


Last Hero Inuyashiki: 1x02 Hiro Shishigami

Well, this anime just took a turn... The entire second half of this episode was really brutal and hard to watch. Particularly the scene of the son drowning in a bathtub filled of his father's blood. Yeah... that scene is going to stick with me for a long while. I'm really interested to see where this anime is going to go from here though.

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The Ancient Magus' Bride: 1x03 The Balance Distinguishes Not Between Gold and Lead.

"The living should not envy the dead."

The more I watch of this anime... the more I fall in love with it. This episode was absolutely beautiful.

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Hunter x Hunter: 2x95 Grudge x And x Dread

Ahhh, Gon... it hurts me so to see you this way. After following his journey and happy-go-lucky attitude for 90+ episodes-- to see him so full of rage and resentment is really heartbreaking. I'm almost afraid to see how far he will go down the path of vengeance. I'm glad that Killua is able to be there to calm him down, but I'm not sure that when the time comes to actually fight Neferpitou, he will be able to.

And seeing Kite so broken is just terrible. I really hope there will be some way they can save him from the puppeteering, but I really doubt he will come back as his true self. Maybe if Ging actually showed up when times are looking dire for once he could help...

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Hunter x Hunter: 1x11 Trouble x With The x Gamble

Wow... that scene where Killua killed that final prisoner was really intense. He is such an interesting character; he's my favorite right now for sure. I get the feeling that he has a darker past, besides just being a former assassin, and I can't wait to learn more about him and the family that he came from.

I also love that Gon is not afraid of Killua at all and is totally cool with being friends with him. Definitely proves the fact that Gon has a very strong naivety to him, and it will be interesting to see whether or not that will become a detriment to him in the future.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x18 The Frenemy of My Enemy

Damn this episode really makes you feel for Cal. From what we know now, he was a great doctor who volunteered his time in other countries and he ended up falling in love with a girl and having a child with her and everything in his life just went downhill from there. He really does love his daughter, and still loves his wife, and it was actually kind of heartbreaking seeing him talk about what could have been. Kyle Maclachlan is such a great actor and he's playing this character brilliantly.

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Gilmore Girls: 4x11 In the Clamor and the Clangor

This was a great episode. I'm glad that we finally got more moments between Lane and her mother. Honestly though, I was kind of expecting Lane's mother to be okay with it all but maybe over time she will warm up to her daughter's activities. Great moments between Lorelai and Luke too. She almost told him but the reverend just had to ruin the moment!

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Assassination Classroom: 1x13 Talent Time

"I might be getting a little stuck on this place--and the fun of training people despite my doubts." - Mr. Karasuma

It's okay Mr. Karasuma; I'm getting a little stuck on this place too.

I really liked getting a focus on Karasuma Sensei this episode. He is probably my favorite character right behind Koro Sensei. I also liked that they brought in this Takaoka character who tried to act like he was creating a family dynamic when it is clear that Class E already has a family dynamic going on. The characters are all growing really close, and, as the show goes on, I can definitely see there will be a struggle to follow through with the assassination of Koro Sensei.

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Natsume's Book of Friends: 5x10 Touko and Shigeru

What a wonderful, wonderful episode. I really loved seeing Touko-san and Shigeru-san's point of view and how they were before Natsume came into their lives and how they are after. They are such sweet people, and they care so much for Natsume. I teared up a bit when Touko-san found him sitting by the river by himself and she could tell how sad he was. I've said it before but I am so glad that he found a place that he can really call home.

And wow, that final scene with them looking at the crow, or in Natsume's case crows, really makes me believe that the Fujiwara's already know that Natsume can see youkai. Or at the very least, they would believe and be totally accepting of the fact that he can.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x22 Ascension (2)

I wasn't always fond of Lincoln as a character, but damn if I didn't tear up during his final scenes with Hive. Beautiful writing and acting from both Luke Mitchell and Brett Dalton. Sad to see them off the show.

Hive: "I only wanted to make it better."
Lincoln: "I know."
Hive: "To feel a connection. But you must feel that already... to sacrifice for them... with all their flaws."
Lincoln: "They're only human."

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x19 Heart of Glory

I feel like it was a bit of an oversight to use regular glass instead of transparent aluminum on the interiors of the ship, especially right next to the dilithium crystal chamber! OSHA would have a field day!

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 8x08 Charlie Rules the World

The ending for this episode had me rolling. "Sometimes things just sort of end."

Also a great little moment in this episode between Charlie and Mac that possibly further alludes to the fact that Mac is gay and Charlie knows about it.

Charlie: "Yeah, or ugly or sick or, or male or female or whatever it is that you like."
Mac: "I hate women"
Charlie: "Yeah I-I know that you feel that way."

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Outcast: 1x02 (I Remember) When She Loved Me

Second episode was amazing! This series continues to exceed my expectations. Patrick Fugit as Kyle is phenomenal; what a great actor.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x03 New York's Finest

That fight sequence at the end of this episode was f***ing spectacular! They just keep stepping up their game!

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 1x10 New York's JoJo

Yes!! Now that's what I am talking about!! I think this is exactly what I needed out of this anime. I already absolutely love this new JoJo and the new setting is a welcome change as well. Hopefully this show just keeps getting more bizarre!

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Devilman Crybaby: 1x01 I Need You

Shout by SqueakyNarwhal
BlockedParent2018-01-05T21:35:28Z— updated 2018-01-07T01:20:17Z

Well, that is certainly one way to start a series...

Fantastic first episode! While I'm familiar with Yuasa's work due to the anime series The Tatami Galaxy and Kaiba, I think this series already surpasses both TTG and Kaiba as far as animation quality and directing goes. Yuasa's style is very unique and fluid, and it works perfectly for this type of story. I'm really glad they aren't holding back with the mature themes either. I can already tell I am going to enjoy the hell out of this series!

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Kino's Journey: The Beautiful World: 1x06 In the Clouds

"What do I have to do to die?" - Photo
"That's easy! Just live." - Sou

This was my favorite episode so far, even with the almost complete lack of Kino and Hermes. The story was so chilling and well done. I hope we see more of Photo and Sou in future episodes!

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Assassination Classroom: 1x08 School Trip Time, Second Period

I'm so interested in Koro Sensei's past. They've sort of mentioned before that he was previously human, with him saying that he was born and raised on Earth, but this episode Karasuma Sensei clearly stated it as fact. I can't wait to find out more about how he turned into what he is now and who that woman was in the two flashbacks we've seen. Also interested to see these two new students. The way they talked about them kind of reminded me of the Maximoff Twins, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, lol.

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Natsume's Book of Friends: 5x01 Unchanging Form

Oh my heart, Natsume referred to the Fujiwara's as his foster parents this episode and I am pretty sure that's the first time he has ever called them that. It makes me so happy that he has really found a place to call home where people love him.

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Natsume's Book of Friends: 2x07 That Which You Must Not Call

The scene where Natsume couldn't see Nyanko-sensei's true form brought some serious tears to my eyes. I just love their relationship and the bond that they have formed, even if they constantly deny it's existance lol.

And that brings me to another thing that I love about this anime-- how subtle and understated it is when it comes to the emotions portrayed on screen. They don't need to tell you what the characters are feeling, because you can see it in the way they act, they things they say (or don't say), and in their body language. And this lends itself to some really beautiful, organic character development because we can see it happening on screen, little by little. It's just brilliant and so beautifully done.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x01 Snow Gives Way

Pretty good first episode if a little slow and a bit all over the place. Sets up the world and introduces what seems like will be a lot of the big players in this series. Finn Jones is good as Danny and I already really like Jessica Henwick as Colleen. She could easily end up being my favorite! I think the only weak part so far are the childhood friends of Danny who are being setup as the minor villains. Perhaps it's just a case of weak writing in the first episode and they'll get better as it goes on. And although we only saw a bit, the fight choreography wasn't too bad but I think it could be better. This was only the first episode though so hopefully once we see Danny go up against some more formidable baddies it will look better! Overall, I enjoyed it and I can't wait to continue.

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Westworld: 1x02 Chestnut

Geeze Teddy just can't catch a break can he?

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x17 The Team

"I've met Gods. Gods bleed."


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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x03 A Wanted (Inhu)man

Hunter went up against one of Spartacus' men and lived to tell the tale! Quite the feat!

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Gilmore Girls: 3x17 A Tale of Poes and Fire

Luke and Lorelei being completely platonic and talking about how they were married in Lorelei's dream and she was pregnant with their children. Yup, totally platonic. Nothing but normal friend talk in this episode of Gilmore Girls. But jokes aside, this was a really amazing episode.

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Yu Yu Hakusho: 1x01 Surprised to be Dead

Really great first episode! I already really enjoy Yuusuke's character and I even found myself tearing up a bit near the end of the episode at the funeral scene. Considering that this series is from the same creator as Hunter x Hunter, and I love that anime so much, I can't wait to continue with this series.

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MEGALOBOX: 1x01 Buy or Die?

What a phenomenal first episode! I really dig the art style and the OST and I am already loving the main character Junk Dog. If they keep up this quality throughout the entire series it could easily end up being AOST.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 3x15 Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House (2)

The backstory for Jousuke's hairstyle being the way that it is, and why he gets so upset when someone insults it, was unexpected but very welcome. It appears that Jousuke used some form of time travel in order to save his younger self and I really can't wait to find out how that came to happen-- whether it was the result of an enemy stand power, or some hidden ability that his own stand holds (similar to the way that Jotaro has the ability to stop time). Regardless, I'm excited and I also really hope that wasn't the end of Rohan. I really liked his ability.

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Natsume's Book of Friends: 4x06 Other Side of the Glass

This episode was hilarious, probably the funniest episode out of the entire series so far. But by god... the second-hand embarrassment is real.

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Gurren Lagann: 1x26 Let's Go, Buddy

Wow I didn't expect to cry watching this anime but the scene where Kamina and Simon "reunited" and were able to talk had me bawling. I missed that damn man.

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The Legend of Korra: 4x10 Operation Beifong

I just realized that Todd Haberkorn voices Baatar Jr. and now all I can hear when he talks is Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood dub.

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