Shout by Alex Coman

Dark Phoenix 2019

This could've been great, but it ended up being close to a disaster.

The first half of the movie seemed promising, but the execution was so poor, it made me lose interest more quickly than I'd predicted. I can't tell what did it: the soundtrack, the acting or the directing, but everything felt completely out of place while watching the story unfold. Then came the second half of the movie, which felt rushed and waaaaaaay too soapy, even for my tastes (seeing that I generally don't mind when movies tend to be more dramatic than they need to be).

Oh, also, the use of green screen in this was just... no. I hate seeing CGI used this way and I'm sad to see that more and more movies tend to not pay attention to realism when it comes to using the digital tools of today.

Let's hope that the next iteration of X-Men, the MCU-backed one, will be better.

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