Review by DAVY X

Fear Street: 1994 2021


Review by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-03-01T16:56:38Z— updated 2023-10-08T16:53:43Z

All Gold
Fear Street: Part One 1994
I Really Really appreciate and enjoy this
Trilogy, what a fun time you have with it.
I Loved the 1994 setting and the story and
history and lore it's all so
bloody interesting and so well thought out.
the high production value and the
vfx are amazing and the Horror
of it all with the deaths and the chaos
going down is Sensational.
Netflix is absolutely knocking it out
the ball park with excellent
Outstanding Horror movies
and Shows which is a massive massive
Kudos to them,
At this juncture they are unmatched
by any other platform.

Fear Street: 1994 is a fun and very very
entertaining ride
it has the best of all my favourite horror franchises
cleverly woven in, this Trilogy is very traditional
and takes from all the great iconic classics
but at the same time it feels fresh and
new and it's
all cool and runs so smooth,
and out of the many many other teen Slashers
out their this Awesome movie definitely stands
on it's own merits as being one of the best
in the genre sharing that spot now with
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre"- 2022.

To Be Continued
Fear Street: part two 1978
as my 31 days of Horror continues

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