Shout by Deleted

I really enjoyed the 2011 reboot of this franchise... and this sequel proves to be every bit as good if not better.

The first film lacked a little pace, but when given the subject of the movie is to set the stage for the ones that follow. It's very understandable, this was always planned to be a multi movie franchise, but with far greater consistency that the originals or the dreadful Tim Burton attempt some 14yrs ago. Look to other franchises and how the first instalment has always seemed slower than it's sequels. This is because telling the back story and setting the stage for what follows takes time and to do it properly, you will end up with a slower paced movie. When you accept that, the 2011 "Rise otPotA" works perfectly as the setup to this more action packed sequel.

The movie itself is stunning, the visuals are epic and all credit to the guys who did the motion capture and digital effects for this movie... Without them we wouldn't have movies like this at all. Andy Serkis as Caesar continues to prove his worth as an actor... and people should check out his other work (non mocap movies).

The story is well constructed, the acting is pretty decent all round... It's not often you see Gary Oldman as a bad guy anymore and I wonder if he's forgotten how to play a baddie like he used to... Or if the script/director meant to portray him as weak and ineffectual.

The action sequences are done very well, and it was really hard to tell where the real world began and the CGI took over at times (I'm on about scenery and so forth and not the apes), which is another nod to the digital effects people.

The direction, cinematography and lighting were all top notch, although some scenes did seem a little too dark at times. Given that a good deal of the fighting takes place at night, you could be forgiven for overlooking that... But I do wonder if the action takes place at night to better disguise the digital effects side of things.

Overall, it's a worthy sequel to the rebooted franchise and takes the story onwards in a way the originals never could have. They far surpass them in every way now.

I give it an apetastic 8/10

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