Review by Deleted

In 2011, director Rupert Wyatt brought us Rise of the Planet of the Apes which to me was just another ordinary blockbuster, good when it comes to entertainment but with a few flaws along the way. It had a decent story, a great emotional side and an important and controversial message, but the truth is that it did not brought anything new.

This year, this time with Matt Reeves directing, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was not the film that I would be waiting anxiously. See the continuation of the story would be something interesting, but I had the impression that it would follow the same path of the first film. The truth is that great criticism led me to want to see it already in its first weekend display.

In this new film we follow the new life of Caesar. The ape that developed a super-intelligence due to a substance created to cure Alzheimer's disease in humans. Caesar was raised with humans and always felt very close to them emotionally, but a series of events led him to come to lead a rebellion by the party of all apes. In this new story we see a completely different world, living in an apocalyptic scenario. Caesar leads a large group of apes in a forest on the surroundings of San Francisco, apparently they live alone, but always in fear that the human race will interfere in what apes consider to be a life of freedom, against all that many of them passed in times, imprisoned and tested by those who once called themselves his friends.

After the first few minutes of the film we felt that it chosed a different path from the first. The introduction to this new phase of the Apes and Era on Planet Earth is made with such an absolutely brilliancy! With a very dark and gloomy atmosphere we are dragged into all this environment that leads us to the right emotion at the right time. For those who have not seen the first film may be some loose ends, but nothing too serious that you can't follow the story clearly.

The study of the character Caesar is fantastic, very depth and well developed. We feel through him all of his fears and frustrations. Andy Serkis, deserves to be recognized in this film but also in the previous because his performances are what carries the films, especially this one. It is seen that from him there was a huge study of the species and the fact that he becomes beautifully real ape is magnificent. The other performances of the film, especially Jason Clarke and the legendary Gary Oldman are very striking, I only regret that an actor of the caliber of Oldman not has more screen time.

Some questions about Human vs. Animal are consistently presented to us throughout the film and leave us thinking. Are we so different from each other? Physically we can be so, but, as regards emotions? Freedom? Survival? Power? Thirst for revenge? Revolt? It is a story that touches a bit on what we all humans have the ugliest.

The soundtrack is also something that needs to be mentioned because it perfectly reflects all the environment. Dark and sometimes very terrifying goes very well with all that we see and with what each scene wants to transmit.

The action scenes are very well made ​​and is a visually beautiful film. The colors and light were impeccably studied and this is reflected in the final result. Some plans are absolutely fabulous, especially when it comes to the action scenes.

Contrary to what I was expecting, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is not just another blockbuster that we see this Summer. Yes, it is a great entertainment flick but with a lot of substance, which is good not only visually but also in messages he brings. I am very surprised!

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2 replies

Great review as always, Caty :)


Reply by Deleted

Thank you very much Sir :)
