I'm not going to take the film's title into account here, but now it seems fitting. This movie started and I kept thinking that, while certainly not without flaws, people are being overly harsh. Overall I liked the first two acts decently enough. One scene in particular was really strong and interesting around the halfway point.

But then the final act showed up and all the smaller issues I had suddenly grew larger and more severe. They felt just like the boss battle because as I judged the problems, it took in that problem to become a bigger, stronger problem. I wish I had had kryptonite to kill the growth.

Oh well. Superman is still portrayed really well, Wonder Woman looks pretty interesting for a future film, and I like the new Alfred. I did not care for Lex Luthor much at all. I don't always want to see another crazy villain. I liked him before because he is normally written as a super smart jerk who has reasons.

And then there's Batman. He never does anything that I outright despise I suppose, but at the same time he never really does anything interesting either. In case you didn't know how this went down, we do get yet another monotonous recall to his parent's death.

Oh, geeze, I just gave away a huge spoiler there didn't I. Now Batman is going to show up and shoot me to death with a gun, since apparently this Batman is cool with that.

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What problems are you talking about. Your being really vague and just not saying much. Batman did nothing interesting? He beat up Superman!!! What about the room full of thugs, one stabbing him, another shot him point blank in the head, and yet another blew himself up thanks to the awesomeness that is BATFLECT! Move over Bruce Bale.
