Damn I fell asleep when they started punching each other. Not before, when they actually started. Going to try again later.
Anyway why is Mark Zuckerberg playing as lex lutor??

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A two and a half hours boring, depressing mess. In short, Zack Snyder.

And the dream sequences take more screen time then the actual BvS fight. Who thought this was a good idea?

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Shout by hlava

Too long, often boring, dark atmosphere and more like an psycho-drama-thriller than adventure-action-sci-fi movie. I expected more and was a little bit disappointed from this movie. I was really sure to give it 10 points score but I can't give it more than 7 and that's only for the final battle and Wonder Woman, otherwise it would be 6. There are two B v S scenes and that's really not much for the movie called Batman v Superman.

And the end with 10 mins funeral...well...another cliché we saw too many times. We know he cannot die because of another movies and series and yet we have to watch 10 minutes funeral...why?
And what about Lex and Crypton ship? The most-advanced tech inside the ship and you can access the system with the Zod skin on your fingers? No other bio-metrics check? With all that technology? WTF?

I believe we fans deserve more than this.

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I REALLY don't get why most people didn't like it. In my opinion it really worked quite neatly

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Ben Affleck has been comfirmed to play the role as Batman (http://variety.com/2013/film/news/ben-affleck-is-the-new-batman-1200586881/).

Not sure how I feel about this, but it's gonna be interesting for sure!

Only two years left...

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Shout by Yoshi
BlockedParent2015-07-14T00:25:40Z— updated 2019-03-07T18:07:36Z

Hot take: Eisenberg portrays a GREAT Lex Luthor.

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Just watch the ultimate edition it is way better than the original version.

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Stupidest movie ever. I couldn't even force myself to watch more than an hour of this crap.

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This movie is really a shame of the potential the movie had. All the actors were pretty good and also the sfx were great. However, there are so many things wrong in this movie that I don't know where to start... The story is horrible and the script is very unclear for non fans. There is even a scene were batman destroys his complet suit and the next scene it's a brand new different suit while he was on quite a haste ...

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Shout by Wilco

Liked the movie, hence the 7 I gave.

But it has a LOT of problems.

to name a few.
- Why would superman allow us humans to take possesion of kryptonian ships ?
- Batman is supposed to be a master detective. How come he did not see that he is being manipulated by Lex Luthor.
He knows that Lex is smugling kryptonite. He should be able to understand that he is being manipulated
- Seeing or hearing Jesse Eisenberg playing Lex Luthor made my balls shrink
- Why would a kryptonian ship allow a human to be it's master ? Because of only fingerprints ?? Really ?
- Was Martha Kent really working as a waitress ? Doesn't she has a farm ?
- Did we really need to see those pearls fall again ? We know how Batman parents died. Because it is being shown over and over again with every movie or serie that has Batman. We know it already stop it !!
- It's a spear. Why not throw it ?

I liked Ben Affleck as Batman. Also liked the rest of the cast with the exception of Jesse Eisenberg.

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I know that any enthusiast of the genre has to watch this movie (like the Green Lantern...shudder...) but I thought this was awful. Maybe the plot setup for the Superman / Batman fight occurred during one of the moments I feel asleep, but I still don't understand why that happened - or how it suddenly stopped happening (that was just so unfeasible).

I quite liked the whacky Lex Luther (even if it wasn't true to the source, and some audience members confused with the Joker). I didn't get Wonder Woman (check out the last fight scence to see which hero gets the biggest beating). The Batman was the dark, broody version, and reminded me of the 1989 version). Superman also tried to be dark - but just seemed to be really frowny all the way through

But the fight scenes just escalated to what I thought was ludicrous levels (does so much bright explosion make the special affects cheaper because the viewers can't see detail).

I went in with low expectations - and feel like there were justified.

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Shout by Deleted

Well...I did like Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne...but darn this movies problems have problems :/ The sad thing is that there is a really good movie somewhere in there...

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Shout by Hellyo13

The movie feels like a forced publicity stunt for the Justice League movie, OMG, it's all so forced!!! And the Batman visions??? WTF WAS THAT?!?!?!?

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First time watching this been on my watchlist for a long time. Didn't expect much from the reviews and ratings but I actually enjoyed it, for a movie that was 3 hours long it actually went by pretty quickly the only scenes that were a bit overdone in my opinion were the dream scenes. The introduction to the characters in the upcoming movie was done pretty nicely. My king Henry Cavill is irreplaceable as Superman I don't know how to describe it he is just perfect and born for this role, Ben Affleck was solid but the actor that suprised me the most was Jesse Eisenberg he embodied that role perfectly. I'm giving this movie a 7.4/10

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When I was younger I gave this 9 (maybe 10 if you asked me on certain days). But rewatching this after rewatching the batman (2022) made me realise it's a 6 (and thats me being generous).

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So, Batman has a beef with Superman destroying half of Metropolis during his fight with Zod, Lex Luthor tries to create a weapon against Kryptonites - and he raises the anti-Superman tensions.

Honestly, for most of the movie I was too reminded of Batman vs Joker in Dark Knight, the insane giggling, the plotting just to cause chaos... it's really a poor copy. I don't buy Affleck's Batman. He lacks the depth and also the sophistication of Nolan's Batman, and I really disliked seeing him seeing use so many guns. He was too easily swayed by his anger and hatred (all in the name of "justice") - and only the name Martha was able to snap him out of it? Urgh.

So, overall, a rather unoriginal story, characters who remain pretty 2-dimensional... and honestly, the addition of Wonder Woman was more hindering than helping the mood of the movie. Definitely not a movie that whets my appetite for more.

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This is a hot take, but I love this movie. I read The Dark Knight Returns for the first time right before watching this, and Batfleck really harkens back to that Dark Knight. I’m also a big fan of this Lex Luthor, however I definitely see why people don’t like him. I really like the Knightmare sequences, as I’m a fan of the “Evil Superman” spin on stories. Overall, I think this one is overhated. 9/10

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Watched the "Ultimate Edition" and stand by my original thoughts about this film. Even with its overly complicated plot and occasional loose ends, it's cohesive enough to support Zack Snyder's amazing visuals and action.

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The theatrical cut of this was not great. The extended cut is fantastic. Watch the ultimate edition, it totally changed my outlook on this film, the characters and my rating jumped up. Why does DC hate snyder? Whyyyyyyyyy. If I watch all of Snyder's ultimate cuts of these DC movies they are quite possibly the greatest comic book movies out there.

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So much better than the theatrical release. The few added and extended scenes add to the story, characters and world this is building. Needs more love but seems to be one of the most misunderstood films.

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"Ultimate" version it's a bit long, but you have to create this universe somehow if you've slept in the last 10 years. ;)

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I read all the bad reviews before watching it, and I was sure that I'm gonna hate it, but I watched it anyway and WOW...
It was an amazing experience, LOVED IT

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This is a review for the Ultimate Cut (IMAX) version released in March 2021. Experience is crazy!

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I love almost everything in this movie, even Ben Affleck. If it wasn’t some plot holes and Lois lane stranger decisions around around water, it would be the best super-heroe movies ever

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"You're not brave. Men are brave."

This deserves a score bump after watching the ultimate edition. I really like the way Batman looked and how strong he felt while fighting. I definitely have some issues with the film such as how many lines Superman has considering his name is in the title, and Batman's detective skills are a little weak for someone who has been at it for a long time. Snyder knows how to make everything look really good, just could use some help in the writing department.

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Shout by Deleted

considering how much was spent on this movie.. it may be one of the worst movies ive ever seen. lazy editing, poor story telling, boring, after the first hour of basically nothingness.. you wonder why they even bothered to show up.

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I know my ratings sometimes are not equal cause this movie is really good and I would watch again. However, I kept finding myself thinking this could be better. The dream fight sequences were just not super hero-like more supernatural than comic book fantasy. Then Luthor is not manic, he is more poised, devious, this guy sucks... Everything else was cool.

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haven't seen the theatrical cut and i still can't believe this was three hours long, but it's a very well done movie and i don't know that any of the scenes could've been omitted—maybe bruce wayne's montage of working out.

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Well the film is garbage for many reasons but the DCU as a whole just has crap villains

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There's only so much additional context/runtime can do to put lipstick on Zack Snyder's deformed pig of a movie. The first hour, while absolutely depressing, is surprisingly coherent, but at the 1 hour mark, the wheels fall off as the script becomes laughable. Was he trying to make the DCEU in the same vein as The Boys on Amazon? Superman and Batman are assholes and both are unlikable. Who am I supposed to rooting for here? It just turns into disaster porn, 2012 style. Cave Troll is still hilarious. This wasn't as painful when I first saw this as I'm now able to watch bad movies and celebrate the clusterfluff that they are.

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Bad bad bad bad bad

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MARTHAAAAA!!! Ben affleck good but plot is all over the place.

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The ultimate edition is definitely an upgrade from the theatrical cut... character development, more depth to the characters (specially Superman) doesn’t feels rush etc... I won’t be seeing the theatrical cut again...

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This could have been such a good movie.

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Well, I finally got around to seeing it... again... for the third time.

However, this time I saw it with my dad, who isn't the biggest superhero fan in the world. Much to my surprise and enjoyment, he actually really liked it. Considering he's never been a big fan of any Marvel or DC properties, he said this was his favorite portrayal of both Superman and Batman, beating out all previous performances. He even liked Jessie Eisenberg, which is what I was worried about. Yes, I only showed him the Ultimate Edition. There's no sense in showing him the butchered mess that was the theatrical cut. Even he wondered what they could've possibly cut and couldn't imagine 30 whole minutes being chopped out. It was fun getting to see it again, and I understood even more things this time around. Now that I knew what was going, I could actually sit back and enjoy the movie for what it is. Still remains one of my favorite superhero movies to date.

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The theatrical release was turgid, undercooked, bleak nonsense. 4/10

The Ultimate edition is much more enjoyable and rounded. The story makes sense and the flow of the film is much better. It's epic now. 7/10

Why not a higher rating? Casting. I cannot abide Henry Cavill as Clark Kent. I can barely tolerate Amy Adams as Lois Lane. And Jesse as Luthor... Just no.

6/10 as a combined rating across all - but watch the Ultimate version only. Everything else is a waste of your time.

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You want a epic movie... But it is so so...

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"Batman v Superman is a great film and a spectacle that marks a new era for superheroes."

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On rewatch(es) of this giant (I’m definitely talking about the Ultimate Edition) I realised how unwise it had been for the part of the Studio to misjudge its potential. Today we viewers are more open to Netflix and binge watch of giant tv shows in a day. So we would have really appreciated this phenomenal screening of the Caped Crusader and the Man of Steel.

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A complete clusterf**k, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is overstuffed and poorly executed. Still, it's incredibly exciting to see DC's biggest titans going at it. As Superman grows increasingly concerned about the Gotham vigilante known as the Bat, Bruce Wayne trains to take down Superman; having seen his frighteningly destructive power firsthand. And while this main story-arc is solid, there are half a dozen subplots cluttering up the film, making it hard to follow what's going on. Ben Affleck proves to be excellently cast as an older, war-torn Batman, and Gal Gadot does an impressive job as Wonder Woman. Additionally, Zack Snyder’s directing is visually stunning, creating some extraordinary imagery, and the score by Hans Zimmer and Junkie LX is riveting, and brings a lot of tension and suspense to the film. Yet as thrilling and action-packed as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is, it’s constantly tripping over itself.

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2,5 hours of my life I won't get back. What a horrible movie this was.
Martha! Martha! Like wtf?
The only good thing about this movie was that I stopped with the super heroes genre after this one. It freed up some time for decent movies where the screenwriters don't think their viewers are idiots who will accept everything.

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Just thanks Zack Snyder. The best superhero movie I've ever seen in my life.

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This Movie was Not Wack, Crap or Shitty.. It was very good

A few mishaps.. They rushed Wonder Woman's introduction.
I wasn't Satisfied with the plot and they only gave doomsday a cameo.

Other than that great movie to watch

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this movie is very ugly but eisemberg had a great performance

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Great film, loved it , 10/10

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I had zero expectations from this as a whole but was pleasantly surprised going forward. But Ben c'mon please let go, it's over, stop trying to act

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I'm lost for words. i don't know who to blame for this shitty movie. Zack Synder, Chris Terrio, or David Goyer?

The only exciting part about this movie was the fight scene between Batman and Superman, everything else was crap.

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What a boring piece of crap. What a waste. Awful. if you wanna see Cavill be awesome watch mi6.

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A great cult classic. Full of emotion and depth.

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This movie is just nonsense! Too bad to see two major superheroes wasted for such... thing! It lacks of integrity, the plot is inconsistent!

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Good to see two of the superhero character that everyone admires of fighting eachother futility. Martha scene was a trash even tho execution was kinda good. Movie depicts a lot of emotions together like altogether that literally confuses sometimes even make the audience bored but indeed gotta say the fight scene was impeccable!. And climax I sorta felt like director had no idea of ending this movie and he just messed up!.

Good but high propensity to feel the lag but c'mon it's Snyder's movie !!!!.

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Epic. One of the best superhero movies.

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Well I think this isn't a good movie even though it has a couple of good moments (including Jesse Eisenbergs performance as Lex Luthor) . However, it is not bad as its reputation. I cannot see why this movie is rated so bad while all those Avengers movies are stated to be good.

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BlockedParent2017-12-10T13:50:46Z— updated 2017-12-16T22:51:02Z

The beginning was way to long and the ending unsatisfying. However, the action sequences make up for a lot!
Nowhere near Nolan's Trilogy but watching the movie wasn't a waste of time, either. On the other hand I'm probably not going to watch it again...

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The best thing about this movie was the 7 minutes of Wonder Woman. Like MAN OF STEEL the storytelling was choppy and unfocused - lots of hints of what was to come but no compelling story. The premise of Batman versus Superman is just idiotic, the fight scenes gratuitous, and the bleak tone of the whole movie just alienated the viewer. I can only give it a 6 (fair) out of 10. Thank heavens for WONDER WOMAN - if they learned some story telling lessons from her movie then there is hope for JUSTICE LEAGUE. If they just shove a whole bunch of elements in the pot without a cohesive narrative, some human exchange and some character lightness, then I think the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) is in deep trouble. [Superhero, Action, Adventure]

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+1 for Wonder Woman :)
-1 for missing logic in the plot
-1 for damn moral relativism. Good is good and bad is bad. 10 commandment (The ORIGINAL!) says what is good and what no.

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Good and entertaining movie like Marvel

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This movie doesn't really make me like Batman all that much. But man am I ready to watch Wonder Woman tomorrow.

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Shout by Deleted

Most people that love all things super will not be sad to see this one go dusty one the shelf. Bad, acting, writing, and plot. what's left you ask? Just another badly thought of mash up that left most people dum founded. How could you mess this one up so badly.

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I thought it was pretty good. Don't understand all the hate. It was too long, and Eisenberg was miscast, but other than that I enjoyed it. Waaaay better than Suicide Squad.

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This film is awesome. The Best Of 2016.

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I almost expected some corny 80's music as Bruce works out hard to get ready to fight Superman. Besides isn't training hard to face Superman just stupid ?

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I don't know what I just watched

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-05-08T22:19:53Z— updated 2020-09-22T11:46:08Z

The film DC heads like to call a masterpiece. I wish it was but how can it be when all the same flaws are still in it. Except now, Jimmy Olsen who Sueprman would save in anything else is killed in the beginning.
Of course though, he saves Lois like 3 times. Plus Superman is supposed to be almost as fast as the Flash. Yet, he just sits there and broods as a court room full of people blows up around him. If Lois was there would he have saved her ? Yes!
While Jesse Eisenberg gives a douche performance as Lex Luther where he's half Carrey's Riddler and he also wants to be Ledger's Joker. The scene where Martha Kent is taken by Lex. Feels straight out of Dark Knight too.
You also have weird dream sequences just thrown in. As well Clark climbing a mountain to have a weird conversation with Jonathan Kent. This movie is a depressing mess either way. DC heads get mad when you say it's too dark. Well by that I mean depressing and not entertaining enough in any version!

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Shout by Deleted

nice movie but little bit disappointed it was to long and the sence were to long and Milked out(dutch expression).

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A Ultimate Edition está mesmo magnífica.
Contém algumas novas situações, surpresas e acima de tudo conta muito bem e com calma esta história sobre Superman. Sim, desta vez resulta muito mais para Superman que lhe é feita justiça, do que para o Batman.
Tem 3 horas mas... que filmaço espetacular, que irei rever por diversas vezes. Tao bom!
8/10 Muito Bom

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This is hard... For the first time in my life I didn't like a superheroes movie. Thanks God I didn't go to the cinema to watch it. A lot of time just to watch a few minutes of real fighting, what of course weren't enought. Batman's argument was really bad. Good actors but really bad writing. YOU CAN'T KILL SUPERMAN, YOU ASS HOLES. The only good thing in the movie are the actors (Henry and Gal were a pleasure for the eyes).

A lot of disrespectfully for a movie.

See you in hell.

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I was surprised how dark this movie was. I mean, I liked it, a lot, but it was pretty dark.

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what did I just watch? at least the extended version has some story in it, although not very coherent. Eisenberg must be the worst Lex ever. He looks like Joker and makes Lex a ridicule.

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maybe a two parts shold be better... i don't like the movie

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I saw this movie on April 2016 and at that moment, as many others, thought that was an incomplete film with a lot of action but little explanation and little sense for a lot of things. Today I've seen the extended version of it and it is the complet version of the film that should have been displayed on cinemas! I won't say that having all the lost pieces of that puzzle makes now this the best movie ever but at least makes sense, it is more enjoyable and for me, at least, scores an 8.

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It was the funniest movie of my life!

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The movie was shit, but nice image quality and i liked the stylization (same as in latest NFS game btw). Only kinda good character was the Lex. And he even quoted Lolita, and that is always plus point. So in total MEH 5/10.

Also hoist cable cutter for controls of the flying thingy was nice.

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The story is a mess, Warner Bros. and clearly Zack does not know how to make proper flim

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As a fan of DC Universe I have only one thing to say - thnnk you Zack Snyder for the awesome superhero movie.

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What happened mannnn...and Man of Steel was so good.... And then ppphhhffrrrrttt...it started out great and then slowly fizzled... I may give it another shot or maybe not...the Dark Knight may have ruined me on Batman movies

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Shout by Deleted

Way way way too long. This movie was all over the place with the plot.

The fight scene in the end was rather memorable... By far the best part of the movie.

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We as a society need to stop giving Jesse Eisenberg chances.

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stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity ^4 grade

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Shout by BobbyGYall
BlockedParent2016-11-27T09:31:32Z— updated 2017-06-01T22:06:56Z

At three hours it's a long slog, but adds much more character and story development. The cinematic version was a mess, and had so many plot holes.

I don't like Batman killing people, but I do like the plot line of this interpretation of Batman being jaded (although Batman is kinda always jaded). It gives me hope that the standalone Affleck Batman movie will deal with interesting some themes, and explore plot lines not delt with before in Batman films.

I would encourage people to watch the extended version over the former.

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Shout by Deleted

Not bad but 3 hours is too long

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Shout by Deleted

This is how to ruin a movie!!!!

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Man of Steel wasn't a bad movie, it just ended up being mediocre. Bvs DoJ was a bad movie. Whoever wrote the script and story should be fired. I get the dark and gritty Batman, but he was downright emotionally unstable. No one could get through to him, even Alfred, with all the reasonable and obvious arguments, but saying his mother's name helped him immediately reconcile all his differences? Am I also to believe that, for 12 years, Superman never made any real attempt to talk to the public? He was in such an emo mood he couldn't figure out maybe he should actually try and tell people his side, his thoughts, or something else? Eisenberg didn't do a bad job, but he didn't really work as Luthor. they basically turned him into a Joker-esque figure, and it didn't fit the feel. They needed a General Zod-Presque villain for the tone of the film. The movie definitely made some attempt at saying something important... but what that is isn't clear.

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This movie was great Ben is the best Batman ever!!!

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Wow, after the trailer I wasn´t sure if I should watch this but this was better than the last 5 Marvels (save Deadpool) combined. I was leaning towards giving it a 10 but there is one thing I really hated and that was the stupid monster. Why has it always to be a huge monster to fight ? Yeah, the title is misleading I agree with the comments on the fact there isn´t much of a fight going on between them. But should that be the movie´s biggest flaw I can live with it. Otherwise the dark atmosphere works great and without all those hero worshipping the characters get so much more depth. I hope they can follow that up because this made me want more.

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This movie is such a mess. It's not even worth your time. You would be better off reading the wiki notes for this one. Wonder Woman is the best part of this and the only reason it gets an extra star from me. The actual "Batman Vs. Superman" fight is a joke. It seemed to me more of a film about a pissing contest. I'm so disappointed with this.

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I lost 15 years of my life watching this movie.

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