Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff

Dark Phoenix 2019

Way back in the year 2000, and before the MCU, the original X-Men kickstarted the superhero genre that had long since faded into medocrity. (Seriously, post 1992 Batman Returns, can you name another decent superhero movie?). And now the saga ends, and while it isn't the swansong I hoped for, it's no disaster, either. The Dark Phoenix story is improved upon after the less than good The Last Stand, there is some decent action, and most of the cast are given an opportunity to shine. It could have been better - it is slow in places, the villains are thinly drawn - but it's not the mess the critics are calling it. Of course, while this saga ends, the X-Men will return when Disney resurrect the characters, but I will still miss the actors who have embodied the characters so well in this decent, if not always successful series of films.

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