Shout by Deleted

Blade Runner 1982


Shout by Deleted

Like others here, I'm late to the Blade Runner party. Except, I've tried to watch this movie 2-4 times in the past, and couldn't get past the first hour or so. Tonight, I resolved to watch the film in its entirety.

The beginning is pretty good. It's an over-the-top cyberpunk film, and as a gamer, I can see where Deus Ex, and to a lesser extent Fallout got some of their inspiration. Then it becomes a Rutger Hauer thriller. Which isn't a bad thing, it's a staple of 1980s film, but I don't think it lives up to the hype.

It's probably something that was better in its time that hasn't aged well. It might be time to remake this one, to bring a fresher perspective to the story.

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