Marc Friedolin


Gummersbach, Germany

Resident Evil

Making Albert Wesker black is the same as making Black Lightning White.

They are (again) trying to get the PC crowd to watch it - will they ever learn that the people who think being diverse is more important than the story aren't actually watching the shows but just praising them for their diversity in absentia?

I will give this a try since Lance Reddick is a great Actor (I don't know any if the others involved), but my expectation is that this will be a shitshow...

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Doctor Who: 12x03 Orphan 55

omg, it was such a nice episode - right up until the end when the writers decided that we needed a 2 minute lecture about climate change.

I was actually impressed by the subtile beauty of the message until Yaz had to yell "CLIMATE CHANGE" continued by a lecture about being responsible to the people actually least able to do anything about it, since they aren't actually on earth but travelling with her...

I like subtile messaging about issues - I HATE being preached to when trying to be entertained, so thats a 4/10 from me...

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I don't undestand the 9/10 and 10/10 reviews, in my opinion this movie is way overhyped.

I will give, that the actors performance is amazing, but then it's only famous people.

My main problem with the movie is, that nothing interesting happens, its basically like every other tragedy released over the last decade - just with DC's IP behind it.

There are entire segments in which literally nothing happens in the first 60m minutes which were a snoozefest, the character is walking somewhere and its followed by another scene in which, you guessed it: also nothing happens.

I only enjoyed the last 20 minutes, although they didn't hold a single unforseen twist either...

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The Witcher

I wish I could give it a 10 (which I very very rarely do) -Season one is excellent in every aspect but one:
The timeline is blurry and confusing as f***.

Events taking place decades apart are only put into their place by a character dropping that something happened three decades ago in passing.
Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but most characters don't age!
I am still a bit confused as to why the bard doesn't age, since he seems to be human (I'm at Episode 6, so I hope they do explain it in one of the last episodes, but I doubt it)
That combinations makes it really hard to keep track of what happened before, what happened after and what happens at the same time.

P.S.: I don't know the books, so I have no idea if they had the same problems.
I took a look at the descriptions for the books though and some elements seem to coincide with the first prequel book. So I assume they are meshing prequel and original books together somehow.

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Seeing the cast, I'm asking myself which of the parents was the unfaithful one, since they clearly don't have the same parents.

Couldn't they at least have the same ethnicity (Don't really care which).

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The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes

I love the end - but it is not like it would be an accomplishment to the TV Show, they took it from the book and removed so much that it barely makes any sense.

All the political tension is basically removed and replaced with "why are we even discussing this". Not to mention the fact that they completly left out how Inaros fleet got destroyed.

That was really important, because the way they did it, the physics they used in the books (The rings make matter disappear when there is more than a certain amount in transit at the same time) was the reason Earth and Mars actually agreed that a trade union controlling passage through the rings was necessary.
It would have been hard enough to do this properly in 10 Episodes, doing it in 6 was impossible. Too much of the source material has been left out without patching the holes.

Its heartbreaking and not in a good way...

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How I Met Your Father

Yeah, as much as I liked Hillarys in "Younger" - this show just isn't good.

Watched the first two Episodes and didn't laugh once.
Tom Ainsleys performances came close twice - but Comedy Shows are supposed to make you laugh and at least make you smile a few times per episode.

This show just doesn't do that.

Maybe they should care less not to offend people and more about actually being funny...

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x01 Remembrance

Wow, this was way better than I expected it to be.

A bit sad, that the federation seems to have strayed from its main mission.

The participation of Star Trek veterans as producers shows. Buildings and technology look like they belong in the ST Universe, no 2 million gigantic technological leaps in the first 45 minutes (well one, but that one is kind of needed...)

Best of all: They concentrated on the story instead of preaching some agenda.
So thats a 9/10 from me.

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Arrow: 4x16 Broken Hearts

The Felicity - Oliver Situation gets worse every Episode.

If the actress quit the show - why didn't you kill her off (The Character - not the Actress)?

I really liked Felicity- now she acts just like a spoiled fuckup teen which runs at the first sign of conflict... I hate when i start to hate my favorite characters!

Smallvilles Lana-Clark solution back in the day was way better - i nearly cried when Lana absorbed the cryptonite. THAT is how you let a good beloved character go - This is just teenage romance crap

I hope ?Thea's? funeral will at least bring them back together!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x10 The Red Angel
Snowpiercer: 3x01 The Tortoise and the Hare

Sean Bean survived a season, I am impressed :)

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x08 The Seven Stages

Shout by Marc Friedolin

The scene with the nurse (at least dressed like one) anesthetizing Vanya is amongst the most laughable and stupid scenes I've ever seen.

She can lift entire lakes and blow craters into cornfields, but somehow can't do anything about someone coming up from behind? (The cornfield crater was a circle not a cone...)

Vanyas powers seem to get weaker every time some writer needs it as it seems...
And to prove my point - in the same episode, she gets to blow up a building and cause another apocalypse...

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His Dark Materials

As someone who hasn't read the book(s) I get the feeling, that there is information missing.

There are reactions in certain scenes where I don't understand what gets the characters so excited. They act like its obvious, while it isn't for the unknowing viewer.
I have the suspicion, that there is a section in the book explaining the reaction which wasn't translated in the show sometimes.

I don't know if its true, but are the daemons all female? If so, I hope it gets explained why that is (unless I missed it).

Aside from that, great cast, great storytelling and great characters so far - Although I somehow love Marisa best so far, cunning and evil - my kind of woman :)

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Don't Look Up

"Can I sit down with your mom to have lunch in, like 7 months?"
Nearly fell off my chair laughing....

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The Wheel of Time: 1x01 Leavetaking

Its never a good sign when a show departs from the original story within the first 15 minutes.

With some of the changes I am asking myself if the screenwriters bothered to read past the first few pages, since they will cause problems down the line.

I say this with sadness, but I don't think this is going to be a good adaptations, the changes are one red-flag after another...

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

Just Wow!

Opposed to other reviews, I think the pacing is actually good in this Episode.
It is the first one I could actually feel things happening.

It was a bit sad, that Sevens best Scene was immediately followed by the worst turnoff ever...

"WE ARE BORG" actually gave me goosebumps coming from her - I wish they would have taken a minute showing something before the Drones got flushed...

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On
The Book of Boba Fett: 1x05 Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

Why is this a Boba Fett Episode?

It clearly belongs to The Mandalorian!

I don't like when Neworks pull this kind of crap for backdoor Pilots, but it is shameful for a streaming service which can easily push single episodes at any point.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x07 ...But to Connect
Doctor Who: Season 11

So far:
Love the writing, not as Good as Smiths Episodes, but definitely worlds better than what Capaldi had to Endure (It never felt like it fit).

Jodie is great - She makes funny faces without looking stupid or repulsive (Actually I think Capaldi looked very repulsive when making faces in comparison - I'm glad he rarely did).

I'll edit, should I feel this has changed througout the season.

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Around the World in 80 Days

Its a story that has been reimagined countless times.

There are some clear political messages in here (not really hidden) that weren't in the original work, but I don't think it hurt the story.

I think this is an amazing piece. I don't want something that is just like the original - copies are boring - I want something that catches the spirit of the original and I think they did a splendid job of doing that.

Ms. Fix is an added character that actually makes sense and David Tennant - one of the most talented actors alive - does an excellent job of portraying Phileas Fogg.

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Station Eleven

This is after watching the first two episodes:

This show is definitely in the running for most boring show 2021.

It is amazing though, post-apocalyptic scenes are hard to screw up with anything other than bad acting.
They managed to get decent actors, but the script is so bad, that it doesn't matter.

Its not even that the characters are bad, but honestly - all the stuff that could be interesting ( like crossing lake michigan )we only get told about.

I'll give it one more episode, but if the tune doesn't change hard, I guess that will be it for me.

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Arrow: 8x09 Green Arrow & The Canaries

WTF was this?

They seem to forget that this is still Arrow and not the "new" show. I guess they might explain why Laurel and Dinah woke up in the future instead their own time, but 20 years basically without crime - really?

From what we know Star City and Central City are close together. So you want to tell me that no crime syndicate expands their operation into an unoccupied territory?
Or will the Flash be rescuing kittens for the next 20 years as there is no crime in Central City either.

This in addition to the fact that there are super rich people (including Mia) and nobody tried to rob them for the last 20 years, really people?

Why are the story-centerpieces of female driven shows (I think we can assume that this is supposed to be a backdoor pilot) just so stupid these days?

This being said, the only chance of redemption for the new show (oh my I am really writing this for a backdoor pilot...) is that there is a superbad villain who is causing this pseudo-utopia...

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x10 Silence Lay Steadily

Hmmm, typical american ending.

Why can't the show just end on Steven leaving the House?

Showing everyone is happy in the End? WTF?!? The House followed them for 30 years and suddenly just stops? Why, because it got the father?

I don't get why we had to get uncreeped in the end...

So I can again only give 8/10...

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The Witcher: 2x03 What Is Lost
Charmed: 1x01 Pilot
Young Sheldon: 5x13 A Lot of Band-Aids and the Cooper Surrender

Americans really shouldn't mock anything about european beers considering what they are serving as such...

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Wow, it has Sam Neil and a Plot which can go in either direction.

This is either going to be awesome or total crap...

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The Diplomat

Season 1 was amazing, hopefully this wasn't it.
Endings on cliffhangers suck :)

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