Detroit, Michigan, USA

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is indisputably one o the greatest shows ever, however you have to watch it at the right time and recognize a few things.

First off, if you get to the end of the 3rd episode and you still don't like it, then it may not be your type of a show. That third episode is really the point where you find out if you'll like the rest or not.

Secondly, if you watch it and don't like it, then wait a couple years then come back. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have liked it if I watched it a few years ago.

Thirdly there is a noticeable drop in quality about halfway through the second season. Hammer your way through these episodes, do not skip them. I know they are painful to watch but the payoff is worth it. The show eventually does get itself back on track just in time for the final episode to be the greatest episode of any television show ever.

I recommend this show to everyone but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. Give it a shot though, it's really fucking good

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Why are you rating movies that haven't even been made yet?

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Peaky Blinders

It's like Boardwalk Empire... except in England.... and instead of being excellent in every way, it's just kind of okay....yeah.

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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

It's the best of any of the Star Wars movies for me. Hayden Christiansen may not be a great actor but literally every other actor involved is great, and Ewan MacGregor is amazing (It's also worth noting that Harrison Ford is literally the only good actor in the originals but I won't get into that now). The story for this one makes more sense than any of the originals and adds a level of politics and historical/mythological background that is completely absent from the originals. The action and effects have obviously gotten better with time and because the people involved with Star Wars have so much experience. This movie is exactly what it was meant to be the Fall of Troy combined with Julius Caesar and a little bit of Oedipus thrown in there just for fun.

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This is a very polarizing film and for good reason. The book is one of the greatest of all time and there are enormous expectations for any Dune adaptation, yet it's worth noting that Dune is 800 pages long so turning the book into a single, 2.5 hour movie is incredibly difficult. It's apparent that there is a drop in quality about half way through the movie, this is because Lynch's budget and time frame weren't matching up with what the studio allowed for him. This unfortunately led to a rushed and fairly low quality ending to Dune. However, the Intro to this movie with Princess Irulan explaining the universe in space is my favorite of all time and the first half in general is excellent. All in all Lynch did all he could to save this movie and it is still enjoyable but the task was too big even for an excellent director like David Lynch

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TRON: Legacy

This one has a far better plot than the original and everything else is also improved slightly. I don't get why everyone was bitching about it when it came out.

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

You have to watch the show before seeing this and you have to watch this after watching the show. This is arguably the best anime movie ever. I will not pretend to be an expert but it has everything. The action sequences are a million times better than anything in the show (Asuka's fight is incredible), the music is amazing, the religious symbolism and complex background metaphors are stronger than ever, and it stays true to what the show set forth. To be honest, I thought the final episodes to the show were some of the best and in my opinion it didn't need another ending but I am glad they made this. They made an already amazing ending, perfect. Fair warning, the movie is hard to watch at points and after the end it will piss you off but as you think about it more and more it just gets better and better. Watch this, it's a strong 9/10

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

One of the funniest films of all time. It's completely outrageous and uncomfortable but almost every scene is absolutely hilarious. Very unique brand of comedy

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Twin Peaks: 3x18 Part 18
Game of Thrones: 5x05 Kill the Boy

Shout by SeanMSU

+ Jorah Mormont and Tyrion going through Valyria
+ Stannis heading out to smash the Boltons

- the Bolton/Sansa storyline just gets worse and worse
- more wasted time in Meereen (particularly the Grey Worm/Missandei romance that still makes no sense)
- Barristan is actually dead and it's incredibly anti-climactic
- the Brienne scene was completely pointless
- Still skipping the best parts of the 3rd and 5th books

*Jon Snow material

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Game of Thrones: 5x01 The Wars to Come

What a terrible episode. There was really no point in watching this. No real action, the shots were bland and had no artistic value, and practically no political value apart from what was already known. You really might as well skip this one.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

Starts out as a high quality romantic adventure show, slowly degenerates into soft core porn, then into torture porn, then gay torture porn, and that's when I stopped watching

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True Detective: 2x01 The Western Book of the Dead
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x05 Partings
Westworld: 2x07 Les Écorchés

There's a lot happening in this episode but it's all so clunky. Westworld is usually pretty good with not playing favorites and allowing the main characters to get messed up pretty bad and "dying" but this episode had way too many situations where Dolores or Teddy or Maeve or whoever hit every single fucking shot except for the shots on major characters. A lot of the dialogue and choices that were made were also questionable and the convergence of the timelines was so inferior to how it was done in the first season it's not even really comparable.

+Maeve confronting Man in Black
+Possessed Bernard
+Dolores intimidating the dumb bitch using her father

*Teddy going berserk

-while the confrontation with William was good, it's setting up the all too obvious daughter rescue mission
-that idiotic decision for that guard to talk to the obviously hostile blonde host lady
-pretty much everyone seems like they're just running around like a chicken with its head cut off

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Peaky Blinders: 1x06 Episode 6

This episode went from an 8 to a 6 during that idiotic street standoff

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Twin Peaks: 2x22 Beyond Life and Death

There has never been, and will never be a better episode of any television show.

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Boardwalk Empire

Honestly the best series of all time. I have yet to watch the Sopranos so this may be premature but it is absolutely better than all of the other shows that people say are GOAT. It's better than The Wire, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, and Mad Men combined. The acting, writing, directing, thematic value, sound editing, and historical relevance (as well as modern relevance) are strung together impossibly well in this masterpiece of a show. The only way I can see someone not liking this show is either if they have no understanding of film techniques or they just do not pay attention. Word to the wise though, pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to the first episode if you just begin watching it. The first episode is the most complicated episode of all time, it's practically its own movie, literally every single scene has relevance to the larger story.

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The Tree of Life

This is a work of pure genius, easily the best movie in the past 10-20 years. It is not an irregular thing to be emotionally moved within the first five minutes. Fair warning though, this movie is not about a specific plot or conflict, rather it is about life in a very open and generalized sense.

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The Boys: 3x07 Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed

Butcher Scenes: Man, I've lived a fucked up life and I regret so much...
Frenchie and Kimiko scenes:UwU I want to be on radioactive drugs again
Homelander Scenes: Mommy Milky I just want boobie juice and a son.... ;_;
Noire scenes: O_O
Hughie scenes: IGNORE MY COCK! Help me and I'll help you.
Soldier Boy scenes: Sex with old ladies, Drugs, and killing people for fun :D
Starlight Scenes: Doing some dumb social media bullshit and walking away unscathed somehow

Fantastic episode.

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Enter the Void

The visuals/cinematographic aspects of this film are excellent and really show imagination and push the film in the direction where it is meant to go. However, the characters are nearly all complete pieces of shit who I don't care about in the slightest. The main guy has absolutely no presence at all, which may or may not be intentional but it's still irritating and if it was intentional then it failed miserably at sucking me into his position. Paz De La Huerta plays these annoying bitchy characters far too well. The French guy is actually pretty cool but he's only in like 30 minutes of the movie. The philosophy that this movie centers around is the most pretentious bullshit imaginable. I'm no prude but the sex scenes in this movie are absurd and could have been done in a million better ways. There are also certain things that this movie does that are overly irritating. Yeah I get it, the strobe lights and that disgusting abortion scene are supposed to irritate me but they just go too far and those goddamn car crash simulations are practically giving me PTSD.

Long story short, I respect the imagination, directing talent, and effort that Enter the Void showcases but I fucking hate this movie. Oh, and the best part is the Beginning credits

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Neon Genesis Evangelion

Don't get put off by the first episodes if you think they're weirdly paced or whatever, this show really relies on getting to know you before you start to really like it which is exactly what it is trying to do. This show is extremely smart and uses a number of visual and audio techniques to manipulate your emotions to what it wants to get across. I don't even like anime shows but this one is pretty great.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells
Game of Thrones: 6x09 Battle of the Bastards

Shout by SeanMSU
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-06-20T02:21:06Z— updated 2023-02-03T12:05:54Z

Action-9/10, having a logical plot- 5/10. Literally "Fan Service the Episode"

+Really cool battle scenes in the North
+Negotiations and planning in the North
+Dragons burning the slave fleet
+Satisfying ending

*Negotiations with Asha and Theon. Interesting in some aspects, though it really went against the flow of the episode.

-Meereen story tried to make it seem like it isn't an obvious choice to burn the fleet but not entire cities. also the Dothraki action was really fucking retarded looking and the way Emilia Clarke portrays Dany continues to make her look like a total condescending bitch. It's going to be hilarious when Euron steals her dragons and sinks her fleet.
-The way the battle started off in the North was idiotic. Sansa told Jon already that he was going to kill Rickon and Jon isn't a retard. Also the general disregard for tactics throughout a majority of the fight was dumb.

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This movie is without a doubt the best adaptation of King Arthur. The acting is spectacular, the visual style is stunning, the action is excellent, the themes from the source material are all there, and the costumes/sets are the best I have ever seen. I don't think anyone will ever make an adaptation that stays so true to Arthurian legend, manages to cover the entirety of the story, and still ends up so amazing.

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True Detective: 1x02 Seeing Things

Check out the owl in the church rafters

Remember friends, "The owls are not what they seem."

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Boardwalk Empire: 1x05 Nights in Ballygran

It always shocks me how Pearl is only in two episodes. She makes such a huge impact in the little time she had, definitely a testament to Emily Meade's acting ability. RIP

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