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Blade Runner 1982


BlockedParent2015-07-27T11:06:29Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:25:09Z

One of the worst and most hyped films I've ever seen. I absolutely don't get what this flick wants to tell me.

Besides that, it is neither thrilling nor entertaining, so I can only hope that there is a message and deeper meaning to it that I just don't get... However, I would recommend to stay away from it if you expect a SciFi thriller because I know for sure that Blade Runner is not thrilling at all.

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After all these years, i finally take time to see that movie... Boring till the end :-(

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"It's too bad she won't live! But then again, who does?"

Do any of us really live? Does it really matter in the end? All that matters is what we leave behind because most of our memories are lost like tears in the rain.

I can't wait for 2049. Denis Villeneuve has been one of the best directors of the past decade and I have complete faith he will make another masterpiece.

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As excited to rewatch this the night before the sequel drops as I am the sequel itself...this sci-fi Gold is a small piece of my childhood...and ol'lady loves this movie too which means I get to throw a couple C beams across her Tannhauser gate after haaaaa

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This is truly one of the greatest science fiction films ever made, one that requires a thinking viewer in order to understand and appreciate it.

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Considering there are 66 people watching "Blade Runner" on the opening weekend of "Blade Runner 2049", and only 14 people marked as watching the new film. I wonder how many people have checked in to the wrong film on this site.

For those that find it boring, yes it's a slower pace of storytelling, there aren't fifty cuts in a ten second action sequence. The story is a journey and one that is meant to be savored, right from the beginning of Vangelis' music to Roy Batty's death and the origami unicorn, it's a discovery.

This is a breakdown that is worth reading.

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A movie that inspired so many, the Replicants instantly screamed Westworld to me. Visually stunning, fascinating world building, nice costumes, the city looks amazing, atmospheric as hell, unique score, the special effects still look neat and the lighting is perfection. The only things that didn't age well are some of the tech within the movie (picture zoom-in on TV, public phone booth) but they have a certain charm to them. It started real strong in the first act but kinda lost me in the second, could have used more action or just more happening in the story cause I was getting bored. The few instances of action are very short-lived and a bit weird. I didn't really feel challenged on an intellectual level either. Sadly a prime example of style over substance, and it sure excels in the style department.

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Beautiful film, but pacing is excruciatingly slow as the very simple story is stretched out too much and the characters are too boring to carry it. Its still required reading for movie lovers, but its not a classic I’m wanting to revisit anytime soon

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simple detective story in an amazing and detailed future world, with Harrison at his coolest

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Whatever you're imagining this movie is going to be like, it's going to be different:
It's like hearing car based action movie and you're expecting Fast and Furious and are getting Mad Max Fury Road. Or space exploration expecting Star Trek (series) and getting Interstellar. War movie expecting Saving Private Ryan and getting Dunkirk. Or tragic romance expecting Titanic and getting Her.
So whatever you're expecting to see when you think about cult classic sci fi thriller: Blade Runner is going to be different.

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Like others here, I'm late to the Blade Runner party. Except, I've tried to watch this movie 2-4 times in the past, and couldn't get past the first hour or so. Tonight, I resolved to watch the film in its entirety.

The beginning is pretty good. It's an over-the-top cyberpunk film, and as a gamer, I can see where Deus Ex, and to a lesser extent Fallout got some of their inspiration. Then it becomes a Rutger Hauer thriller. Which isn't a bad thing, it's a staple of 1980s film, but I don't think it lives up to the hype.

It's probably something that was better in its time that hasn't aged well. It might be time to remake this one, to bring a fresher perspective to the story.

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The best version, indeed. There was the Theatrical version on Netflix in Brazil when I saw it, but my first time with Blade Runner was the Director's cut in DVD lend me for a friend. I believe that was the first time I have needed to worry about movies cuts.

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Real good sci-fi ..just don't ask me what was different about this version to the others..

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As a whole movie, it is quite disappointing and boring to watch here in 2018, but the visuals and the world is really cool and masterpiece .... Especially when the creator asked the same questions we started to ask again nowadays, what is creation, and what if our creations surpass us... Genius! And timeless!

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Watched this for the first time in the 80s. Didn't really get the meaning. What the heck, I was probably 14 years old. Watched it again sometime in the past. Understood it but still not impressed. I think it´s a tad overdone. It is that one scene that everyone praises that defines this movie. Those couple of line of dialogue at the end. The rest is a rather boring story about a guy hunting down those replicants and then (how original) falling in love with one. Soundtrack is great, though.
Now I watched it again in preparation for 2049 and I am seriously considering not to watch it.

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"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die."

One of my all time favourite scenes from any movie ever. I've watched the "Tears in Rain" monologue about a billion times by now. It's a scene where Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) leans humanity from someone who isn't human.

Rutger Hauer, I love you man.

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A masterpiece!
First I gave it a 9 out of 10 rating just out of pure enjoyment of the world and characters portayed in this film, but then it made me think, like all my other "10 out of 10"s. I realised what an even greater artpiece this is!
(Btw I have only watched the Directors cut. I have heard of all the different versions of this movie, but i don't know the story behind this, I just know mine ended with a origami unicorn ;-) )

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Image and sound 4.75 / 5. To see this masterpiece is a delight, to see it in Cinema Paco is the milk, as seen and heard. We saw the last version, no voice-over, different ending and unicorn scene

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Great dystopian future with steampunk themes with great messages, dialogue and line delivery

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It's very rare, but the movie is better than the book in my opinion. Sure it doesn't talk about the religious aspects and doesn't lasts long on the animals' rarity and its social impact. But still, the atmosphere, the image, the characters, are all great and supported by an excellent OST. One of the few Ridley Scott's real masterpieces.

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what a graphic to be seen.enough to have their own trademark.

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My favorite SF movie, I've watched it so many times.

"I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life; my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die."

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Great every time I watch it!

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So many modern sci-fi movies owe their look partially to this movie, it still holds up incredibly well. Gorgeous cinematography and worldbuilding, it’s a true piece of art. The score is also incredible. I typically don’t listen to a lot of film scores because they’re often written specifically with the visuals of the film in mind, however this score is so atmospheric, detailed and jazzy that it works without the context of the film. The story is good, but I think that Blade Runner 2049 showed that you could delve into these concepts a little deeper on an emotional and intellectual level. Not that it’s surface level, it certainly isn’t, but I think it could’ve filled its runtime more interestingly when you have a scene where Harrison Ford talks to his television for 3 minutes. Ford’s performance is excellent, I think they found the right balance where you feel invested in his character while maintaining some of the secrecy that he’s shrouded in. All of the performances are excellent, in fact. It’s just the pacing and lack of more depth that keeps me from calling it a masterpiece.


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What an extremely boring movie that got even more awful with that scene between Deckard and Rachael which was nothing else, but a rape. And Deckard was supposed to be a good guy, yeah right. I was so disgusted with it. There's nothing fun and thrilling about this Sci-Fi. Makes me wonder if it's worth to watch the sequel. Probably not.

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Never saw this one until today (planning on watching 2049 tomorrow), but tbh, i was expecting something else. I got bored. A lot. It has that carateristic slow pace of the 80's movies, almost 0 action, and a plot that is really meh. Maybe is just me, but didn't like it. Lets see tomorrow if the modern version is a little better.

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As with several others, Blade Runner is one of those well-hyped movies that I'm late to the dance with. I suppose when it launched in 1997 it was pretty cutting-edge but I have to admit that watching this in 2022, with the opening scene touting "Los Angeles 2019", it kind of lost something in the way of momentum. 2019 has come and gone, and we don't have futuristic cities that are perpetually dark and it rains 24/7, nor do we have flying cop vehicle...or Replicants. By today's standards, certainly, this one is lacking and I just don't see what the big deal was: it's a futuristic movie about cyborgs. Just wasn't enough going in it for me and while I'm glad I went ahead and watched it (so I can at least say I've seen it) I still don't get all the hype about it. At best, it was mediocre and the ending was completely lost on me. No idea what that was all about. There are much better movies to watch than this one...unless you're like me and just have this urge to add it to your "I've seen that one" list.

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Seeing "Blade Runner" for the first time left me under whelmed. The future Los Angeles cityscape is certainly visionary but the overcrowded rain-soaked streets made me claustrophobic. I can appreciate the technology and fatalistic viewpoint expressed in the story, but the characters are thin and the acting is ordinary at best.

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Even though it's one of the most visually stunning movies ever produced, Blade Runner does not do as much for me as it obviously does for a lot of people. There's little in the way of character development (we know as little about Deckard at the end as we did in the beginning of the movie), and very few can answer me what they think this movie is about other than the obvious existential question. However...when you consider the visuals, the acting, and the sound, I tend to forget to nitpick.

So...I DO like Blade Runner, but saying it's one of the absolute best movies ever? That's quite a stretch...

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Wonderfull movie but spoilt to some extent by the unnecessarily long fight at the end

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I've heard great things about this movie, but it didn't click with me at all.

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Overrated period, Rutger Howard good performance as usual

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A moody and atmospheric masterpiece. The ambiguity of it all is what elevates it even further. Classic sci-fi.

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This felt like the Avatar of its time. Impressive visuals, but just painfully boring and slow to watch. Pretty overrated, but I think most of its legacy is its influence on better 80s movies.

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I like the first 50 minutes until the whacky shit takes over, then it even falls into the trash category. Harrison Ford's voice over is terrible.
The script is good and some parts are pretty advanced for its time but overall I didn't like Blade Runner very much

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Shout by Deleted

Roy Batty is a genius!! (Ridley Scott too, of course...)

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Can somebody explain to me why is this movie so famous. ??? I'm a true scifi lover and i have red the book that inspired the movie. So I believe I understand the story clearly enough. And still I could not say that i liked it. It is slow and overly dramatic with a dull ending. Am i right? or am I missing something?

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One of my all time fav.

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«I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain...»

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the best!

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If I saw this in '82 it would be mind blowing. The bad guy was fantastic and the cat and mouse game at the end crazy good. The weird rapish scene could have been rewritten though, haha.

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Gotta see directors cut not studio edition they messed it up lol

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Do you love me? I love you
Do you trust me? I trust you

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Hand down the best scifi movie of all time.

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Strange film, hard to identify its direction on the first viewing. Very interesting the setting, which seems dystopic but in fact it is not. A nice plot, perhaps not represented in the best possible way, some details remain hidden, but I believe it is intended that way.

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Watched tonight on the big screen for the first time, and it really didn't let me down. Big ideas that make you think, great performances and visuals. A classic in every sense.

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A classic from a time when they actually made movies. It's art, deep and amazing. Real special effects. Great cast. Masterpiece. 1982 had some of the best films ever released.

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I adore retrofuturism and this is obviously full to the brim and overflowing with it. The themes and what the film tries to convey have been discussed to death so I won't rehash all that. I think the movie was superb and definitely will be due for rewatches in the future.

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Shout by jmonty

i forgot how creepy that scene is...

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Still dont get the hype. Visually amazing for its time but other than that…meh.

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As an adapatation is very bad, did not even shows de message of the book.

As JUST a movie , i like how is trated the ciberpunk and policial and the noir aura. even thought this makes more difficult to digest it, and the voice in off narrative from Deckart, make me yawn more than one time.

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Blade Runner has undeniably made great contributions to the science fiction genre. However, I found the plot to be rather uninteresting, and the film's deeper philosophical meaning was unimpactful—maybe I missed a lot of the subtleties throughout the film. Perhaps, as a younger person, I have been spoiled by modern-day visual effects, which make it difficult for me to appreciate how ground-breaking this film must've been in the 80s.

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While the aesthetic and cultural impacts of Blade Runner cannot be denied (and I admire heavily) - there are simply too many things about every single version of this film that make it painfully unwatchable for me.

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I liked the set decoration, it is very depressing, perfect for the ambience. But I think the plot is more interesting than the script. The story could have been better dialogued to evidence the background of human identity, the desire of belonging, and love. On a side note, this is one of those movies that were very optimistic about the future.

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I love the aesthetics and acting, but not the plot execution. The design elements (set, cinematography, sound, costume, hair, and make-up) are the true appeal of this film. The concept is brilliant, but it is badly directed and pacing is sleep inducing.

5/10 - for being a successful art film of its time.

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It’s not that great and I don’t get why this movie is loved so much. I think it’s a bit boring and was glad that it was over. That’s never a good sign.

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Boring and slow. This film have that high marks because is a futuristic film in 1980...

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Had to watch this movie for one of my politics class.
Honestly, the only part that I enjoyed of this movie is the new materialism theory.
Other than that, it's full of stereotypes which I know is normal for the time, but ouff not my vibe

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Good movie, but some shots are way too long.

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This movie was very slow, which I think lent well to the dystopian theme, but the plot wasn't exciting enough to keep me hooked and interested. Like more recent dark, dystopian movies that are slow paced, I think this just wasn't for me.

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The best science fiction movie in the history of cinema.

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... now I understand why so many philosophers mention this film. Awesome film.

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I watched it for the first time today but I don’t get it why is it became such a cult movie. Of couse the mood and this cyberpunk style is great but the story for me was lame.

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recommend watching it 2 times to get the full experience

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Extremely overrated piece of work.

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8 - Great

Okay so I don't know what to say about this movie, sometimes it's not clear what's happening but I did enjoy it.

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Ridley Scott’s cult classic Blade Runner is a groundbreaking science-fiction thriller based on the work of celebrated author Philip K. Dick. The story follows Rick Deckard, a special investigator that’s charged with tracking down and eliminating four rogue synthetic androids that look human. Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Daryl Hannah, the film has a solid cast that gives good performances. And, the visual style of the film is quite captivating and stunning. Yet, the storytelling is poor, and Scott doesn’t capture the themes and concepts of Dick’s original story very effectively. Still, Blade Runner is a fascinating film that explores some intriguing issues.

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On the one hand there is nothing special about this movie, I have seen "twists"(if that's what we can call the end scene - talking about 1997 version) like this countless times.
On the other hand it has many great quotes and focuses on important concepts instead of dumb flashy fights.

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Mmmm... This is delicious cheese...

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Genre-defining and influential as it may be, Blade Runner's incredible plot and themes are done a disservice by the film's almost-cursory treatment of them. In particular, Harrison Ford's inability to flesh out his morally-dubious gumshoe detective character's personal struggle—about what it means to be human—makes Blade Runner little more than a visual treat, regardless of which cut you watch. Perhaps a film too early for its time?

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I've seen this film now for the first time in 2018. Don't know why it took me that long as I usually watch all Ridley Scott movies. I have to say the story is a bit underwhelming but there is no question that the setting, the world and the visuals are brilliant. So I definitely get why it's a Sci-Fi classic.

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There is a reason this movie has inspired so many others over the years. It is a genius piece of sci-fi that holds up after decades of its first release. It took many tries but once the final cut was released it settled Blade Runner in as one of the best created in the genre.

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In view of looking at Blade Runner 2049, he finally decided to watch the original version (shame on me for not having done it). From the great Ridley Scott. The level design is superb, the music beautiful. Two hours of incredible cinema.

Hoping that the new version is of the same caliber.

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Not as good as people says, but it's a cool movie to watch when have nothing to do.

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Blade Runner

A very moody film, with an intriguing story.
Fantastic visual direction.
Sometimes some stiff acting.


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I know it is a classic, but nowadays, it has not really the same impact that at the time. And the visual is really outdated.. I wish I will have see it Day one ! At least I have seen it and I will be ready for Blade Runner 2049 :)

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The only good thing of this flick is the clear influence it had in Westword.

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Very symbolic but totally totally weird.

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