Shout by Caesar

Fear Street: 1994 2021

What a disappointing first part of a trilogy. 1 point for representation but I expected so much more. It starts out pretty well with that suspenseful opening sequence that draw inspiration from Scream and it has a cool introduction, those got me really excited but my excitement stops there. I find this film very generic and too stupid to be taken seriously. This film feels very made-for-trilogy that it can't really stand on its own. The direction and editing are often baffling to me. It tries to fit too many 90s songs into one film. Most of the protagonists are unbearable. They're supposed to potray 90s teenagers but failed miserably and the dialogue is far from good. It tries to copy too many horror films without adding its own spin. I admit the last moments are pretty fun until they put the trailer for the second film in the end :neutral_face:. Overall i'm not impressed but it's pretty watchable. I'll probably watch the next two parts anyway.

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