

Tokyo, Japan

Hannibal: Season 1

Despite the abused source material, "Hannibal" manages to create its own peculiar atmosphere and surprise its audience with a whole new approach to the same old story. The first season is entirely focused on the ambiguous relationship between Hannibal and Will Graham before the events in Thomas Harris' novels. I liked how the show attempts to take us inside the minds of the killers and capture the twisted beauty that lies in the grotesque. Mads Mikkelsen's portrayal of Hannibal Lecter is sober, elegant, and charming, even though his superior intellect tends to be overemphasized at times.

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Boris: Season 3

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-03-02T10:38:26Z— updated 2022-11-20T12:46:18Z

Season 3 felt a little tired, even though I appreciated that they tried to shake things up a little. The cynical ending seems to be unpopular, but it is actually the only good idea they had here. The rest is pretty old jokes and uninspired situations. Medical Dimension was not even that good to begin with.

(Apprezzo il tentativo di variare un minimo la formula, ma purtroppo la terza stagione soffre di spossatezza acuta. Il finale cinico e rassegnato mi sta benissimo, anche perché si riconnette alle premesse fatte all’inizio della serie, ma le situazioni divertenti o vagamente intelligenti sono veramente poche. Tra l’altro non è che Medical Dimension fosse tutta sta qualità, eh. )

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Boris: Season 2

La seconda stagione è decisamente migliore tecnicamente, ma in certe cose sa un po’ più di stantio. Inizia ad esserci la sensazione che stessero campando un po’ troppo sui vari tormentoni e sulla gente che strilla in romanaccio. I drammi di Biascica e in particolare l’insipida storia d’amore tra Arianna e Alessandro ammazzano un po’ il ritmo generale, per non parlare del Machiavelli di cui onestamente non ho esattamente colto il senso. Tra le new entry abbiamo un Guzzanti un po’ sprecato e due cagnacce niente male.

Season two is a big upgrade technically, but tends to rely a bit too much on jokes and situations we have already seen multiple times. The side stories that span over multiple episodes like Alessandro’s love interests, the nonsense Machiavelli quest, and in particular, Biascica’s panic attacks, dragged the pacing down a little.

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Neon Genesis Evangelion
Boris: Season 1
Alice in Borderland
The Umbrella Academy: Season 2
Tokyo Vampire Hotel

I watched the whole series and had a hard time finishing it. Not that I had many expectations to begin with, but that’s definitely too long for such a pointless plot and lack of ideas. The gratuitous B-movie horror gore and gaudy setting are quite entertaining at first, but as things keep endlessly repeating themselves you grow tired pretty soon. The action is all condensed into the first and seventh episode and leads to the most anticlimactic ending ever. The rest is cheap human drama and blabber about vampire factions.

It looks like there is a condensed theatrical version that might be better, as Sion Sono’s visual delirium is the only thing to appreciate here. Just not for 8 hours.

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Good Omens
The Sopranos: Season 5

Just when I started to feel the show was beginning to become stale, we get what is probably the darkest and most eventful season so far. I liked all the new characters introduced, and it was great to finally see some serious power struggle arise. Tony and Carmela’s separation was supposed to be a major plot point, but I thought they got back together a bit too easily. There is really no positive character and everyone messed up at least once along the way, but I am seriously getting tired of Christopher. I just hope he gets whacked at some point.

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The Sopranos: Season 4

Season 4 has a slightly gloomier atmosphere which I enjoyed, but it was a bit dull overall. It feels like everything is going to happen, but eventually nothing happens. The only big event is Ralph’s sudden death, which however results in the rest of the season dragging a little. I also didn’t like to see Furio simply disappear after all those episodes to put him together with Carmela.

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Westworld: Season 3

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2020-12-09T16:24:10Z— updated 2022-11-14T05:53:43Z

I appreciate how “Westworld” always tries to reinvent itself and get bigger in scale each time, but the new setting and characters failed to grab my attention. It’s impossible not to notice that the writers kept changing every season, it almost feels like watching a whole different show.

The setting was what made Westworld feel different, but after getting out of the park and replacing most characters with host copies, it almost feels like watching a whole different show. Sure they couldn't stick to the park setting for longer than a couple of seasons without getting repetitive, but at the same time I thought they could have handled the transition a little better.

I didn't like Maeve's story arc in season two, but here she is simply unbearable to watch. She's just a waste of time and fanservice. Dolores turning into a positive character again felt incredibly forced too. It just doesn't match all the things she had been saying up to that point. Hale was surprisingly the most interesting character this season.

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Westworld: Season 2
The Sopranos: Season 3

They tried to change things a little and focus on the kids a little more for this season, but overall, the result is consistent as it is low-key. It was fun to watch but didn’t leave me too impressed. There is no villain in the strict sense of the word, but Ralph gave me some interesting Tonny Devito (Goodfellas) vibes. It’s still too early to tell if he will shine in later seasons, though. It was sad to see Livia go, as I enjoyed her troubled relationship with Tony and how she used to mess up things in the family. Janice is back already, but unfortunately has a more positive role this time.

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Twin Peaks
Westworld: Season 1
The Sopranos: Season 2

Quality-wise, it's pretty much on the same level as the first season, but it felt like things were dragging on a bit too long to save the best for later. The tension that was built up between Tony and his relatives gets suddenly put apart to offer the same structure, mostly the same situations of season one repeating themselves with different characters (Richie replacing Mike, Pussy replacing Jimmy). Richie Aprile is still regarded as one of the most memorable villains of the whole show, but I never liked him that much. Janice has been a far more promising addition to the cast.

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The Sopranos: Season 1

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2020-11-09T06:47:44Z— updated 2021-07-31T10:48:48Z

Probably the best-written TV show of the '90s and the perfect mix of family drama and mob story. The realistic, unvarnished approach to the mafia lifestyle is clearly inspired by "GoodFellas", with which it shares a few cast members. It's almost a sitcom, but there is a horizontal plotline that slowly proceeds through the season and builds up the tension until the last couple of episodes. Everything starts off as some kind of offbeat comedy, but you can notice that things are getting more and more serious as time goes by. The characters are sometimes too many to keep in mind, but the ones who stick are lovable. Tony is such an asshole, yet we can't help loving him. Being able to join his therapy sessions helps to build affection and grasp the depth of the character.

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Too Old to Die Young
Grace and Frankie: Season 6

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2020-08-29T14:17:26Z— updated 2023-04-21T07:45:12Z

"Grace and Frankie" are definitely getting "too old for this shit". The writing is even more tired and uninspired than season 5, but still, I can't help loving Fonda and Tomlin's characters and chemistry. They are starting to become like family, you don't necessarily need to have fun. It's enough to check in every year and make sure they are still doing well. The kids and supporting characters are rather disposable, in the last episode they even get rid of Nick with one of the most random excuses ever. The main problem is that there is very little character development going on, and whatever happens usually gets reset at the end of each season to repeat itself for the following one. Grace and Frankie start a new business again, but it's something we have already seen done better before. Then they are going to randomly start fighting for some silly reason and get back together a couple of episodes later.

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Better Call Saul: Season 5

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2020-08-29T13:58:22Z— updated 2021-08-14T03:51:10Z

I still wish "Better Call Saul" was a show on its own, completely unrelated to Gustavo's war with the cartel and other "Breaking Bad" stuff. However, at the same time I can't deny that this is hands down the best season so far. As always, top-notch production with neat cinematography, smart writing, and great characters. I was not a big fan of Lalo's at first, but he is a good addition to the cast now that he is finally starting to get real loco. Especially now that we know that there is not much time left for Kim, I am starting to fear the worst for her. I didn't expect her character to get such a fully developed arc throughout the show and hope she will survive.
We had to wait for five years but we finally got to see more Saul than Jimmy, even though there is a little bit of everything in this season. The pacing is still on the slower side but never gets boring, unless you were thinking about binge-watching the whole thing.

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Attack on Titan: Season 3

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2020-08-23T04:12:20Z— updated 2023-11-04T17:10:50Z

Despite the imminent risk of seeing the same formula of the first two seasons growing stale, “Attack on Titan: Season 3” actually represents an unexpected leap in quality in terms of pacing and storytelling. The first part of this season initially forgets the titan threat to focus on humans and the political subterfuge of the Capital. A lot of mysteries find clear answers, even though we had so many clues that nothing came as unexpected. The second part has the most epic battle so far and we even offers a particular moment that could have irremediably divided our heros and raise some controversy (unfortunately, the writers chose the easy way out).

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Attack on Titan: Season 2

"Attack on Titan: Season 2" manages to keep the show as fresh and entertaining as its opening seasons, even though it pretty much follows the same structure with different villains and a couple of more mysteries thrown in. It feels like the purpose of these episodes is to prepare the ground for what's coming next rather than adding something new. We are starting to stop seeing our favorite characters dying, but as the stakes involved are getting exponentially bigger, the fights are getting to epic proportions.

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Attack on Titan: Season 1
Dead to Me: Season 2

Again a lightheartedly fun, but not hilarious, season. Not a big fan of the twin brother gimmick and its predictable outcome, but it never gets so bad it becomes a turn-off.

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Breaking Bad
Money Heist: Season 2
American Horror Story: Season 8
American Horror Story: Season 7

The first American Horror Story season without supernatural entities has a lot of hard-to-believe moments but was enjoyable nonetheless. This show always starts mildly interesting, gets addicting mid-season with the mysteries unfolding, and then drags on for five/six more episodes taking weird turns and questionable outcomes. This season kind of follows the same structure but manages to keep well-balanced until the end. The pacing falls a bit once most of the questions get answered, but unnecessary historical digressions aside, I was quite satisfied. The political moral sounded a bit cheap, but I wasn't expecting anything profound anyway. Getting a bit sick of Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson getting the same kind of roles every time, but I guess that's what people want?

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AJ and the Queen

No wonder this show got canceled. The chemistry between Ruby and AJ kind of worked, but the writing is just too awfully dated for this to be remotely enjoyable. Situations and stereotypes we saw billions of times with sprinkles of weak LGBT propaganda and RuPaul self-celebration. Everything is so comfortably predictable that unless you are a Drag Face fanboy there is really little to enjoy. It's doesn't even fall under "so bad it's good". No way I could have watched the whole thing if someone hadn't forced me.

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