Good lord what an awful movie. 4/5th way through the movie, the only feelings I had were anger at how unbelievably stupid people were.

- Monkey walk straight into the armory, unnoticed, and kills 2 guys, then steal a few guns and leaves, somehow unnoticed
- Monkey leader gets publicly shot by an unseen shooter. His body had barely hit the ground before monkeys had declared war and attacked the human base. Nobody thought to check if he was alive?
- Later monkeys attack armory again, kill the 2 guards (2 guards!?) watching the freaking ARMORY and arm their entire monkey army. Nobody had noticed the other 2 guys being killed earlier?
- Humans have a tank. Phew! GG. Oh, except they drive the tank into a swarm of apes with the top hatch WIDE OPEN. Who could possibly have predicted that going wrong. Now the apes have a tank.
- More stupid shit

What a waste of time.

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@hubro Yeah, I thought the tank scene was dumb too but there are some things to consider: The apes grow smarter and smarter by the day. The (human) military may or may not be aware of how fast the apes grow and learn. Meanwhile, the disease that is spreading, causes the infected human(s) to grow more and more primitively (or in your terms, "stupid"). So I hope that explains most if not all of the complaints you (and anyone else) have about the third film in the series. Personally, I thought this second film, DAWN, to be the best of the trilogy once I've seen them all and have a better understand of the stories told.
