It was a nice action movie if you didn't put your mind too deeply in the storyline. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor tried to be too much Heath Ledgers Joker. Overall it was a very dark movie and didn't had a typical Hollywood ending.

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not the worst thing I've seen lately, but still turgid and formulaic

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Awesome! Better than expected. Dark and hard. Well done!

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I give it 5 out of 5 stars. Awesome flik. Better than any Marvel movie. The DC Trinity kicks ass. They took two classic story lines and melded them together seamlessly. Perfection from page to screen

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Brilliant film, maybe a little moody, but that gives it character, loved it.

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boring 3/4 first of the movie better the last 1/4. Disappointing in overall, team superman all the way.
Zimmer's music was a big dull

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Well this movie was so slow to start and should of been a batman movie hardly any superman stuff more of batman...I did like the scene with Clarke's father in the snow...but they should of just made a sequel to the last superman movie no need for batman to ruin the movie.....

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The Batman motivations to fight with Superman are more well constructed than the Superman motivations, but this don't make the movie worse, actually, the movie is really good. A great prequel to Justice League movies.
Sometimes, the movie is a bit more confuse than normal (especially the first half of it), but if you think that DC Universe is based in multiple universes, a pretty much of the unexplained scenes can be explained.

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I was pleased with the special effects and action. There were a couple parts where it got so slow that I found myself nodding off.. But overall it was worth the time..

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This will be the very Definition of a bad Movie for at least the next 10 years....
It really is the worst Movie I have ever seen in a theatre...

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OK, it's taken me a while to come up with a rating for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

It's a real odd one, and really depends on how seriously you want to take this or compare it with other films in this series or genre.

There were moments of genius mixed with moments of naffness.

My favourite moments were the 'dream sequences'. There was one in particular that was really brilliant.

I liked the meaner, more sarcastic Alfred.

Jesse Eisenberg was excellent as Lex Luther.

I loved the references to the old films and the films we haven't even seen yet.

I liked the music.

The 2.5 hours went quite quickly and I didn't get bored.

However, there were some niggles which I could have done without which is why it dropped 3 points.

Overall, I didn't think it sucked THAT badly, and was worth making and worth watching.


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BlockedParent2016-03-31T12:18:11Z— updated 2016-07-15T00:19:04Z

its actually surprisingly good. give it a 7/10.

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Batman vs. Superman felt like a piss-poor excuse for the faults of Man of Steel.

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Fantastic Film, special effects are astounding. I really don't know why the critics and some fans are panning the film, i feel Zach Snyder did a fantastic job. Ben Affleck as Batman at first i was dubious but IMO he knocked it out of the ballpark this to me is what Batman is meant to be. Jesse Eisenberg did a great job as Lex Luther. To be honest no point me going on i couldn't find any faults, for those of you that were going to see it but critics swayed you not to take the plunge and see it. well worth it.

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This movie was a gigantic waste of potential.

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not comparable to Nolan's take on The Dark Knight. this is a balls-to-the-wall code-out-of-the-window Batman. I think the movie will disappoint most of fanboys of both Batman, and Superman, but if you just want something different and don't care if it deviates from the lore of the characters, you gonna love it.

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Other than a weak script, this movie was actually entertaining and I don't believe it deserves the hate it gets. It follows DC's ~dark and gritty~ line, while still being a good superhero movie. The only problem I found was Batman's weak reasoning for wanting to stop Superman, which I'm going to blame on the bad writing; and dream sequences that made no sense unless you are a die-hard fan of the comics (and sometimes not even then) (and they are cool! but when they are THAT long, you're just alienating your casual audience). A+ things: Wonder Woman, and the OST.

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A good, solid superhero movie. Many people are criticising it and there are some valid points. However it is better to go into the film with no expectations. Many of us have a version of the film we want in our heads. The same happened with The Phantom Menace. No film can live up to the blockbuster we create in our imagination. Instead we should enjoy the film as somebody else's vision and not our own. The director's cut may tie up some of the loose plot ends, and regardless, I am excited for the future of the DC universe.

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I loved this movie. I'm not really good finding words so I'll link this video of who took the words right out of my heart:

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Not a 10/10, but i really like it, it was a little bit dark. Hope they bring that touch to the Justice League.

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This movie rocks, sure it had its odd plotholes here and there and tried to cram too many things into one movie, but I enjoyed it! I'm starting to think this is a fanboy thing.

Ben rocked as Batman
Henry nailed Superman once again, no surprise there
Jessie had a weird Lex approach but I think that was done purposely for future films to define the character more to how Lex become who he is today.

Cinematography was def eye candy, acting top notch, directing first class and the score really complemented every scene!

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Well...I did like Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne...but darn this movies problems have problems :/ The sad thing is that there is a really good movie somewhere in there...

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From a completely non-superhero fan perspective: Literally no idea what was going on, what the movie was about, was there a plot? Felt like action sequence after action sequence and awfully cliche lines in between. I know that some confusion is understandable since I was oblivious to a backstory, but I feel as if all movies should make some sort of sense to 'outsiders.' Anyhow, besides finding it extremely confusing, I found it extremely boring (these likely are linked) but still nothing held me back from literally walking out of the theatre. Still not convinced to be a superhero fan!

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The dream has come true. The wait that lasted 30 years is finally over. The original superheroes are now back where they should have been. At the top of the of the original of the species. Thank you Warner Bros. Thank you Zacl Snyder.

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Shout by Simon

| This bat vigilante... He's like a one man reign of terror.

If you want action. If you want special effects. If you want several superheroes in one move, this is the movie for you.

I actually really enjoyed this movie, I personally wasn’t sold on the super Kryptonian alien but it certainly gave everyone a work out!

I love in these modern movies they give Superman more of an entry/exit sound, a nice solid thud and a very definite whoosh as he departs - and - in this film even a very solid chest sound as he’s hit (in jest) by one of the other cast. No flabbiness allowed here!

For me, perhaps, the runaway character was the mysterious Diana Prince.

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I thought it was Pretty bad actually, Storywise was the worst part.It got an extra point(5 instead of 4) from me for the 3D....and the amazing Wonder Woman who deserves her own theater movie or serie on TV.
After Man of Steel,as well as in Batman vs Superman, Superman is still as dislikeable as ever but it might not be entirely it's fault...All that even makes "Superman Returns"almost a better film :(
Deadpool was much better
I hope next Marvel movie won't suck as much as Age of Ultron

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it has the style of man of steel, I like the story and how the tell us

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No hay que dejarse llevar por las criticas. El inicio es impecable, intenso y perfecto, el soundtrack ayuda a generar tension, muy bien combinado. Quizas la pelicula se vea un tanto apurada a medio tramo, pero es por lo recargada que esta. Para desarrollarla como se deberia, hubiese que dividirla en dos partes. Lo de Eisenberg como Luthor es brillante, y el Batman de Affleck es lo mas parecido que he visto al comic (Incluso mejor que Bale). El unico punto malo que le encontre, fue la falta de realismo en la batalla entre Superman y Batman... Dos colosos peleando y... ¿Ninguno sangro? (Salvo la cortada en la mejilla). Para mi, le gano a lo que va de la saga de los Avengers, pero es cuestion de gustos.

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It is true. A very expensive reaction video for Man of Steel!

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Boring and long.
Contorced story.
Good final.

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Fan made teaser, really nice:

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Ben Affleck has been comfirmed to play the role as Batman (

Not sure how I feel about this, but it's gonna be interesting for sure!

Only two years left...

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