Marc Friedolin


Gummersbach, Germany


Best Timetravel show to date.

For me it's story is a close second to Wells "The Timemashine" (written in 1895)

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Timeless: 2x10 The Miracle of Christmas Part I/II

Shout by Marc Friedolin

Great finish.

Opposed to others, I like the fact, that some things kept being changed (like Lucys Sister) - we should never forget, that wars have casualties (and Season 2 was definitely a war, just not between nations) and no one can have everything back they lost.

I'd obviously have liked a 3rd season better, but like said above: You can't have everything and a 2-Episode finale is better than a show being axed on a cliffhanger (man i hate that...).

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I think what makes this show so great is that it grew up with us.

Aside from Dawn, all of them start as teenagers and grow up - opposed to other shows where the type of problems the protagonists have stay more or less the same, here it changes over the years not staying behind while its audience grew up.

And there was no time I appreciated a show starring a strong female lead without even a hint if misandry more than in todays climate!

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Criminal Minds

Constantly shifting between mediocre and almost good.

I really like watching it when I got nothing else oram in the process of watching something like Altered Carbon and need a pause from emotionally challenging content.

For a crime show it sometimes takes too much of a political stance though in my opinion.

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Star Trek: Enterprise

Still the second best Star Trek Show in my book.

Its a tragedy that they canned the show before fulfilling its true potential.

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No internet for 22 months...

How is that going to work? I don't know about the US, but in germany, you are technically using the internet every time you pick up your home phone, since its all VOIP by now (they actually cancelled all the old analog contracts a while back - so not even old contracts are analog anymore). Not to mention that most jobs require at least a bit of internet activity (at least those you find in big cities).

If parole requirements are really that stupid in the US, its no wonder so many people break them. Rules that are hard to follow don't just serve no real purpouse, they are also dangerous, because we as human beings tend to slip into things and after breaking one rule because we had to (or felt we had to) breaking the next one will take way less effort.

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I just learned that there will be a Season 9 - So hyped!!!

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Ally McBeal

To date one of the best legal Dramas, which is even more remarkable when you think about how small budgets for TV shows in the 90ies were.

Sadly its a tragedy - sorry, but Ally ending up alone, declaring her daughter as the thing she was looking for all these years is just sad and not a happy ending in my book (which is the actual difference between a comedy and a tragedy)

I don't agree, that 90ies TV Shows were more innovative in general - actually there are very few remarkable shows from the 90ies, which I guess makes the few more memorable.

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The Expanse

This show is what diversity should always look like.
A byproduct of telling a compelling story - not an agenda which has to be upheld.

Make more shows like this, shows one can be proud of not (just) because it has a diverse cast but because they are actually good.
Casting "diverse" characters isn't an acomplishment - making actually good/great TV is!

I love next to all characters on this show and the ones I don't, I at least love to hate. (Inaros to name one...).

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The Neighborhood

Can't say much to the real issues adressed in this show, but it is funny for sure.

And Beth is proving, that she ain't a one hit wonder.

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The Resident

I am wondering how often I have to criticise this:
"He is an MD, not a Doctor yet" - WHAT THE FUCK?!?

MD stands for MEDICAL DOCTOR (or Doctor of Medicine)!!!!!
It literaly means you have a Doctorate in Medicine!!!!!!

What they don't necessarily have is a License to practice Medicine. By the way, there are countries in which you can have a license to practice medicine without a doctorate (you still need to have studied Medicine though).

A Doctorate is an ACADEMIC title and it exists in many scientific fields, Medicine is actually one of the easiest to aquire and the average age of people obtaining it is amongst the lowest.

People who have a doctorate know this, so STOP HAVING CHARACTERS WITH DOCTORATE MISSREPRESENT IT!!!!!!

Sorry for yelling, but it is really annoying...

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The effects might have aged horribly, but the show is still great!

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Star Trek: Discovery

What the f*** is up with Section 31?
In ST:DS9 their mere existence was a very well kept secret. Yet here we are decades before where everyone seems not only of their existence, but also about their missions.
Not even mentioning their AI System, which kept and analysed Data for the Admiralty aiding their decision making.

I will get really angry if the staff of this show keeps mentioning the word canon. They blatantly disregard it every turn - canon-wise this Season is even worse than the one before.

It's still an entertaining show, but they really should rebrand it as something other than Star Trek as it clearly ain't anymore. It's some random Sci-Fi Show using the trademark...

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This went from being one of the best Shows on Television to something barely and then not at all watchable.

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New Amsterdam

Definitely one of the better Hospital Shows. At least the Pilot suggests it.

I know that Freema Agyeman and Ryan Eggold are good Actors (Although I hated his Character in The Blacklist).
Janet Montgomery plays her Role as the ED-Doctor Laura bloom very well also.

So all in all a great cast, leaves to hope that the writers were able to keep it up after the Pilot.

We need a new great Show in a Hospital, now that Greys Anatomy is short of Flatlining and the start of the new The Resident Season was a bit weird (another hacker attack via Phone, really?!?).

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Seeing the cast, I'm asking myself which of the parents was the unfaithful one, since they clearly don't have the same parents.

Couldn't they at least have the same ethnicity (Don't really care which).

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The Villains of Valley View

The one Superhero of this show reminds me of a PG sup version from "The Boys".

Selfabsorbed and doesn't really care about the people they "save" but just the fame and it gives her...
Makes you wonder why you would want to be a villain in that world...

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Star Trek: Picard

So far not as good as first contact, but it sure as hell blows discovery out of the water.

It shows that a modern Star Trek show is indeed possible. Only problem I have so far are the romulan nuns who only pledge themselves to lost causes - begs to question how they can exist, especially when they are enemies of the Tal'Shiar, one of the best intelligence agencies in the galaxy - people who always "speak true" don't tend to last against intelligence agencies .

A few other borderline believable things in there, but nothing breaking canon.

I hope they continue building this timeline.

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Leverage: Redemption

This was better than the last season of the original.

I like Breanna as an addition, she manages to be this semi-annoying "kid" without actually being annoying.

The only big critique is about Harry. He just doesn't really fit. He is the replacement for Nate - but he really isn't. To me he always felt like the 5th wheel.

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Mythic Quest

It misrepresents its target audience and the stories are barely funny.

It also misrepresents most of the gaming industry as p2w games are still in the minority and while they might be successful financially their player bases usually look like sh**.

Its kind of sad that the best Episode was the one not having anything to do with the main story. The Team from "Dark Quiet Death" looked way more compelling.
Not least because it was semi-realistic, compared to the totally ridiculous rest of the show.

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The Leftovers

Very Bad Beginning,
mediocre middle,

the worst ending i have ever seen - skipped through half the finale...

Save your time and watch something else...

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Shout by Marc Friedolin

"The defence is arguing, that the complaintant attacked the accused because she gave her mother covid-19"

Did the writer loose track of their own story there?
The complaintant is the one who actually DID accuse the defendant on giving her mother covid-19 and is making such allegations to the press as well. The defendant not only got assaulted by the complaintant (which makes the whole case a joke) but also maintains, that she didn't and is damaged by the complaintants slander.

It might be realistic, that the lawyer would deliberately try to sneak that in, but the defense lawyer should definitely reject that statement.

The dialogue should be "... because the complaintant thought(/thinks/believed/believes) she gave her mother covid-19"

3 words which completly change the meaning of a sentence.

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The only bad thing about this show is, that it only got one season.

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Shout by Marc Friedolin

The technical aspects make 0 sense (I mean 2GB, really? They could at least have made it TB or PB - 2 GB is nothing when you're just surfing the web, and we are talking about realistic imaging here - even if we don't count all the data thinking itself would use up) but it is a nice show and besides the data volume thing they thankfully ignore the technical aspects most of the time.

Sadly Season 1 ends where it starts to get interesting on a giant cliffhanger. I hope it gets picked up for a season 2.

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NCIS: Los Angeles: Season 1

Started watching this bc I liked JAG, NCIS and NCIS New Orleans.

I don't know, so far the main cast is utterly uninteresting.
The fact that the show focuses heavily on G and Sam doesn't help. They could drop dead and it wouldn't change the show.

Kensi seems like she could be interesting, but we learn next to nothing about her.
The mothershow does a way better job focusing on the main cast as a whole.

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Marvel's Runaways

This show had the shittiest first episodes I've ever seen.

After about 8 Episodes it somehow makes a 180° Turn and is not just a decent but a good show.

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Riverdale: Season 3

Shout by Marc Friedolin

Ok, the whole season is ridiculous.

The closest to the farm we have in real life is Clearwater, Florida (which Scientology tried/tries to take over), but even there with their massive investment the influence they actually have is still limited and had to be built over quite some time.

The Farm is able to do this within less than a year?
Betty actually said early on whom cults target.

I should know, having been raised in one myself. No matter how good a recruiter is, the person has to be recruitable in the first place.
Behavior control which is what cults do (it actually goes further than just brainwashing which is an easily reversable process) takes time. Usually at least half a year. You don't go into a session and are a cult-head immediately - if it worked like that, people would be way more careful.

The sad thing is, that they didn't really need to have them take over the town this hard. One or two of the parents would have been more than enough.

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Chicago Med: Season 7

Shout by Marc Friedolin

So DeVitto and DaCosta both left?
Guess i'll give it a few Episodes but somehow can't see myself enjoying the bullshit stories from the rest of the cast. I simply can't get myself to like any of them (Maggies daughter maybe, but I haven't seen enough to care yet).

All in all they did a pisspoor job of preparing for the departure of the two best characters the show had.

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His Dark Materials

As someone who hasn't read the book(s) I get the feeling, that there is information missing.

There are reactions in certain scenes where I don't understand what gets the characters so excited. They act like its obvious, while it isn't for the unknowing viewer.
I have the suspicion, that there is a section in the book explaining the reaction which wasn't translated in the show sometimes.

I don't know if its true, but are the daemons all female? If so, I hope it gets explained why that is (unless I missed it).

Aside from that, great cast, great storytelling and great characters so far - Although I somehow love Marisa best so far, cunning and evil - my kind of woman :)

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Doctor Who: Season 11

So far:
Love the writing, not as Good as Smiths Episodes, but definitely worlds better than what Capaldi had to Endure (It never felt like it fit).

Jodie is great - She makes funny faces without looking stupid or repulsive (Actually I think Capaldi looked very repulsive when making faces in comparison - I'm glad he rarely did).

I'll edit, should I feel this has changed througout the season.

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