Review by Shubes

Get Out 2017

I was fairly certain that I had started watching this some time ago but for some reason, I stopped just a few minutes into it and never went back. I kept seeing the film mentioned on numerous lists (and I have to admit, the cover art for the movie had always intrigued me about the film) so I finally broke down and watched it in its entirety this evening. I was not disappointed. While I wouldn't call it a "horror" movie (it's actually much more of a psychological mind-bend) it definitely has a completely creepy, ghastly "I know something bad is happening but I just don't quite know what...yet" feel almost from start to finish. The only - seriously, the ONLY - negative that I personally have is that I watched this on Paramount+ and made the "mistake" of watching the alternate ending. While that didn't "ruin the whole movie" (far from it!) for me, it was a huge turnoff because there's no need to invoke some false sense of superiority by calling yourself "woke" or whatever. Newsflash: Even after Obama, racism still exists, and it still goes in ALL directions. So don't get all preachy on me, Jordan Peele, and feel like you somehow would have been doing us all a favor by going with a different ending that - regardless of whether you think a "woke" generation would enjoy it or not - was nowhere nearly as good as the conclusion we got. Apart from that little bit of preachy idiocy by the writer (after the end credits), this was an absolutely excellent story, a great film, incredible acting, and cinematography and soundtrack to accompany it all. I don't know that I'll watch this one again - kind of difficult to when you know how it ends - but definitely recommend watching it at least the first time. Absolutely brilliant creepy movie that seems to fire on all cylinders...a rarity in the horror genre these days.

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