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Dark Phoenix 2019

"Dark Phoenix" was a total blast! While it might not be my absolute favorite X-Men flick, it's still seriously awesome. The action scenes had me on the edge of my seat, and the emotional moments hit me right in the feels. It's got that perfect mix of adrenaline and heart that keeps you hooked from start to finish. So, while it might not take the top spot for me, it's definitely a must-watch for any X-Men fan!

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Fox: Oh, boy, here I go fucking up the The Dark Phoenix Saga again.

Disney: But we bought you out!

Fox: Ha! Joke's on you, I fucked it up twice before the merger was finalized! Can't stop a moving train wreck twice in 13 years, especially when we pull from the god-awful Fantastic Four movies we had the rights to! Jean Grey, meet "cosmic cloud" space woo!

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I actually really enjoyed this on rewatch, It's still cheesy as xmen always is but it brought a good plot, some decent characters, some character building, good cgi and some fairly good stunt scenes. so yeah xmen till I die.

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Shout by Predator
BlockedParent2023-10-05T21:33:05Z— updated 2023-10-08T11:59:45Z

:heart::heart: - Dark Phoenix is far too slow and boring without Wolverine

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit :zzz:

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Shout by Darth

The first quarter is all “wHaT dId YoU dO cHaRlEs”, then the next quarter was them repeating “you don’t know your full potential, what is it, I’ll show you”, then 10 mins of pure badass from everyone, then ended it with 20 mins of them showing all the men get their asses kicked and get ko’d super easy (even tho the other movies they were punched and thrown and barely suffered a scratch)

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She’s my favourite character now

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Odd at the beginning and better at the end. Somewhat disappointing for an X-men movie. Could've been made so much better.

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Was gonna give 6 stars but took one off for the horrible sound design.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2021-10-30T14:38:14Z— updated 2022-02-08T22:38:23Z

It felt like the only motivation for the whole movie was to set up the fight scenes. The magic plan:

1.Have some scenes where characters have positive "pre-fight" interactions,
2.Include some scenes where they have "post-fight" reconciliations,
3.Don't forget ALL THE FIGHTING!

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When I first read about them filming this my first reaction was why followed by please don't. Then after I saw the trailer I still held onto the why. I finally watched it and that sentiment still remains...why???? I've read the original Dark Phoenix saga. It may not be my favorite story arc like most fans but its a solid one and good for Jean Grey fans. It would be nice to see it done right on the big screen. Considering they have mucked up nearly every X-Men storyline and character over the years, I really was hoping they wouldn't touch this. But they did.

The only characters interesting to watch were Magneto and Vuk (she's the bad guy). Otherwise, the special effects were spot on. But for a storyline that was supposed to be filled with action, it was rather dull.

I wanted to be wrong and like this. But I really just can't. It wasn't a waste of time, but it's definitely forgettable.

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The movie disappointed me. Not sure equally or more than x-men the last stand.
Feels like most of the actors wasnt really ready to shoot the movie....or it is just me

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A very mixed bag. Some combat scenes were amazing, many others not so much though.
The soundtrack is great, but it gets pretty repetitive when it seems that there is only this one soundtrack, with some minor variations.
Same can be said about the plot. We have seen and heard pretty much all of it already, in previous movies. Raven's role was the only innovative element, and Jennifer's performance the only outstanding. Sad to see her go, especially after this movie showed the potential the character Raven still had.

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Chronologically looking this movie is one of the first, since they are all young.... SO MYSTIQUE SHOULD BASICALLY NOT BE IN OTHER X-MENS, CUZ SHE DIED HERE!!!
WTF how do yo explain thaat!!! Makes zerooo sense!!

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this movie is equally bad compare to xmen 1,2,3.

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What a disaster. This should never have existed

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Besides everything won’t with this I think the problem was the director... this is my favorite saga and I endure x-men 3... but this I just don’t care about the characters... the emotional scenes are just meh... anyway Phoenix is my fav so there’s that

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I actually thought the movie was pretty decent. Not sure what all the negative buzz was about.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Dark Phoenix’:

  1. This movie was insanely predictable, almost every step of the way. And it all started with a trailer that gave away wayyy too much.

  2. I love Sophie Turner. She’s a fantastic actress. But I thought this was a poor casting choice. I feel like the whole character was done wrong. Never did I feel intimidated by her. Never did I sense this all-powerful being filled with rage. Never.

  3. Call me crazy, but I prefer ‘The Last Stand’ to this. I miss Hugh. I miss Halle. I miss Rebecca Romijn and Famke. The villain here was so poorly executed. In general, this was rough.

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It was good to enjoy good fights from the X-Men, and the X-Women. Also, the Phoenix powers are amazing.

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It was bland. Didn't feel any kind of thrill or intensity at all. It's just is. I can't say it's bad but it's not good either.

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I'm not an avid comic reader, but I grew up with the X-Men cartoon series where the Phoenix plotline dominated many episodes. This felt closer to that version of the story vs the one in The Last Stand. I preferred that version of the power, though as others have said, this movie was missing a lot of the punch that you'd expect from a comic book movie. Just like The Last Stand, I don't see myself buying this one or really rewatching it.

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Such trash....wasted 2 hrs of my life

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Shout by Deleted

He doesnt have action, only SF stuf,but was good

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2020-02-20T06:26:00Z— updated 2020-02-23T19:21:54Z

The only reason this is in my collection is for the sake of completeness. Otherwise, this was hard to watch. It seemed like none of the actors really wanted to be there.

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Ugh... yo, this was just plain bad.

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3 - Bad

Thuis movie is about nothing. We've had a dark phoenix movie so now we're getting an alien invasion. Why exactly? Well a powerful force! Bland movie and Sophie turner's performance isn't making it any better

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This could've been great, but it ended up being close to a disaster.

The first half of the movie seemed promising, but the execution was so poor, it made me lose interest more quickly than I'd predicted. I can't tell what did it: the soundtrack, the acting or the directing, but everything felt completely out of place while watching the story unfold. Then came the second half of the movie, which felt rushed and waaaaaaay too soapy, even for my tastes (seeing that I generally don't mind when movies tend to be more dramatic than they need to be).

Oh, also, the use of green screen in this was just... no. I hate seeing CGI used this way and I'm sad to see that more and more movies tend to not pay attention to realism when it comes to using the digital tools of today.

Let's hope that the next iteration of X-Men, the MCU-backed one, will be better.

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Very lazy. At times it is boring. Very predictable. The soundtrack removes intensity from the action scenes. In short, it is totally expendable

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Shout by Agent24

Dark Phoenix should have been the epic conclusion to the X-Men prequel saga. And yes it is the final film for the X-Men as we know them. But unfortunately it was not a very good ending for the story that stretched over four films. Don't get me wrong, the movie was not bad overall and the acting was great but I really wished for a better ending to this story. Killing off Mystique/Raven was horrible and also the Dark Phoenix storyline with those Aliens felt kind of weird. But I really liked the scene where the X-Men rescued the Astronauts from space. That was really cool.

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I spent the whole movie wondering what the original screen play was before they were forced to change it. I wondered, was it always this bad or is this a forced change? Maybe this part was epic but they had to cut it. And because of it, I gave it some slack because I thought, maybe it's not their fault it was so horrible. But there were too many problems for this to ever be a satisfying ending to this series. Vague alien villains thay are never explained. One of the vest characters is killed in the beginning in such a ridiculously stupid way that I jad trouble believing they were actually going to let her die like that. And then most of the movie is just running around until the last big fight. And then there is the anticlimactic, horrible ending. I mean, Jean finishes everything in 2 seconds and then what, disperses into space? Such a sad ending to a series that I was mostly enjoying until now.

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So disappointing. They tried to make this story into a movie before and it sucked. They've done it again! If they actually USED THE STORY then maybe it wouldn't suck!

Saving graces here are McAvoy, Hoult & Turner - the rest of the cast was pretty flat.

The pacing was off and the movie was far too short. I so wanted this to be good but it was just another flat dull super hero movie.

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What an utterly boring turd Dark Phoenix was...

Apart from looking and sounding somewhat good, they managed to get just about everything wrong. The story and script are utter shites. The casting and acting are not much better. Combine that with an extremely shitty ending, and you'll get...whatever Dark Phoenix was. They even managed to cram in some SJW lines in there as well.

Even though I liked some of "First Class" X-Men movies, I'm really glad this is most likely the end of this X-Men arc. Disney will probably make a mess of them sometime in the future, but at least for now we don't have to see more of this.

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First half was way better than the second half

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Have you noticed the name of the café at the end? "Café les vieux amis" (= café the old friends)

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Disappointing, the only word that comes in my mind after watching this movie.

Flat and without excitement.

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Uninspired acting by a cast that seemed to be as underwhelmed by the script as I was. A lame, anticlimactic ending. Pacing problems from start to finish. A story that relied on various X-Men being their own worst enemies as they repeatedly and consistently did the absolute worst and most wrong and stupidest things possible among the options available to them at a given time. And tying it all together? A series of scenes that were poorly strung together that seemed to be more the result of a forced decision to get from A to B to C than anything even remotely "organic." And I say that as someone who hates using the term "organic" in a context like this. But the plot really was just a bunch of square pegs being pounded into round holes time and time again. Watching so much wasted potential was not entertaining. At all.

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Interesting story, fast-paced action, although there are also important plot elements that cannot be missed. Who would have thought that in the almost closed past of the X-men it is still possible to leave question marks for subsequent stories? :)

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The X-Men franchise comes to an end with Dark Phoenix, a thrilling sci-fi adventure. During a mission to rescue the crew of a space shuttle Jean Grey absorbs a strange energy cloud that causes her to lose control of her powers and become a danger to those around her; meanwhile an alien race called the D’Bari tracks the energy to Earth and attempts extract it from Jean. Writer/director Simon Kinberg does some interesting things with the characters, but breaks from the established series continuity (which is rather irritating). Also, the plot is rushed and doesn’t spend any time explaining who the aliens are. And Jessica Chastain is criminally underused. Still, the special effects are especially well-done, and the fight scenes are exciting and action-packed. While it has some problems, Dark Phoenix is an entertaining film that unfortunately brings an end to the Fox chapter of this franchise.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 / 10

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Shout by Deleted

Wait, I remember one scene J-law wasn't awful, the 2 seconds in an episode of Monk.

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Shout by Deleted

A movie nobody asked for. J-law awful as always, Sophie Turner same. I'm one of a few people people who have dropped GoT after Season 1 :-D

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X Men franchise is dead since a long time, this movie just make it even worse.
Seriously, give the franchise to anyone elde and change tue director, writer, cast and everything...

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Dark Phoenix, amazing movies and great making movies. Video Production Companies in New York Sinema Films. Thanks

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Weakness x men I have seen ever

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FX, FX and nothing else.

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I give this movie 3.5 stars. Not good and also not bad. Good story telling and good acting. CGI, hmm nothing new. I guess, Im just a fan of X-Men that's why I watched it. And the file was free so who am I to mega criticize this. Well, I'm still looking forward to the next XMen movie or if not XWomen. Lol.

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This is the only X-Men movies where I feel it's hard to keep my attention 100% at it the whole time. And I don't even think all of the movies are great. It's just that this one definitely the weakest one of all.
Some of my problems with it:
- I'm disappointed that we didn't learn much or nothing at all about the villain. Don't even know their name or what they are.
- The music. I thought there was something wrong with the audio. It doesn't actually add any emotion to the story. Sometimes it's distracting, other times just really bland.
- Hank motivation didn't seem logical. And he didn't need to go Beast and jump on cars and make a scene, he could've just walk/run across the street to get to the house!
- The acting and dialogue again seems bland.

There were some good moments though, and overall the movie was still entertaining with good special effects and fighting scenes.

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I am so angry!!! I had sick high hopes, because the story in the comics is soooooo good!! This sucked HARD!!! This is seriously the absolute worst X-men film yet. I’m sooo pissed after watching this boring piece of trash! RIP MCU!

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After reading reviews and the ratings of this movie I didn't really expect much, but I realy enjoyed it, it's totally underrated

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I really wanted to end up liking this movie, but it's not good. Everyone feels so weak, even Jean Grey. And the characters feel a bit all over the place. There's no satisfying conclusion, and the skrull-ish aliens were never explained what they were. It could've been really badass with Jean Grey kicking ass, but no one in this movie does much of anything.

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Spoiler Alert... IT'S TRASH.
And I say "spoiler", because it spoils the entire series. Honestly, you're better off just not watching it, and wondering what could have been. I won't blame you if you still watch it, but afterward, you'll be thinking about this comment... and how you shouldn't have watched it.

Remember, you were warned.

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And again I am swimming against the stream.

I liked it, enjoyed it, got entertained while watching. Has it a deep story ? No. Is it perfect ? Of course not. But there are a lot from the Avengers Franchise who are a lot worse than this. I'll admit it feels a bit like written with a hot pen. I guess they wanted to close out the story fast. And that alien angle is too thin. Still, I might watch it again sometime.

Sadly this is the last one of the line. Because, while I have no desire to watch anything post Endgame, I would like to see more from those X-men. Reading the news about the Disney X-men doesn't make me feel confident about them

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it's not good, it's not bad it's just nothing. will have forgotten about it tomorrow... what movie am I reviewing? see... already gone...

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I actually enjoyed this movie. Missing some essential characters, but overall good effects and an interesting story line.

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Doesn't worth watching... Characters don't fit their rules

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No good. The erstwhile XMen, X2, and X3 had an old world charm going for them. The resurrection, however, doesn't seem to be working for me. We all know these movies follow the same kind of formula, culminating towards an all-out bash at the end. My point is, we all know how these movies are going to turn out, but it's how much you enjoy that journey from the beginning to the end that makes or breaks a superhero/mutant flick such as this. And I did not enjoy a bit of this. Decide for yourself.

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Not as bad as people claim...but in terms of storywise, this movie ain't going nowhere

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Anyone who read the Fenix Saga in the comics, or even watched the cartoon of the 90s, will never like this movie. Unfortunately.
The most unnecessary part in my opinion was the raised agenda about male chauvinism in the movie. Totally unnecessary, as most female characters have always been the strongest.
They had an excellent opportunity to make a masterpiece, and they wasted it.

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Kuddos to hans zimmer for making this movie bearable, definitely could be better

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Was that a movie? Really? who wrote it, an AI ? Felt like they were forced to do this, not even minimum effort!

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Just take some popcorn or whatever, sit back in your couch and don't expect much about this movie.

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I think they only made this so they could have Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) throw out the line “it should be called X-Women.” Everything needs feminism these days.
They blew it after Days of Future Past. Rebooted the franchise after the X-3 mess. So they can make a movie with the Phoenix plot again ? At least X-3 was fun.
The film was just as dark while killing key members again. Except this is the last one. No time travel sequel coming that will save the killed off characters.
Jean was alive in the Days of Future Passed ending. Which makes this franchise even more of a mess. Since she died before Logan could even love her now. While Magneto never even learned that Quicksilver is his son. What a mess.

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A lumpen mess of CGI and overblown rhetoric about power and love between underwritten characters you couldn't give a stuff about. It's only the charm of Fassbender, McAvoy and some of the other actors who save it. Meanwhile, poor Jessica Chastain is wasted as smug annoying floaty villain.

Definitely worse than X3: Last Stand. How on earth did they let the same guy take another crack at this story when he messed it up last time as well?

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could have been much better but it disappoints in many ways ; not worth viewing in the cinema despite the good graphic efects

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The cast and the effects are probably the only two things that will make you watch this movie !

The rythm is off, the shots are often predictable or boring, the overall scenario and scenes are dull...

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it's not THAT bad jfc. you will feel like something's missing the whole way through yeah but it's still got that special x-men quality to it that can't fail to make me smile. i'm gonna miss them!


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Shout by Khawlah

Just left the theater from watching it again. I still believe it didn't deserve the hate it got (from critics.) Because most fans actually loved and enjoyed it. Also, I noticed many parallels to The Last Stand. Magneto is still the superior mutant with no one matching him in badassery. It's a travesty he didn't have his own movie. Four movies and I still don't like Jennifer as Mystique. Wish she was killed off after the first one. Now is a little too late. Charles didn't deserves all those things being said about him and he should've never apologized. And finally, Eric and Charles' last scene is definitely going to be one of the places I go to when I need to think happy thoughts.

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Man, they should have named this movie "The Shit on Charles Xavier Power Hour". I was really disappointed by that. They kept laying into him and it seemed so out of place. That aside, the movie seemed mediocre although I did enjoy some of the action scenes, particularly with magneto. Makes me want to re-watch the original X-Men movies though because they are certainly superior.

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Poor fights for a action movie and poor writing for a drama. They had the perfect ingredients to finally make a great X-Men movie but throw it all away adapting the Phoenix AGAIN. So disappointing!

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sophie turner has like 3 lines in this movie repeated a thousand times

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Hans Zimmer should be forbiden from making any motion picture theme from now on.
Lee Smith should never be allowed to edit movie anymore.
Simon Kinberg should never have directed anything at all.

This was bad, slow, useless and boring... in every aspect!

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Shout by Victoria
BlockedParent2019-06-12T05:50:32Z— updated 2019-08-22T04:42:07Z

Not nearly as bad as the critics made it out to be. Better than X-Men: The Last Stand and overall one of the most entertaining in the series. I'm not disappointed I saw it.

Great 3D effect too. Shame there's not going to be any 3D Blu-ray release of it anywhere in the world. What a waste of a good 3D conversion.

This movie has a wide gulf between audience scores and critic scores. As if we needed further evidence that critics are garbage

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Weak story aside, this is a good excuse to see your fav X-Men in action one more time.. Jessica Chastain presence is good enough for me even though I wanted a damn Mexican standoff between her character and James' and I wanted more of this movie but I walked out of the theater with stupid grin on my face.. that's a win I guess!

The Train scene with Magneto being total BADASS :cupid:

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I thought this was a pretty solid movie. The opening sequence gripped me, and my attention was grasped throughout. Coming into it, - with End Game fever - and hearing that the ending of Dark Phoenix was rewrote .. I was worried, but still eager to see it. Let down, I was not! Rather, I was left wanting more; yet, knowing this was the end of an era I was left with a bitter sweet feeling.

There is something about a bad-ass, female lead that gets me every-time. The action, acting, and the use of the "abilities" were spot on. I look forward to seeing it multiple times over again.

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I liked it a lot, the fights are good, much better than the previous one. It has been fine as the end of the saga. I do not understand those who put it so badly

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Shout by Khawlah

Pretty much ignored every review I’ve come across saying this wasn’t good and waited to judge for myself. It’s probably gonna be the last x men movie with this cast and I’m GOING TO ENJOY IT. And I honestly loved it. I had my doubts about Sophia delivering as Phoenix, but she was so much better than I expected. It was an interesting and fun journey. Though as always, I wish it had more Eric/Magneto and Magneto in general.

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Seen it twice, probably enjoyed a little more on the second try. It's not a great movie, but I wouldn't call it terrible either. Fassbender steals the show once again, at least in my eyes. Turner is a little awkward, there's not enough Pietro and I still don't know exactly who Chastain played. Neither Raven's death nor Jean's final sacrifice provoke emotions that they probably should, I didn't even blink while watching them. I liked what they tried to do with Professor X, even though they seemed to go a little overboard, overall poorly executing what undoubtedly started as a good idea.
But I admit, the final scene was great. The perfect way to wrap up this story.

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Well... It wasn't as bad as Jeremy made it out to be in his review... But still a huge disappointment.... Chris was right, this movie would've benefited from an R rating... And better writers... The story felt like it was scraped together over an weekend with Coke and Tequila.... Also I really was uncomfortable watching Sophie Turner playing Jean Grey, I ain't got nothing against her, she's a hot lady and all but she doesn't feel very natural IMO.

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It's sad to see the X-Men franchise go out with this movie. It is very generic and anti climatic. There was a lot of stuff I didn't understand, like everything to do with Jessica Chastain's character, and I just don't really care for Jean that much. It does have some decent action but the CGI can be distracting at times.

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I paid money for this

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I thought this was a fantastic movie and a great way to show the power of the Phoenix force. Several very good action scenes. Fassbender plays an excellent Magneto, as usual, and Sophie Turner really delivers as Jean Grey. If you like the X-Men you'll love this movie. If you are on super hero burnout from Captain Marvel and Endgame and you really aren't into the X-Men then I think it's safe to say you won't find this movie to be the highlight of your summer.

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I thought it was better than the last stand version but didn’t have the kick and energy that the last two films brought but was a fun watch with plenty of decent action. I liked how they focussed more on other characters and give them more film time in the action scenes. Definitely less on the comedy and more dark but that goes well with the Phoenix story. I thought at times it was rushed and a little cheesy. It’s definitely worth a watch, go into it with an open mind.

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Way back in the year 2000, and before the MCU, the original X-Men kickstarted the superhero genre that had long since faded into medocrity. (Seriously, post 1992 Batman Returns, can you name another decent superhero movie?). And now the saga ends, and while it isn't the swansong I hoped for, it's no disaster, either. The Dark Phoenix story is improved upon after the less than good The Last Stand, there is some decent action, and most of the cast are given an opportunity to shine. It could have been better - it is slow in places, the villains are thinly drawn - but it's not the mess the critics are calling it. Of course, while this saga ends, the X-Men will return when Disney resurrect the characters, but I will still miss the actors who have embodied the characters so well in this decent, if not always successful series of films.

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A wonderfully put together footnote.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-06-05T14:06:44Z— updated 2024-04-23T20:49:21Z

This is mostly stuck in second gear for the entire runtime, it’s very bland and poorly directed. Interestingly, despite having a different director at the helm a lot of the problems from X-Men Apocalypse carry over. There’s once again visible cheapness in the costumes and make-up, Lawrence phones it in, Sophie Turner can’t pull off what she’s asked to do and the story feels muddled. The new elements it adds on top of that don’t really work either, for example Jessica Chastain gives the most lifeless performance of her career as the villain of this film. Generally, it just looks and feels like a cheap tv show, Kinberg clearly wasn’t ready for this. Due to it’s smaller scale it never becomes as schlocky as the worst moments in Apocalypse, X-Men Origins Wolverine or The Last Stand, but this movie feels unambitious next to all of those films. I’d be fine with the approach if it had genuine good writing and interesting direction, but what’s being served here is not cerebral, emotional or exciting.


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Well this is good! The lowest rated movie in the whole franchise. 17% on RT. WTF did they do?

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wait, that boring GoT girl? nah I'll pass. like I don't care about avengers too.

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The release date is wrong, it has been pushed back.

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oh snap! I'm soo excited for this!

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