


Dark: 2x08 Endings and Beginnings

Season 1: the question isn't how, it's when
Season 2: the question isn't when it's from which world

I don't know how Season 3 is going to end but by now I would consider everyone dying at the end a happy ending

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Dark: 2x01 Beginnings and Endings

I'm a fan of Noah braiwashing himself, self-sufficient to the bone

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Dark: 1x02 Lies

I'm really liking this, now I can start thinking of possible theories
The first thig that came to mind is that Mikkel was Jonas' dad who killed himself, bot now I'm leaning more towards thinking that he's the man at the hotel
I also believe that Mads, the kid who disappeared in the 80s is the one who showed up dead in the forest
Mikkel's granfather is pretty suspicious too

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Watchmen: 1x07 An Almost Religious Awe

Why are welistening so much to the Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem?
I'm sure it's no coincidence

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Big Little Lies: 2x06 The Bad Mother

The girls are one by one confronting Mary Louise and this time was the turn of Jane (Shailene Woodley), she was so good.
I can't believe that there's only one episode left of the season and probably of the show. I'm not ready but I also need it now

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Big Little Lies: 2x03 The End of the World

Madeline and Ed's part of the story is really breaking my heart. Reese Witherspoon was the best and the whole speech and the whole situation that surrounds it is so delicately built, it's just overwhelming

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Riverdale: 3x08 Chapter Forty-Three: Outbreak

I keep wondering why I watch this show

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The 100: 5x09 Sic Semper Tyrannis

Why do Bellamy and Clarke have to be enemies again? Whyyy? It's the endless cycle. I can already feel the writers laughing in our faces beacuse we believed everything, that they would be partners in crime for ever and ever.
The only character we can trust to not disappoint us is clearly Murphy.

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Stranger Things: 2x06 Chapter Six: The Spy

I love Hopper with all my heart, everytime he suffers, I suffer the most

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Riverdale: 2x13 Chapter Twenty-Six: The Tell-Tale Heart

The kids were a lot smarter last season, now they're dumb most of the time. I can't stand Chip nor his story, we know, he's crazy, get over it and tell us something more interesting

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The Night Manager: 1x04 Episode 4

Does he really have to sleep with every woman he finds in the way? He's suposed to be a sharp spy and succeed in his mission, but that's quite a stupid thing for him to do. Unless it's just for the sake of seeing Tom Hiddleston having sex, then it's stupid too (as much as I like it)

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x07 The Geology Methodology

"Everytime you start planningyour wedding ornaming your children, I want you to stab yourself with a fork. -What's the rubber band for? -To stop the bleedind" LOL Penny, this episode was a good one

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13 Reasons Why: 1x11 Tape 6, Side A

I don't know about the episodes left, but for me this was THE episode so far. BTW I don't get why everybody is hating Justin so much and not Bryce, like, what the hell? The first one still deserves it though.

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Girls: 6x09 Goodbye Tour

This chapter was so perfect but at the same time broke my heart

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x15 Wes

I loved everything until they said Laurel's father was involved. I really don't feel like watching all about her drama next season. I didn't like the couple Wes-Laurel, but she became more annoying the second part of the season insulting everyone who wasn't Wes. It's a shame, I really liked her the first and second season

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Peaky Blinders

Great series, better soundtrack. And at the top of all is Cillian Murphy.

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Don't Look Up

It was pointing in some right directions, but in the end it's just less sharp than it thinks itself to be
I wouldn't say subtle, because it's not at any point pretending to be anything less than in your face

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Succession: 3x09 All the Bells Say

This was definitely the siblings' episode and it was amazing. Fucking Shiv's coming! Yeah it's not like I don't understand Tom and feel for him and such, but I'm team Roy children for some reason because I'm too attached by now to ever root for anyone else above them. Roman's heart breaking on camera was pretty chilling to watch, too

I was starting to doubt whether they could blow my mind for the finale when the setting for it didn't seem like the most high stakes ever. I was once again proven that trusting the people in charge of making this will always be the right choice

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Succession: 3x04 Lion in the Meadow

I feel Shiv getting closer by each episode to getting pushed away, similarities with Kendall arising faster. Maybe by the end of the season we'll get a sibling alliance? Will he forgive her for trashing him personally if it's in the interest of ending with their father's reign?

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

Wow isn't it fun all that misogyny plus killing good characters in a way that hurts the most, all in the same episode

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Squid Game: 1x02 Hell

Booo, no murderous games this episode
also, out of all those 201 players, they're divided just in the middle between continuing the game or not
what a coincidence
very likely

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How to Get Away with Murder: 6x10 We're Not Getting Away With It

It's not fair to Annalise
But now that we're in the darkest timeline everybody has to fend for themselves and I'm with Connor and Michaela

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The Witcher: 1x06 Rare Species

I liked digging deeper into Geralt's character and discovering that mystery about his dynamic with Yen (I love how he calls her that)
Poor Jaskier didin't deserve that, but I enjoyed inmensly seeing Geralt feeling things, mainly anger and frustration

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Killing Eve: 2x07 Wide Awake

Villanelle is clearly aware that Peele is listening, the conversation makes equal sense as her talknig to Eve or Aaron (she could just be doing this to keep her cover or she was actually talking to both, you never know with her)
Also something's probably happening with MI6 that will affect Eve, guessing from what Kenny said to her

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Big Little Lies: 2x07 I Want to Know

Besides Celeste, Madaline and Ed are what I enjoyed most about this season.
It was the kind of conflict that breaks your heart and then mends it when they finally fix it.
I love a good couple breakup/conflict when it's done so delicately, painful and sad and yet wonderful and unforgettable
So glad we got to see Adam Scott and Reese Witherspoon acting that good toghether and apart

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You're the Worst: 5x13 Pancakes

One of the most fitting endings I've ever seen.
This will keep being one of my favourite shows forever
They're all batshit crazy, and still, it's one of the few shows that are scaringly realistic in more ways that anyone could imagine at the beginning

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Big Little Lies: 2x02 Tell-Tale Hearts

Madeline & Ed breaking up just broke my heart x3. Once for each of them individually being so misreable and another one for them as a couple
Plus Adam Scott really gets to show off his great acting here, Reese too, but that's more usual (which doesn't mean I apprciate it any less)

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

I laughed so much when Tommen decided to throw himself out of the window

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Catch Me If You Can

I really didn't expect it to be so light and fun, but still a very good one

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Game of Thrones: 3x02 Dark Wings, Dark Words

The scene with the trree Stark brothers warmed my heart (I wish Arya had been there too)

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