Shout by Jim222001

Dark Phoenix 2019

I think they only made this so they could have Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) throw out the line “it should be called X-Women.” Everything needs feminism these days.
They blew it after Days of Future Past. Rebooted the franchise after the X-3 mess. So they can make a movie with the Phoenix plot again ? At least X-3 was fun.
The film was just as dark while killing key members again. Except this is the last one. No time travel sequel coming that will save the killed off characters.
Jean was alive in the Days of Future Passed ending. Which makes this franchise even more of a mess. Since she died before Logan could even love her now. While Magneto never even learned that Quicksilver is his son. What a mess.

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@jim222001 “it should be called X-Women.” yep, that and sjw/pc overload. All three killing entertainment.
