It's the best of any of the Star Wars movies for me. Hayden Christiansen may not be a great actor but literally every other actor involved is great, and Ewan MacGregor is amazing (It's also worth noting that Harrison Ford is literally the only good actor in the originals but I won't get into that now). The story for this one makes more sense than any of the originals and adds a level of politics and historical/mythological background that is completely absent from the originals. The action and effects have obviously gotten better with time and because the people involved with Star Wars have so much experience. This movie is exactly what it was meant to be the Fall of Troy combined with Julius Caesar and a little bit of Oedipus thrown in there just for fun.

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Hayden Christiansen is actually a good actor. I think it might be a problem with the director in this case. Same with Natalie. There's no way we can consider her a bad actor.
