Review by Nancy L Draper

Get Out 2017

I do not usually watch horror movies (I have an overactive imagination and images tend to haunt me), but I saw an interview of Jordan Peele, the author and director of this film, and the interviewer, Chris Hardwick, said that this was such a unique movie it was establishing a whole new genre - a Social Thriller, to which, Jordan Peele said, he would include The Stepford Wives and Rosemary's Baby. A Social Thriller not only tells a self contained story but takes on the Social norms of our culture, which in the case of this film is subtle and not-so-subtle racism. Intrigued, and willing to better understand my white presuppositions and prejudices better in an effort to overcome them, I decided to watch the movie (first thing in the day - I'm not going to bed with a horror movie rattling around my imagination). It was clever, it was keenly observed, it had a life-observed wit, it had an depth of content and it was good. (And, it didn't excite any horrific images that would linger >phew<). I think this was good film making with intended openings for social discourse, and I give it an 8 (great) out of 10. [Social Thriller]

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