


You're the Worst

This show was a complete surprise for me, I was expecting a "bad" guilty pleasure and I got a hilarious comedy with very well done and realistic drama moments. I couldn't sop watching. I'm really curious about how the're gomma end it, bet I know it's going to be good for sure, the people behind this show are brilliant

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Peaky Blinders

Great series, better soundtrack. And at the top of all is Cillian Murphy.

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13 Reasons Why
A.P. Bio

Very average comedy, but I had fun watching it every week. I'll continue watching if it gets renewed

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The first season is hilarious, one of the best comedies, I reccomend it to everyone. The second one has its ups and downs, but it's still very good. While the thrd and final season, years after, it was quite unremarkable in comparison to how it started.

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The Society

Not gonna lie, this is a teen show and those who don't have a minimum of tolerance for this kind of content won't like it, but once past that this is so good.
It has a very similar tone to The 100's first season (it changes a lot after)

Not only the actors aren't bad, but a lot of them are really really good
It doesn't take away the stupidity element this kind of shows usually have, but that's also what makes this so deliriously addicting. Besides, it has enough copmlexity to make a very enjoyable mix

In my opinion its biggest strength is the big amount of main characters and the time they dedicate to depelop every one of them, it makes it easier to engage

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The Time in Between

Excepto por detalles puntuales me ha gustado mucho esta miniserie, nunca pensé que me iba a gustar tanto un drama histórico de la guerra civil/2ª guerra mundial.

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The Romanoffs

Pretty irregular in general, the major flaw is that some of the chapters feel like they thought off an interesting approach to the story but couldn't be bothered to resolve it decently and just end halfway.
A pro is that they're independent episodes but a con is that you can't tell if it's good or terrible until you see the end, only then you can tell if it's good or just half done.
I particulary recommend the last one, the first three were quite good too, and maybe the fourth, the 5, 6 and 7.... uggg I can't even describe them

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Black Mirror: Season 3

This season contains (in my opinion) the worst espisodes of the whole series, and they were still really good. The other the episodes were splendid. Still, I can't shake the feeling that something is different in relation to the past seasons, and I don't know what it is. The episodes in general take place in a much more similar society than before, but for some reason, instead of freaking me out even more, it does the opposite.
I don't hate this season (the opposite), I'm just too in love with the first two (and the christmas special, of course)

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Succession: 2x09 DC

Presumably it's Tom, given that Greg's name is already out there. But knowing Logan, he'd throw Kendall under the bus without thinking twice as well

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Succession: 2x08 Dundee

Kendall was a mess the hole episode, a low-key mess, but a mess nonetheless
Lately every episode has an embarrasing laugh-out-loud moment: this was clearly the rap

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Avengers: Infinity War

WOW. I just know that I needed to see this dark and intense tone in a Marvel movie SO BAD, spectially seeing a non-comical Thor.
And the new, more serious and revel Captain, love him, even more than before
Still need a bit more time to process everything in this film

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Silicon Valley: 3x04 Maleant Data Systems Solutions

Richard hitting the desk with his face was too much, repeated the scene several times. And also the bulldog scene was awesome

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Community: 5x08 App Development and Condiments

Hasn't anyone noticed that the Meow Meow Beenz app was used identically for a Black Mirror episode? It's basically the same plot but treated differently

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Succession: 3x03 The Disruption

Literal chills. Nicholas Brittel has outdone himself once more with this season's soundtrack
Waiting to see how Kendall crashes this season and quite surprised with Roman's humanity here

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Big Mouth: 2x05 The Planned Parenthood Show

I'm starting to get tired of Coach Steve, I don't like his stories in this season and he's getting too much attention, I'd rather see only the teens as main characters.
I loved every part of this episode except for his parts (still, the idea of making the sex-ed class to him is spot-on)

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Succession: 3x07 Too Much Birthday

Sibling conflict finally at its finest. Man, it breaks my heart and I love it.
This might end up at the top of the whole show with all that tension so meticulously handled.
Also, Alexander Skarsgard, yet another great guest actor that almost goes unnoticed while being the guiding theme of the episode

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Succession: 3x06 What It Takes

Roman has come a long way from season 1. So much more now behind the clown, he has become quite an interesting player.
Wouldn't be surprised if he ended at the top, just because he is the only sibling willing to sneak through the nasty shit and still come on top like his father

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Succession: 3x09 All the Bells Say

This was definitely the siblings' episode and it was amazing. Fucking Shiv's coming! Yeah it's not like I don't understand Tom and feel for him and such, but I'm team Roy children for some reason because I'm too attached by now to ever root for anyone else above them. Roman's heart breaking on camera was pretty chilling to watch, too

I was starting to doubt whether they could blow my mind for the finale when the setting for it didn't seem like the most high stakes ever. I was once again proven that trusting the people in charge of making this will always be the right choice

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Succession: 3x04 Lion in the Meadow

I feel Shiv getting closer by each episode to getting pushed away, similarities with Kendall arising faster. Maybe by the end of the season we'll get a sibling alliance? Will he forgive her for trashing him personally if it's in the interest of ending with their father's reign?

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The Originals: 3x21 Give 'Em Hell Kid

For a moment I genuinly thought they were gonna wipe off the show half of the cast of this season

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Money Heist: 2x08 Astray

Nairobii isn't gonnna die, she's everyone's favourite besides Berlin. And they only killed him because that was the end of the show at first, one last heroic act
And I hope they speed up abit with the plan and action for the net part, the ending was so promising

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You're the Worst: 5x12 We Were Having Such a Nice Day

Jimmy and Edgar are both just so right that it hurts so much
As flawed as Jimmy is in terms of taking care of the relationship he's so geniuinely in love
And the whola arc of Gretchen and her mom was so hard and necessary too

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The Man in the High Castle: 3x10 Jahr Null

John Smith was the saviour of an otherwise ok-but-mediocre season

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Gun City

Es preciosa de ver, pero no dice absolutamente nada, se me hace vacía de contenido a pesar de la producción

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The Man in the High Castle: 3x09 Baku

Well, his death was coming and, unlike the first one, this was the Frank's death we (and him) deserved

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UnREAL: 2x08 Fugitive

I love Quin's "pep talk" to the crew, she's just so direct and heartless

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Is this movie (and trilogy) nothing new nor essential to the whole Star Wars universe? True, but I really enjoyed it and seeing the characters develop too (specially Kylo, thank God it got better). Now, my fear is that a day may come that I stop enjoying them and they start doing more damage than good (or neutral at least) to this universe. Cause, you know, Disney's like: "if can make millions for the next 15 years, what esle matters?"

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Death to 2020

Who would have though there's a world outside the US/UK?
Certainly not me during this mockumentary

Just entertaining enough, mostly worth it for Lisa Kudrow, Samuel L. Jackson and Hugh Grant. It starts way stronger than it ends

Though it's curious to see that when they get to May and the BLM they switch to documentary and patch it up with a couple of bad, evident jokes about a racist Karen, a black Boris Johnson and such, all traces of subtlety and acid humor gone for practically the rest of the film.
I mean it's December, we've already seen plenty of pieces about it months ago, and much better ones. It wasn't funny nor informative.
And I wasn't eager to hear all about the election for 25 minutes straight either just a mere month later.

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Squid Game: 1x09 One Lucky Day

So. It really was a bunch of bored rich dudes after all

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