Review by moonkodi

Blade Runner 1982

Looks amazing. The dialogue delivery is mellow and together with the atmosphere it puts you in a slight a trance, which can make you miss things. I think this is why some get bored.
I dont don't see why people can't see a messsage in the movie. The replicants are basically a class of slaves, and the escaped ones wants to stop more being made to cease an existance they see as empty and cruel. Is it cruel to give human feelings to a replicant? They're just a company robot after all. The human design has consequences, but who cares? It's the basic morality twist of who is right and who is wrong. Then how does the blade runner character fit into all of this. I watched the final cut. I liked the ending. You're even left like the characters at the end questioning what's important in life.
So it's a commentary on technology and human society. In the end you can draw simularities on human exploitation and class systems, especially concerning corporations and business which is probably why big billboards appear throughout the movie. In the end its a sad movie. It's a slow movie but luckily its very escapist in atmosphere when viewing. If you come into this movie expecting a robot action movie you'll be disappointed.

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