked-about film, I think about Shyamalan’s popular past.

Another thing that you get right away is the mystery. This movie is weird, and it revels in being weird. Chris (the main guy) knows something is up, that something is wrong, but neither he nor the audience can really place their finger on it. Maybe it’s hypnosis, but that’s too easy. So, throughout the film, you’re given clues as to what’s really going on, and I’ll tell you right now that it is a brilliant and original mystery, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it a horror film. It’s really creepy, but it’s not really a horror movie, so there was a bit of a disappointment there.

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This is an instant classic.

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It was an entertaining movie, but very predictable. It reminds me of the "The Stepford Wives", but according to times, not pointing sexism but racism.

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Shout by Deleted

Great Movie this is a must see

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Shout by somnomania
BlockedParent2024-02-05T03:27:38Z— updated 2024-02-10T01:06:21Z

This, THIS is what a horror film should be. I felt deeply uncomfortable and anxious for the first half of the movie, because everything happening was just so wrong, and confusing because of how wrong it felt, when nothing bad was happening. The tone and pacing and execution of events were perfect, I didn't figure out what was actually going on until Chris did. I managed to stay relatively unspoiled for the plot, which is how everyone should go into this movie. And minimal jumpscares, apart from the very first one, which means I can safely share it with my mom! Moving on to Peele's other films now, I can't wait to see if they're as phenomenal and perfect as this one. Absolutely incredible work, I can't think of a single thing wrong with Get Out.

Edit: Rewatched with my mom, and honestly the only issue I have is that it remains so uncomfy even when you know what's happening, perhaps BECAUSE of knowing what's happening. It's an incredible movie, for sure, but it's not as fun to rewatch (for me) as Us, which I think is my favorite of Peele's movies.

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Bumping this up from 8 to 10 upon rewatch

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-07-20T21:30:24Z— updated 2022-07-23T10:40:00Z

The acting in this is phenomenal, and the writing’s pretty well done too.
Jordan’s balancing horror, drama and comedy in a way that’s never jarring.
I like its social commentary, and these characters are generally very interesting.
My big problem is that I was a little bit too far ahead of the movie at times, you have a pretty good understanding of the motivations and conflict after the big party scene if you can read between the lines. It made some of the exposition later on unnecessary to me, little bit of dumbing down going on there.
I also could’ve done without the brain replacement twist, it’s maybe a little too silly for its own good (kinda made me go: oh I didn’t realize we were that far into sci-fi territory with this) and unnecessary for a film that already has hypnosis as a building block for the plot.
Nevertheless, it’s really well directed and shot, exceptional stuff for a first feature film.


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heck yeah! idk why I keep avoiding this movie. It's good because it is somehow approached differently. I mean the situation was handled rationally, instead of making stupid decisions every step of the way. Love the guy bestfriend. But I still don't get the connection to "Us".

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2017-11-25T23:43:39Z— updated 2018-12-20T12:25:27Z

Creepy, clever and very well acted. The pace and tone is spot on. I was captivated and it didn't let go of my attention. If you're a fan of M. Night Shyalaman's movies or films like The Kill List, you'll like this. Skip the trailer and just go for it, you'll not be disappointed. 7.5/10

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the film has an incredible underlying tension. i've seen people across social media criticize it for being an uncomfortable experience, but that slight discomfort is why it's so effective in terms of the horror genre. it hits a little too close to home in a deeply divided society because aside from the minor details that take this over into the realm of horror, it's all realistic. it's all something we've experienced firsthand, be it as chris or as a bystander. i love this movie, discomfort and all. i'm so happy jordan peele has been getting recognition for his filmmaking; he's got so much talent and his work shows just how robust that talent is. two things though: CHRIS TAKING THAT KNIFE TO THE HAND I FULL BODY RECOILED. and the alternate ending is worth a watch.

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I'm not normally a horror fan, but the social awkwardness played as horror really worked for me. I really wanted to hide behind the couch, but there is a wall there, so it would have been difficult.

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Shout by Deleted

The final 30 minutes was where I really fell in love with Get Out. Jordan Peele's script is very strong and able to handle a couple of major twists. Daniel Kaluuya is great and I hope to see him in some more high profile roles after this and the movie has a very strong and clear message. I also have to give a shout out to Rod who was one of the best characters in any film so far in 2017.

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie. Not really scary but attractive and atmospheric with great plot development. Totally one of my favorites this year

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Not only did Get Out have everything (suspense, horror, mystery, comedy) it didn't have everything (romance and singing). What more could you want - and not want - from a film?

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I loved every second of this film. More please.

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Great movie. And I rarely enjoy horror/thriller.

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Shout by Ian Houser
BlockedParent2017-03-01T06:37:59Z— updated 2017-06-23T16:56:20Z

I had not seen the trailer and had absolutely no idea what the premise was. I can definitely imagine that it would be a more enjoyable experience this way, since I was surprised throughout. A fairly inventive movie, clever plot, and strong performances from the leads. The scares all add to the story, too! It's not purely jump scares for no reason.

EDIT: I just read the Trakt synopsis- it gives away a huge bit of the story. I am even more glad I knew nothing about this movie or I probably would have been more judgmental.

EDIT 2: Trakt has changed the synopsis to be more vague, but I still think I enjoyed the movie even more without reading anything about it or even seeing artwork. halfway through the movie I could not imagine how it could be a horror movie, which is exactly why it was such a good horror movie.

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Honestly dont know why this one is for best movie, the story is weak and predictable and racist in a way too. The acting is good but that's it. It's not even scary, it's supposed to be a horror / thriller but i found myself bored along the way. Maybe it's because i've seen many horror movies that this one doesn't do anything for me.

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racists got what they deserve

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I have to agree with some comments here, the trailer does give away the plot of the movie. Still an enjoyable movie though. The actors were great, the sound design is amazing. I liked the way Get Out touches on race issues.

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I don't know how it balances horror and comedy so well but it really does.

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S p e e c h l e s s... Also damn Jordan Peele is really dark inside which is totally unexpected. And the ending was perfect I was hoping it would turn out the way it did. 10/10 for me Jordan Peele really impressed me with this one.

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This movie is really good! Scary and satisfying, things most horror movies lack.

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I really loved the atmosphere, the subtexts and themes 3/4 of the movie, but didn't love the way the last act was handled. Like so very often in these kind of movies, the tense atmosphere died in my opinion after the big reveals. I wish for once someone would make a movie with more subtle, tense plotline that carries all the way to the end. But that's just my personal opinion. In the end I enjoyed the movie a lot and definitely recommend everybody to see it.

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A very enjoyable thriller. I wouldn't call it Horror, but you'll notice yourself inching closer to the edge of your seat as the tension is ratcheted up. There's plenty of suspense and you'll be pulling for Chris and Rod.

This is not gory and there's only one jump scare that I can recall. Again, the key to this film's success is the way it builds. There's finally a release of that suspense near the end, but it doesn't go down the way you think it will.

There's definitely strong themes of race and they're adeptly handled and thoughtfully presented. When Chris mingles at the lawn party, it's eye-opening.

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Nver again cup of tea! ;)

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I quite liked this movie, the story was pretty intriguing. I think I would recommend it.

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Really enjoyable but I think many aspects are very similar to another movie: The Skeleton Key.
I mean, the plot is almost the same, the only difference is why the protagonist goes to the house and the end. The characters are similar too: the friend who warns the protagonist, the protagonist trusts the enemy and many other similarities.
Get Out is essentially the scientific version of The Skeleton Key that focuses on magic and vodoo.
So, if you enjoyed Get Out, you will enjoy The Skeleton Key, both great movies.

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A really enjoyable film, however I do have one gripe.... Why on earth would he take the cotton out of his ears straight away! You dumb asshole leave those f*ing things in until you're scot-free!

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Everyone ranted and raved about this movie and I went in expecting great things but boy I was disappointed. It’s a good movie and a good horror movie that’s it, nothing more nothing less. I found myself rather board halfway though not to mention the plot seemed so predictable. I really don’t get how this was nominated for best picture, the standards must’ve been low this year.

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This was a crazy ass movie!!
Rod was hilarious!! I loved him!!
I felt and said every of his words. LOL.
Chris was so badass at the end.
That family was a total mess.
I thought for a second he wasn't gonna make it.

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This movie is one of my favorites of the genre, it is well developed and without that exaggerated cooing that occurs in most horror movies.

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Shout by Deleted

It's like a remedial first year film school student wrote this after a serious head injury while reading film writing for dummies.

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Really great movie. I recommend going into this movie as blind as you can because it might take away from the experience. It was a great suspense movie, I wouldn't call it horror honestly. The mix of comedy is great at most times and all the actors are great overall.

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I can't wait to see this!

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Overall, worth the watch.

I feel like this is more of a 7, but I gave it an 8 for the unique concept and modern take on the horror/suspense genre.

The weakest aspect was how predictable it was. I'd have liked to have been trying to piece together what was happening, but the reveals were early on and not subtle. This could have easily been a 9/10 with more thoughtful pacing. It does go slightly deeper than the obvious towards the end, but doesn't make up for giving away the gist of the plot in the first quarter of the film.

There were two cheap jump scares. One was loosely tied to the plot, but not really. The other was completely unnecessary. The film otherwise does a good job of building tension and an unsettling vibe without the low effort parlor tricks.

Overall, I was impressed with Jordan Peele's debut into this genre. He has fresh and clever ideas, but the execution has room for improvement.

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Uncomfortably entertaining!

The reason for the aforementioned is that 'Get Out' sets up the premise so, so well and you are just waiting for the penny to drop, so all the events leading up to the reveal are very awkward - which only adds to the overall enjoyment in seeing it all unfold onscreen.

I've seen Daniel Kaluuya in a few (not as many as I should have by now) films and have always found him to be a solid actor, but his performance here is seriously outstanding - especially emotively, he does so much here with just his facial expressions alone. An awesome performance!

I was also impressed by Allison Williams, who I haven't seen nor heard of up until now but she is very convincing; even with the fact that I knew where her character was heading. Lil Rel Howery also does well in a comedic relief type of role, which I have admittedly seen him do before.

I like 'Nope' but this even improves upon that, gotta get 'Us' watched at some point to view all that Jordan Peele has offered thus far.

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One of the most overrated movies of all time

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now sink into the floor

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I dont like this movie at all, it made me feel weird while watching

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For the premise, the film is brilliant. With little or almost no explicit violence, the film succeeds in creating a knife-edge atmosphere. The cast is top notch and all the awards it received are well deserved. However, I think there could have been more character development, as I found the ending a bit abrupt. But who am I to judge? I wish I had a friend named Rod, responsible for my rescue from my (equally crazy) girlfriend's crazy parents who perform brain surgery!!!!!

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the last time a movie managed to actually piss me off was Nocturnal Animals, with Get Out, it was that one scene with the tea cup, it was driving me crazy,
great movie

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Uniqe and well-directed psychological horror film, that's disturbing and often uncomfortable to watch, with a plot that unfolds in an unexpected manner.

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A weak storey line with many holes. Within 10-15 minutes you know what's to come, no twists or surprises and an ending that appears to have added at the last minute.

He escaped by placing upholstery from the chair into his ears, thus he was able to rotate his wrists within the straps, meaning they had to be loose enough to fully pull his hands free. Secondly, why didn't he simply unbuckle the straps with his teeth?

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Predictable from the first quarter.

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I love films building their plots with conversations, but most of these are drama or romance. Get out is the first fillm i watch that can build up fear inside me with characters' words and also silence. Love it.
P/s: I know it's cheesy but i would make me feel better after watching the film if Rose was saved by Chris. However, it doesn't mean that i don't like the film's endling. It's practical. And since the film is trying to reflect the real society we're living in, the ending is perfect.

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A very good surprise.
I class without hesitation among my favorite movies of its kind. Even if the film is not the first to exploit this path, he manages to tap us in front of our screen to know the denouement of the mixed couple apparently without history ... apparently

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Strange, but breathtaking movie. At first it seems that you already know how this story ends. But the ending will surely surprise you. Creepy, funny and crazy! This film made an indelible impression on me.

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And now, sink into the floor - SINK.

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it's psychopath, but i like it

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It lived up to the hyped completely, don't read the synopsis or the plot as it gives away most of the movie. No gore no blood no violence just an atmospheric scenery with perfect tension and excellent ending. A must see for psychological "horror" fans.

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Shout by Deleted

Definitely one of the best horror films that I have seen in the past 10 years. I was literally scared throughout both of the times that I went to see the movie. This movie definitely lived up to the hype.

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A tense film, had me stirred from the start to finish, couldn't get out. I really enjoyed it, creepy at times, wtf moments, and It was well made with a great plot along with a strong cast with great performances.

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Sadly, the trailer REALLY spoils 90% of the movie, on top of the script being predictable. If I hadn't seen the tailer I would have enjoyed the movie a lot more.

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The movie is fantastic. Thrilling and really smart. Some inconsistencies here and there, but they do not affect the experience.


Makes me remember this story about this family who still had slaves after it was illegal, and they kept it secret for generations. I don’t remember much about it.

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One of the greatest mind playing movies known to man. It's horror, but on the level of realistically frightening. You have to rewatch it after the first time. Have to. It's better because everything from the get-go is a hidden double-sided ploy. Everything. You can tell this isn't some generic, washed-out, wannabe type movie by the characters alone. All have so much depth and meaning. The visuals too, I was stunned by the sunken place. The acting was phenomenal. Full stop. This movie is phenomenal. Fullstop. One last thing, I love how Jordan Peele used other genres like comedy. You really don't expect it, but it makes total sense.

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This is a pretty good directorial debut of Jordan Peele. The story isn't the greatest but the camera movements are meticulous. It reminds me a lot of Kubrick's. The atmosphere was built up very well. The intensity is there but the good thing is, imo, it didn't take itself very seriously. It is a satire of reality and it's Jordan Peele's forte. They also delivered fairly well without going overboard. My only problem is the rest of the cast. Daniel and Howery did a good job on their roles, but aside from them, no one really stands out. But I never expected them either way because it's not about them. It's about the "bros".

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One of the most predictable films of all time

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Not a bad one but... this reminds me a little bit too much to The Skeleton Key (2005) but with a twist to it. Am I the only one?

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Overrated, plot phone called and subverivity only exists in your agenda. Correct but nothing more as Jordan Peel does usually

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Seen 5/17/17. A deliciously creepy foray into horror for Peele. For me this is still the best of the trifecta he's directed to date. Saw it on tv tonight and decided to leave it on for awhile. Good memories. I'll do a full rewatch soon. Wonderful 8.4 score.

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I was completely shocked. This ! This sentence is enough to define this movie. This is a different mystery and crime movie! The story of a man who has just become friends with a girl and wants to visit the girl's parents for the weekend. When they reach there, the boy notices the strange behavior of the girl's family. Behaviors influenced by racism and this makes the boy angry. But later he realizes that there is a problem beyond these things and he encounters a mysterious and strange problem. The strange behavior of the house servants and their guests makes the boy very surprised and he tries to get out of the predicament he is in. This movie has a very interesting process, so that it keeps you curious until the last moment and immerses you in the movie! The strange ending and the revelation of all the secrets is one of the great features of this movie. Music, cinematography, acting and everything here is great!

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Another creative and unique movie from the mind of Jordan Peele. There are so many layers to this movie, but even without digging into those layers, this movie is still an entertaining and thrilling ride.

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I can't get Get Out out of my head. Jordan Peele has created a slowly told, but therefore exciting film that creates a mood from the first to the last minute that makes you sit tense in your chair and expect the big bang. And then it does go bang, but not too loud or too hard, just right.

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Liked this movie alot. The way the story evolves is sublime. The way it makes you uncomfortable, 'what the f* is going on'. Soon you get it and it's been explained for those who didn't get it (duhh). I liked how his youth trauma saved his live in the end. As a boy he froze up while his mother was dying and as he was stuck frozen in his chair he scratches his nails in to the wooden chair.. and that same uncontrolled reaction he's experiences while hypnotized. It's saves his live! Nicely written

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Jordan Peele’s directorial debut is no slouch. It’s a fresh horror movie, with a proper mystery and just the right amount of comedic relief. It’s been a couple of years since I have watched this one, and it lost none of its luster in that time. I can genuinely see myself rewatching this every time Jordan Peele has a big release coming out.

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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Didn't see ANY of that coming the first time around. Just outstanding. Second time is even creepier because you see the trap being set.
Story: 10
Script: 8
Performances: 9
Misc.: 8
Influence: 9
Overall: 9

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I watched the movie in the theater when it came out because I heard very good things about it.
I liked the movie very much. I like the tone, theme and subject of the movie.
The unveiling of the plot as well as the ending itself ruined the movie for me. The whole movie was a perfect setup and the ending was just to easy.
They may have struggled to find the right ending but in my case I would have preffered an open ending with room for interpretation instead.

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Jordan Peele's masterpiece. Mind-blowing.

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It'll keep you hooked till the end.
Tip: Skip the trailer to enjoy it to the fullest.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T14:33:32Z— updated 2022-08-21T06:03:43Z

Jordan Peele's compelling blend of black comedy and mystery tends to be brought down by the slow pacing, but I liked how it has its own particular mood. Daniel is aware that something is off with the Armitages, but at the same time can't help being continuously swayed by the situation and feeling like a fish out of water. This creates a surreal kind of tension that is constant throughout the film. While most twists are pretty easy to figure out ahead of time, at the same time it will be almost impossible for the viewer to understand what is really going on until the end. The social critique here is nothing life-changing but that definitely deserves attention. It's fun that the film mostly got praise from the same politically correct white liberals it condemns.

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First half was a snooze fest it took me 4 sittings to complete. After that things get real good. I love how he didn't just try to escape but instead kill all the motherf*ckers.

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The film is entertaining and at times it manages to make the viewer nervous. But Chekhov's weapons and some key elements are very obvious. The cell phone flash, the work of the protagonist's best friend, etc. I mean, when he discovers what happens with the flash, also when his best friend starts to investigate, when the protagonist is tied up and looks at the cotton of the chair..., I already knew how the story would end.

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Shout by RASMUS
BlockedParent2020-11-10T13:01:56Z— updated 2020-11-18T15:48:03Z

It is rare and refreshing to see such a good and original horror/thriller movie. This was a really enjoyable watching experience.

Overall, the film just works very well. The acting was strong, and the plot was surprising and clever. The beginning of the film may seem slow to someone, but the end of the story will certainly reward the viewer. Definitely worth a watch!

I would also recommend Jordan Peele’s second horror take, Us, which I also found entertaining (yet perhaps not quite as good as this one).

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I've seen horror movies with killer dolls, demonic monsters, serial killers, and ghost, but yet this was more intense and had me on edge through out. Also the funniest as well, surprisingly.

"Get Out" is an impressive director debut from Jordan Peele, who made one of the most interesting films that came out this year. Interesting like how it's all mixed together with the horror element and the hidden symbolism within it's story. How the social commentary was told in such a way that no other film has done before, cleverly executed and more assured.

I'm glad Daniel Kaluuya, (Best known for "Black Mirror") is getting some work, because he's incredible.

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I like for movies to be short and sharp but this one I felt was in too much of a rush to get to its disappointing conclusion. It starts pleasingly unsettling, but ratchets up the tension pretty rapidly to, well... get out! And then (without spoilers) it takes a turn to the absurd (and unsatisfying).

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I’m still waiting for the horror part... but leaving that aside, I think it’s a good movie. A little overrated though.

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speechless speechless speechless speechless speechless

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2.3 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.3 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.7 points -> Score (0-1)

0.7 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.4 points

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That's was some mf ending.

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Shout by Khawlah

I don't get the thriller/horror/mystery genres. The movie didn't have any of those vibes. Like AT ALL. It felt more like a dark comedy. Daniel is the only great thing about this BELOW AVERAGE comedy. Yeah, I refuse to believe that shit was "horror."

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Deserves everything for saying was the best POTUS.

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Eh, it was fine. Appears to be like the stock "bad people in house" starter pack school project I've seen done in many others like it. The saving grace is just the couple of twists that keep it interesting, like the reveal of the family auctioning for ideal people, moreso their talents. However, a win for best screenplay? Absolutely not, I thought A Cure for Wellness did it's writing better. I compare the two because the stories are a slightly similar. I fail to see what's so amazing about this, other than Jordan Peele's direction. And no, I didn't watch expecting to hate it, nor do I hate it. It just underwhelms me a little.

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What else is there to say about this film that hasn't been said already? A true modern horror masterpiece that deserves to be watched. Peele masterfully weaves a truly dread inducing plot with a wonderful cast and frightning dose of reality to make this one of the horror films of the decade.

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Riveting and incredibly done movie.

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