Review by Deleted

Get Out 2017

Mr Peele, I was used to your everything-but-subtle fight against racial stereotypes with Keegan Michael-Key in Key and Peele, and blindly expected Get Out to be a thriller with racism against the Black community as a guideline.
While I wasn't wrong, I was glad to discover it went way further than that.

First of all, props to Daniel Kaluuya's acting here. His performance in the dystopian world of Black Mirror 1x02 "15 Million Merits" was astonishing already and I was thrilled to discover how it would compare here. It was definitely on par with it, if not better.
Allison Williams as the crazy white girl was also a wonderful fit.

But let's get back to the story. As Peele said it during interviews "I wanted to make a movie you have to watch twice": first through the eyes of Chris then through the eyes of Rose, as if you were an actual accomplice of the whole abduction/hypnosis/OP thing. While a first watch leaves you totally clueless about what is happening, what just happened, and what will happen, a second viewing is a necessity, as there is foreshadowing all over the place. Charlie Brooker, it seems like you have found yourself an opponent in the "let's leave clues everywhere, yet make sure you never understand them on first viewing until the final twist happens".

That first viewing is effectively just deconstructing the usual " black people in movies"(and by extension, in society) trope. Leaving us to experience the whole thing as Chris. Making the white family/friends here during the "big party" seem just like full of stereotypical racist thoughts (which they are indeed), and the black servants "off", even though we can't get why really.

The acting is genuinely impressing, as the hypnotized black "molds" play the role of older white people in the body of a younger black people to the perfection. Second viewing reveals you that they were not acting off, but that it was all a result of the Coagula procedure.

I can't help but be impressed by the complexity of it. The layers of foreshadowing is crazy, and I can confidently say that two viewings were not enough, and a few mores will be needed to get all the hints that are sprinkled. Any viewing after the first will make the movie look as a whole series of hints, while also making you aware of more imagery, either visual (The milk and cereals that Rose eats separately, the fact that they make Andre spin around as if at a slave auction..), or in the form of trope.

This is a 10 stars rating here, and I can't wait for what's coming next. I've heard a modern take on The Twilight Zone was in the books for 2019 ? Peele would definitely be the director for such a thing.

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