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Fear Street: 1994 2021

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Fear Street Part One: 1994’:

  1. Lemme tell you… I loved it! It was nostalgic. It was an homage to so much that has come before (that intro had ‘Scream’ written all over it). But it also had a hefty dose of originality. Great characters you cared about. It took risks. It surprised you. And it was a LOT more mature than I expected it to be. I loved the books way back when, and this made me wanna read them again. Bravo.

  2. I LOVED the LGBT twist in the beginning! Did NOT expect that person to be Sam. Solid execution.

  3. It had a bit of a Hocus Pocus vibe to me, which made the character deaths and the paths into “Rated R” territory that much more effective. It was a weird and welcomed mix.

Bonus Thought: I legit can’t wait for the next one. Super invested.

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Its Scream meets The Blair Witch but it still manages to transcend both of those films to become its own thing too. An intriguing setup for the next two Fear Street movies and I for one am looking forward to them.

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The very beginning feels like it wanted to be Scream. Then the movie becomes about witches, girls in love and possessions.
It is basically more for you if you enjoyed movies like Goosebumps and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Though it throws in some brutal deaths when you don’t see it coming.

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Screenplay by: People who never worked in a mall.

Music by: Someone who cannot research song release years.

Directed by: Who cares…

It’s awful.

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Shout by Nox

They really put the blame on the friends that helped em? Calibri font was released in 2007. More human than human was released in 1995.

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A Netflix movie that's....actually pretty good?? How did they not make this suck. Good job.

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Shout by Bruno Oliveira
BlockedParent2021-07-07T05:16:28Z— updated 2021-07-10T08:18:42Z

the scenarios, the setting and the care for nostalgia are positive points without being too exaggerated. even some cinematography techniques are reminiscent of 90s movies.
I couldn't care less by the LGBT surprise because... why a lesbian character is a surprise? it is so much a surprise as a straight couple... i don't get it why some people are praising this. we are all the same.
I'm noticing a growing trend on killing major support characters after a long development and this is somewhat positive for the audience to react with more emotion to the story, BUT i fear that this could get old very quickly.

overall it's a good movie and the trilogy release strategy it's an interesting one.

  • EDIT AFTER WATCHING THE PART TWO OF THE SERIES: if you think that this movie is "weak" or nothing special, just give a chance to the part two, it is WAY better and WILL get you hooked up to know more about the lore. consider this movie as "part zero" or just a introduction to the main event.
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The first installment of the Fear Street Trilogy is a mid 90s slasher horror flick which is tedious, unexciting and doesn't fit the good standards. With dull writing and excessive gore this mediocre slasher is barely watchable. The plot twists are dreary. Watch it only if you are interested in this genre for a few cheap thrills.

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Best line: "Let's Timothy this bitch."


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Was it too much to ask that they all died?

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This was incredibly terrible. I don’t understand why a rated R movie would have a narrative aimed at middle schoolers.

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I mostly enjoyed it, until right before the end that is.

Sticking their pal with numerous EpiPens after they drowned her was just too fucking stupid. People knew basic CPR in 1994 for fucks sake.
PS: I'll never look at sliced bread in the same light ever again.

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You can also think of the 3 Fear Street movies as a 6 episode limited series.

1994 - is basically an homage to the movie Scream and starts asking all sorts of questions that are answered in the 2 follow-up movies.
1978 - is essentially an homage to Friday The 13th and is a proper slasher film.
1666 - answers all the questions we had and some we didn't even think about.

In other words, the story we thought we were watching in 1994 and 1978 suddenly takes a turn and 1666 gives us a whole new story. In hindsight, the clues were there.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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It's a great time travel movies, they took a bunch of morons and dropped them into 1994 to get butchered

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really Good movie first movie to make me feel like in in a slasher setting vibe in a long time

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[Netflix] A slasher that has all the virtues and defects of this subgenre, but it only makes sense today if it works as a tribute, because it feels something repetitive with respect to the formula used in "Scream: The TV series" (2015-2019 ). In this sense it is a well-directed slasher and has, even for today's horror cinema, good gore scenes, but it is not clear what its contribution is.

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i’ve seen the movie ( and fully trilogy) before when it initially came out and i am still angry about the ending…

truthfully i know they did it for plot reasons and whatnot but i think kate and simon could’ve survived. they were good characters and i truthfully would’ve loved to see them more.

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Poor movie... I don't recommend.. The movie start well but , but can't keep up. Honestly, I'm surprised by the good scenes because the direction is terrible, the editing sucks and the cast is weak.

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Fear Street 1994 is mostly a forgettable movie with some good parts sprinkled in between. Like many other horror movies, characters suffer from random spells of stupidity. The soundtrack does create a 90s horror-comedy vibe, like Scream, which I personally dislike. If this movie had a darker soundtrack, like The Terminator, it would already be 1.5 points higher imo.

Fear Street 1978 is much better. The acting is better and the sound is less cheesy.

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Well, I'm just thankful it doesn't take place in 1980's, with it being set in 1994, just so it's not one of those 80's tribute type of entertainment we get most days, even though this doesn't look very 1994.


This was a lot of fun and decent characters. It did make me interested in checking out part 2.

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Yeah, how about no. There's one thing this movie has nothing to do with, and that's 1994. Uh, I was there. This rewrite of history shit is so nauseating. I got 20 minutes. How far can you get?

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Holy crap this movie rocks. Dialog is good. Plot was subversive, yet fun. Music was 90's af. Everyone kicks ass and the ending made me kinda sad. Looking forward to the next two.

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Way too long. Should have been 90 minutes, tops. I wasn't sold on the story and the rules. I did like the characters, though.
The soundtrack had great songs but I hate when a movie throws a bunch of radio hits without rhyme or reason. Insane in the Brain followed by Creep? No.

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It's a decent horror / thriller movie.
There's some slow moments but overall it manages to hold the attention and provides with gore and excitement.

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this is just terrible unlogical movie.. hope other two sequels make it up for this pc crap

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What a disappointing first part of a trilogy. 1 point for representation but I expected so much more. It starts out pretty well with that suspenseful opening sequence that draw inspiration from Scream and it has a cool introduction, those got me really excited but my excitement stops there. I find this film very generic and too stupid to be taken seriously. This film feels very made-for-trilogy that it can't really stand on its own. The direction and editing are often baffling to me. It tries to fit too many 90s songs into one film. Most of the protagonists are unbearable. They're supposed to potray 90s teenagers but failed miserably and the dialogue is far from good. It tries to copy too many horror films without adding its own spin. I admit the last moments are pretty fun until they put the trailer for the second film in the end :neutral_face:. Overall i'm not impressed but it's pretty watchable. I'll probably watch the next two parts anyway.

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Not great, not terrible. Like an okay “made for tv” movie.

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I really enjoyed part 1, definitely that classic slasher feel and loved all the cast.. bring on part 2!

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I had a great time with it. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

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i love this movie so much. absolutely iconic, great storytelling, fave thing. i think 1978 is better for me, but this is such an incredible start to the trilogy i really adore it

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Zero likable characters. Soundtrack for the first half hour was basically a 90s Spotify playlist that served no purpose other than “Hey! This is the 90s!”

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Not bad. Hugely derivative, but not bad.

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Fun teen scream. I'll probably forget about it in a month

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entertaining, and exceeded expectations since i heard that it wasn't going to live up to the nostalgia of the actual series. it definitely has that kid-friendly gore vibe that rl stine always managed to find, and it's quirky and silly in the way you'd expect a throwback slasher film based on a series like this to be.

that said, the music choices were hit or miss for me, and occasionally the silliness just felt jarring. specifically i'm thinking of the scene where a character wildly stabs a drowned person with five epipens without stopping then suddenly deciding oh, now i should try chest compressions.

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If you've ever seen any Netflix series for teens, well, it's the same but with certain touches of classic horror movies (mostly slasher and supernatural elements).

For teens or if you have nothing better to watch, it's entertaining.

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Going in, I had no knowledge of the RL Stine books. I really enjoyed the pop fizz version of slasher horror it served up. It reminded me of the good parts of Scream and I found the story fairly strong. Entertaining throughout.

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Boring, bad acting, very dull story

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It was much better than I expected. It is like a throwback to some of the old slasher films I remember in the 80s, but adds an additional witch/supernatural element to keep it fresh. Fun and lightweight with some fine splatter in the film.

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My disappointment with this one is actually immeasurable. It's so horribly generic, uninspired and cliché-ridden that it was just a chore to sit through.

I don't know why this was even set in the 90s, remove the scene with a character using an AOL chatroom and all the 90s songs played at every. conceivable. opportunity. and this could have been set in present day.

Extra star for the bread scene though.

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Made me imagine a version of Panic in modern times hahahaha

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Incredibly basic. Doesn't even try to represent the '90s other than through its poorly edited soundtrack which, itself, includes songs released after 1994... the characters DO NOT talk or behave like they're in the 1990s and if it wasn't for the title including the year it'd be easy to confuse the setting for 2020. Great gore, cool kills, everything else was excruciatingly mediocre.

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This was a bad movie. Acting was bland, characters were unlikable. I wished somebody killed that lead girl at the beginning of the movie itself. I just couldn't stand her! With positive reviews, people tricked me into watching this crap! I didn't feel like i was watching a movie that's taking place in the 90s.

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I love R. L. Stine and his books i have not read this one, but i know his style, so i know it is a good boog, but this movie tells how much downhill acting and films have gone. I'm not saying this is a bad movie, just that you can feel it's a 2021 film. i like the film on its own and is one of the best i watched the last five years, but if i take all movie, i watched then this one is bad, the acting is mediocre at best, they are trying too hard to keep the old school horror mix in with the modern way of making movies and it kind of works. i give it seven because it's a good movie, but i want really want to give its less because it could have been so much better.

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Imho this is an okay Horror/Mystery/Thriller kind of movie. Not many jump scares which is a good thing but also a lot of build up while still maintaining a solid story on its own. I guess I liked it.

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This is not a Horror Movie.
It is a Movie about Teenagers affairs with Random Sex Scenes.
Not a bit Horror but Music is nice.
Or different: Music is the only good Part

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definitely one of the better horror movies in the last years. not really scary but modern, smart and funny. im looking forward to the next ones and hope they wont be the same. maybe same same, but different.

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Was pleasantly surprised with this, definitely get the scream vibes which I love cus who doesn’t love scream?
Definitely an original gore/supernatural film which is hard to find these days a massive thumbs up to Netflix now if they can create more content like this would be super
So far have watched this and the second one and looking forward to the third :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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All the random sexual stuff throws me off really hard because I don't remember a single sexual thing in R.L. Stine books? Sure I haven't read them since middle school, but regardless. I'll never understand the weird fascination with having to add sex scenes in every horror movie, including ones based on books for 12 year olds.

The soundtrack was literally a 90's hits compilation where I'm convinced they were more focused on shoving in as many hits as they can without actually attempting to match the movie's scenes remotely.

All in all the entire movie just felt disjointed, generic and waaaaaay too reminiscent of Scream for me. The beginning scene where the first victim is slayed is almost an entire copycat of the first victim (Drew Barrymore) from Scream.

The only redeeming part of the movie for me was the witch plot point adds something new to the slasher genre.

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Meh. Struggled to get through this, 3rd time I barely made it. It's OK. Too much teenage angst for me to get in to it.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Lots of homage and nostalgia the build up is a bit lacklustre and heavy handed but the brutal deaths were unexpected and the ending interesting.
Curious to see what we get as we journey further back.
Refreshing to have an LGBT romance at the centre of this type of film too. I like that the norm is being shaken up a bit

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Scream with a sprinkle of witches, it was one of those movies that you just watch and not think too much about because if you did then you would end up losing brain cells in the process. I mean come on now, why was she swallowing the pills without water?? Overall, it was an okay movie that brought nothing new to the genre (the soundtrack did slap though). I'm going to give the other two instalments of the trilogy a watch as I am curious to see where the story goes and how they end up expanding the lore.

Story = 6
Cinematography = 7
Soundtrack = 7
Production Design = 7
Acting = 6

Overall score = 6.5/10

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Enjoyed this one a lot more than i thought i might. Good solid entertainment,will certainly watch the next one

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Fear Street is a glimpse into the undeniable charisma of a neatly done slasher movie. A few good moments here and there, catchy needle drops and lots of gore should work just fine to keep you pumped throughout the runtime. Great start for the trilogy.

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R L Stine is the Judy Blume of horror.

Shadyside is the 'bad' town and Sunnyvale is the 'good' town and the mascot of the Shadyside high school team is the Witches? In 2021? After a witch was burned at the stake in the town's past!? And her name is Fier, pronounced 'fear'!?!? What does he think I am, 8?

Thank God the 3rd act saved this from becoming a total waste...

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If you like scary movies, this one is a fresh approach while still being nostalgic to the hardcore fans of the genre. It has the modern vibe, easy comedy from happy death day, the goonies kids from stranger things, the lgbt angle missing in this genre, a irresponsible cop and a group of serial killers that easily connect with some of the bigger ones. A scream like intro was also a big moment as the brutal kills in the supermarket.
So happy to see my favourite genre back
The next one is a direct reference to Friday the 13. Mixed feelings on it. I loved the AHS season around it, and the Jason with a bag looks great but it may easily lose the freshness of the 1st given it’s has been done several times!!

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Shout by Florian

I‘m not really sure yet if it was a good idea to make a witch story out of it. I feel like they should‘ve focused more on building in actual horror elements to make the movie scarier instead of telling a supernatural story.

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So dissapointed.. I am an avid collector of the RL Stine books. There is nothing in this disappointing movie that tells you how Fear Street really is, not even about Sarah Fier.. Everything is continuous inconsistencies of events. I really had high expectations of this film. And at the end, they blame Kate and Simon? For what? For killing their own selves?? Why the cops didn't ask who killed them? And why this Deena girl always win? Even when fighting with the devil? Like really?? All I see throughout this film is this annoying girl Deena rampaging all over the place, causing trouble for everybody.. So sad, this moving is not giving justice to the books.

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I really like the idea and this release strategy, a trilogy of films in 3 weeks. So far after the first movie, it is mostly successful with a few nitpicks here and there. I like that this isn’t the typical Goosebumps fare as these are rated R with the language and moments of gore to match. They kind of drop you in as they start to dole out the lore and peel back the curtain of what is happening, so far I’m intrigued and I’m interested in how they will pay it off. One gripe is the amount of needle drops borders on parody as apparently our 90s disc changer is set on random and constantly skipping from track to track. I also wish the world didn’t feel so empty through most of the film but it ends strong and I’m left wanting more so pack your bags gang, we’re headed to 1978

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Not what I expected. I guess most of the kids who read this stuff are much older these days. When the gore started creeping in I was surprised. Watched this one blind of course.

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Shout by Crayons

There's a scene where one of the teens babysits 2 young kids and then has the kids play with drugs and its supposed to be funny. The writers are twisted and sick for putting that in there.

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