The characters reasoning in this Episode makes 0 sense.

They figure out, that the Angel is Michael. OK!
Now they want to trap it using a plan Michael cocked up, thinking the Angel would appear to protect her. That kind of makes sense. But as long as the safety net (The Doctor standing by to recessitate her, should the Angel not appear) is there, why would someone not wanting to be captured appear?
It isn't necessary. I certainly wouldn't.

There is a reason former Star Trek writers shyed away from crossing own timelines (With the exception of DS9 and they were really careful not to make too long story archs - and that was a show about beings living outside of time...).
You really easy fuck up - and the fuckups here are countless.

Also, what the f*** is up with Section 31?
In ST:DS9 their mere existence was a very well kept secret. Yet here we are decades before where everyone seems not only of their existence, but also about their missions.
Not even mentioning their AI System, which kept and analysed Data for the Admiralty aiding their decision making.

I will get really angry if the staff of this show keeps mentioning the word canon. They blatantly disregard it every turn - canon-wise this Season is even worse than the one before.

It's still an entertaining show, but they really should rebrand it as something other than Star Trek as it clearly ain't anymore. It's some random Sci-Fi Show using the trademark...

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