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Human likes movie, movie is good. Koba is perfect villain.

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não sei por que demorei em assistir a este filme! que tempo perdido! filmaço em todos os aspectos! -

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Down of the plants apes movie is good that is much of action than few speaks. liked it.

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While I was expecting the humans to do the mistake and kick-start the ape-human war, Koba became self-centred arse to wage a war against human survivors. What a douche.

Technical aspects I love the settings, tone, lighting and cinematography was impeccable. Somehow, the human settlements reminds me 'The Last of Us' game. It can't be only me, am I?

The portrayal of ape emotions were applaudable and kudos to the team behind that. These are the major points of the movie.

In the end, this is the best movie reboot and can I say so far?

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Shout by Deleted

good movie

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Best movie ive seen this year, loved it :D

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The first movie was pretty awesome, but it's more awesome!

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GUN WEILDING APES ON HORSES!!! I think I creamed myself about 5 times.

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A solid sequel that once again puts the Tim Burton film to shame. I can't wait for the 3rd one!

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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Dumb that the humans bring a trigger happy guy with them. Who already shot one ape.

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Currently binging this trilogy and I really enjoyed dawn the first time but it was even better on rewatch. The fact that I don’t even want or feel the need to bring up how amazing the motion capture of these apes is really speaks volumes for everything else this movie has going for it. Once again and especially in this film you get to know these apes they are at the forefront of these movies now this isn’t just Man vs Ape but also Ape vs Ape and shows the struggle from inside. This movie is a high stakes and u can see that from both sides what their risking and the stakes just continue to rise throughout this movie making u more and more invested a truly amazing sequel.

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Intelligent and thrilling storytelling with amazing CGI – Science-Fiction of the best possible kind.

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Маш онцгой сонирхолтой кино. Хүн бүхнийг үзээсэй гэж бодож байна

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The only thing I hate about this movie is that I have to wait another 2-3 years for the 3rd installment.

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This movie brings back its classical yet entertaining enjoymet as our favourite primate engages further with the humans and creates relationships no man could ever dream of.

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Just seeing Andy Serkis in that mo-cap suit got me jazzed even more for this.

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1 Original film series

1.1 Planet of the Apes (1968)
1.2 Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
1.3 Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
1.4 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
1.5 Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)

2 Remake film

2.1 Planet of the Apes (2001)

3 Reboot film series

3.1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
3.2 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
3.3 War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
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This is how big budget action thrillers were meant to be. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes juggles interesting ideas, a great storyline and lovely cinematic techniques. It's also gripping throughout.

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Great sequel. A bit more towards action but still some powerful character moments. What makes this work anyway is the portrayal of the apes not only from the technical side, no, even more how they are written. What always drew me to this story is the approchability. It felt possible which, for me, is a sign of a good story baseline. And even with the role reversal in the end the apes are no different than men which makes this also a tragic story.
So far this is really one of very few remakes that don´t stand behind the original. They both are equally great within there timeframe. Althought technically it is not a remake but, by staying true to the story, a prequel. Now I hope they can keep the quality up for the next one.

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Dance,!!!! Ooo ooo ahh ahh good boy

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Ahhhh!!! Kerry Russel Le Amoooo!!!

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Imagínense todo lo que puede tener un buen blockbuster en cuanto a tecnicismo. La calidad de los efectos especiales hay que multiplicarla por 10, piensen en una banda sonora palpitante y ahora súmenle una historia seria, personajes relevantes y un protagonista épico y profundo. Te atrapa de una forma increíble, y eso sin mencionar la gran reflexión con la que viene y lo inspiradora que es. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes es lo más emocionante que se puede encontrar en el genero. EMOCIONANTE.

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A strong sequel although I slightly prefer Rise.

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The hype of this franchise grew on me, damn, I'm so impressed how deep it is. Always thought it was just a movie about apes vs humans, but it's so much more!

First I have to say the first movie got me hard and intrigued me way more than this one, but this is not a complaint, it's spetacular how great this sequel is after I've liked so much the first one.

This second movie is more about how societies works and how we have similarities on our issues, even though we're a different kind. It's brilliant and very well portrayed here. The only downside for me is that I really don't like the american-way of making one badass character being immune to bullets and the only one to shot everybody out there (yes, that Koba scene riding his horse through fire and killing everyone was just too much for me).

Other than that, this movie is AWESOME. Really loved the characters and the plot so far. Looking forward to watch the third one!

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8,5/10. Very good confrontation between caesar and koba

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Drawing inspiration from Battle For the Planet of the Apes, Dawn returns to the series’ core exploration of sociopolitical issues. Picking up over 10 years after the apes escaped from San Francisco in the post-apocalyptical aftermath of the Simian Flue pandemic, Caesar’s new ape society clashes with human survivors when they come looking to re-open a hydroelectrically power station. The CGI is incredible, as the apes look remarkably lifelike (more so than the last film), and the action scenes are extremely intense and exciting. The score by Michael Giacchino is also especially good, and helps to set the right tone. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes stays true to the spirit of the original series while delivering a compelling and bold new vision.

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I like this one a little bit more than the first. The action is great and I love all the ape politics. It's crazy how good the CGI is.

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Nice movie...worth watching. I personally preferred the first version

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And now on to the sequel! Happy to finally check it out.

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Shout by Deleted

Good one

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The movie started out a bit slow with its seemingly typical presentation of post-apocalyptic world. We are too presented with the seemingly typical mankind's arrogance on other species deemed as inferior. I really thought the humans will fuck up as usual.

They didn't.

This is one of the few movies that keep reminds me of how arrogant mankind can be - or more precisely, how arrogant a species with extraordinaire intelligence can be. It is instinct of survival accompanied by the psyche of superiority complex that can be possessed by creatures such as ours. The more we seemingly think we understand ourselves, the more we seemingly make borders to judge others. The way Dreyfus (Gary Oldman) keep saying how apes are "just animals". Koba's (Toby Kebbell) rise to power and his nefarious hatred that put humans to prisons.

Our main characters though - Caesar (Andy Serkis) and Malcolm (Jason Clarke) - show that we don't have to be like that. We can be more than that.

I don't want to sound pretentious, but that's the message I caught from the movie and what touched me the most. When Caesar and Malcolm understood that it is not kinship, not similarity of physical stature, that make our trust - but our deeds. When we were brought back at a glance to the deep bond Caesar formed with William (from the previous movie). A bond that transcends boundaries of species.

Putting all those aside... there are a few criticism on the movie. As said earlier, about very first 15-30 minutes is presented a bit too slow. Audience already familiar with post-apocalyptic setting might be a bit bored. The plot is quite predictable in the first half of the movie. A few scenes, such as when Malcolm entered the apes' domain, then Koba scout the human's territory, etc were also seem to be presented a bit ineffective - a long still shot with lack of plot progression. The accompanying soundtrack is spectacular, but again noticeably off in the very first 30 minutes. And finally, the movie's end puts a question to the title of this movie: wasn't it supposed to be The "Dawn" of the Planet of the Apes?

Beyond that there is no further complains though. Andy Serkis really deserves every award he got for his performance in this movie.

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Way better than Rise in every way (and I liked that one)... Very well directed, and a good script with great special effects and action scenes.

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I really enjoyed the 2011 reboot of this franchise... and this sequel proves to be every bit as good if not better.

The first film lacked a little pace, but when given the subject of the movie is to set the stage for the ones that follow. It's very understandable, this was always planned to be a multi movie franchise, but with far greater consistency that the originals or the dreadful Tim Burton attempt some 14yrs ago. Look to other franchises and how the first instalment has always seemed slower than it's sequels. This is because telling the back story and setting the stage for what follows takes time and to do it properly, you will end up with a slower paced movie. When you accept that, the 2011 "Rise otPotA" works perfectly as the setup to this more action packed sequel.

The movie itself is stunning, the visuals are epic and all credit to the guys who did the motion capture and digital effects for this movie... Without them we wouldn't have movies like this at all. Andy Serkis as Caesar continues to prove his worth as an actor... and people should check out his other work (non mocap movies).

The story is well constructed, the acting is pretty decent all round... It's not often you see Gary Oldman as a bad guy anymore and I wonder if he's forgotten how to play a baddie like he used to... Or if the script/director meant to portray him as weak and ineffectual.

The action sequences are done very well, and it was really hard to tell where the real world began and the CGI took over at times (I'm on about scenery and so forth and not the apes), which is another nod to the digital effects people.

The direction, cinematography and lighting were all top notch, although some scenes did seem a little too dark at times. Given that a good deal of the fighting takes place at night, you could be forgiven for overlooking that... But I do wonder if the action takes place at night to better disguise the digital effects side of things.

Overall, it's a worthy sequel to the rebooted franchise and takes the story onwards in a way the originals never could have. They far surpass them in every way now.

I give it an apetastic 8/10

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I didn't expect much with this movie , but it was quiet a nice surprise , definitely an improvement over the first one , it brings apes and humans much closer , the emotions are there , a fine acting and exellent visual effects , an entertaining one

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¿Sabéis lo que mas me asusta de ellos? Que no necesitan energía, luz, calor... nada.
Esa es su ventaja... y los hacen mas fuertes.

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Muy bien lograda y conseguida esta continuidad de Cesar y los suyos

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Los efectos especiales son muy buenos, recreando fantásticamente todos los simios. La película no se queda ahí, pero sin embargo creo que fracasa en parte al imponer un ritmo lento como queriendo subrayar que lo importante es el dilema moral de simios y humanos y no la acción descarnada. Vamos, que le ha sobrado media hora.

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This was better than I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be crap, but its actually a solid script that character development and good pacing of the plot. The CGI is already starting to age, but being stuck on an airplane, this wasnt too bad.

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In expectation of seeing the WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES, I'm refreshing my memory of the new franchise, I began with RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - 7 (good) out of 10 - and have just finished this 2nd offering. As the story switches from human centric to ape centric, so too switched the weight of performance from live to CGI, which was an advantage because the CGI is compelling, nuanced and seamless. Where I found the characters and relationships flagging in the last movie, I found them more developed in this film and although the seeds were there for even more fullness in the human drama it seems they chose action over depth of character and story telling. I give this a 7.5 (improved) out of 10. Once again Andy Serkis is brilliant.

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Great movie 7.8/10

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Some plot holes, but overall very good and watchable.
Also, the monkey puppy thing-y is too cute aww

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Shout by Nick

The movie cover is super misleading. I don't know why the Golden Gate Bridge is on fire because that never happens in the movie. Also.. the combination of both a huge disease that wipes out humans plus super intelligent apes taking over is a little too much for a single movie, or even a series. Overall, 7/10 and is a good watch, but there are some plot holes.

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The one thing that made me have a hard time with this one (and other planet of the apes for that matter) is that I always have such a hard time accepting humans as being the "saving grace" and portraying our most perfected achievement as a species of being nature's best and most perfected ruthless killing machines onto the apes. I think it was a good movie, even though I as an ape supporter think that the human's perspective and scenes were too prolonged in some places.

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie

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Far better than Rise. 80% of this movie is excellent and all of the apes were great characters. unfortunately the human characters were all bland and it devolved into a cliche 1v1 fight at the end. Still a good action flick though

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Went into this expecting something mediocre, akin to the previous one. Was very, very pleasantly surprised. Well done, well done.

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Esperava bem mais! O Rise eh melhor!

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The special effects were phenomenal in this film, but I found the actual plot development to be slow and a bit weak. Interesting film overall, but didn't quite catch me.

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There was a lot of hype about this movie when it was first released. But I avoided it because of how much I liked "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (4.5 out of 5 score). And sadly, I was correct in my assessment that it probably would not live up to my own expectations.

"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" was disappointing. It's really nothing more than a simple commentary on race. Not everyone is the same, regardless of outward appearances...gee, thanks for the revelation. The movie also carries a strong anti-gun message, but I still noticed that when the guns were not in the hands of an ape or a man, they didn't kill anyone.

The only reason I rated this as good was because of the amazing special effect when live actors interacted with the CGI apes. When the apes were in the same shots as the live actors, it was nearly seamless. When the apes appeared on-screen alone they looked cartoony, Caesar's eyes being the exception.

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Like the news: too much politics, not enough violence.

If you trim about 20 minutes of human/ape feels, I'm on board.

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Other than this sequence being nearly 10 years into the future from where #1 left off and therefore leaving a lot of unanswered questions it was really well done and entertaining. The plot development and acting/cgi of the apes was really impressive and fun to watch in action. However the casting I don’t think was that great. This story line follows the beginning of a big war between the humans and apes as they discover they both still exist after the apocalypse which makes for a edge of your seat conflict that builds up and ends with a great plot twist and action scene.

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A little bit better than the first outing, but still waaay too much touchy feely stuff. Only watch to see where the story is going...

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This movie was alright. I agree with @karibear. The special effects and CGI were seamless and it def blended well. You see the CGI apes as real actors and actresses (watch "The Congress" for a good perspective on CGI these days). But the plot I feel was rushed, everything was going well, fine and dandy until war popped off. Once the apes came into the city and started war, it was no better than a bruce lee flick from the 70's 80's mixed with some shoot em up b rated movie. The apes looked good until they started riding horses, that looks so awkward to me. The whole reason I like "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was because it explained, well; everything. I was hoping this would do the same, but it gave me more of a primitive Avatar meets Survivor. I gave this a 6 because it still kept me entertained, it just really let me down after watching "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" which they did so well with. This movie was alright, but DEF rushed. CGI is cool and all, but whats a movie without a full plot?

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Yo x

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Shout by sp1ti

Certainly a movie to showcase the CG progress but the story is rather weak. Too bad they went from advancing apes to a horde of louse eating furballs over the course of the movie... way to ruin it.

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So many annoying characters.

Honestly, I miss Franco following RPA.

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90% CGI, cliché festival, forgettable plot and anonymous characters. A good waste of 120 minutes of your life. Don't make my same mistake.

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Empty, trite dreck. What a waste of premier acting talent

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Good lord what an awful movie. 4/5th way through the movie, the only feelings I had were anger at how unbelievably stupid people were.

- Monkey walk straight into the armory, unnoticed, and kills 2 guys, then steal a few guns and leaves, somehow unnoticed
- Monkey leader gets publicly shot by an unseen shooter. His body had barely hit the ground before monkeys had declared war and attacked the human base. Nobody thought to check if he was alive?
- Later monkeys attack armory again, kill the 2 guards (2 guards!?) watching the freaking ARMORY and arm their entire monkey army. Nobody had noticed the other 2 guys being killed earlier?
- Humans have a tank. Phew! GG. Oh, except they drive the tank into a swarm of apes with the top hatch WIDE OPEN. Who could possibly have predicted that going wrong. Now the apes have a tank.
- More stupid shit

What a waste of time.

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this was awful, the worst apes movie yet. Yes even worse than wahlbergs version

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Amazing movie. In my opinion this had a better story than the first one.

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Weird that I hadn't rewatched this movie since I saw it in theaters.

I prefer "Rise" much more, I feel like there is a more emotional side to it and also has the build-up of the apes breaking out. Something was missing for me on this one. I still find it a good movie, it looks amazing and it was great to see Gary Oldman.

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¡Excelente! Espero la tercera, sin duda somos animales y aunque sea algo imposible, me llena de angustia la ciencia ficción de estas películas.

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Shout by Ben

Michael Giacchino to Score ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ - YES! :D

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Before watching any of the Apes films, there are some things to consider: The disease that is spreading causes the infected human(s) to grow more and more primitively while the apes grow smarter and smarter by the day. The (human) military may or may not be aware of how fast the apes grow and learn. I hope that explains most if not all of the complaints anyone has about the story.
Personally, I thought the third film, WAR, was fine, but I liked the second film, DAWN, the best of this trilogy because it was well paced and set between the prologue/beginnings and the aftermath of the story. There's a good fight scene at the end which served to be quite satisfying. The chemistry between the two characters Caeser and Koba reminds me a whole lot of Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto from the X-Men series where one stands for peace and the other stands for war, but instead of mutants, they're apes.

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Down of the plants apes

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Enjoyed this movie more that I thought I would

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Andy Serkis rocks

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