

Davis, California

The Sopranos: 2x11 House Arrest

Watched on HBO Max. I knew Tony would f*** that little blonde secretary! Other than that, I don't think anything interesting. Maybe just how the psychiatrist is turning into an alcoholic.

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Blood Simple

Watched on HBO Max. It's not an extraordinary movie, but it is definitely a precedent of what the Coen brother's filmography would be: bloody, weird, surprising. It is not the typical crime movie, but something different, that it starts from a simple premise, a hired murder, but it turns out, in the end, something quite different, where the characters do not know what is going on. All is a big misunderstanding, but not in the comedy sense, if you know what I mean. I only give it 6 points because it there are much better movies than this, but it is good.

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Death Note: 1x33 Scorn

Watched on Netflix. Now, the question is: Did Mikami mess it up? There's nothing impressive or great in this episode, to be honest. But it is not bad either. We'll see if Mikami just exposed himself and he's done.

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Death Note: 1x32 Selection

Watched on Netflix. There are some meanings about good and bad, and how one wants to become a god to provide justice in an unfair world. Pretty emo ideal. Also, there is some emo love, between two lost souls who are superior to everyone and think they deserve to be above, others and that the rest are bad and stupid. Sometimes it looks ridiculous, but that is what emo was about, right? Ridiculous, emotional, idealistic, different.

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Mayday: 1x06 Fire on Board

Watched on Youtube. This is one of the most famous aircraft accidents in history. I am glad it was told with no biases and inaccuracies. It is very sad that the father of one of the passengers had to do that in the end. I am sure it must have been extremely scary and desperate for the pilots in the last five minutes. The airline is to be blamed here: you cannot have such a terrible checklist during fire emergencies.

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Dark: 1x05 Truths

Watched on Netflix. A lot of unnecessary explanations, like if they thought we are dumb to not understand who is who. The only good thing is that we find out who Mikkel actually is. Maybe they could have made Jonas find out on his own, and not be told, but it seems like the producers think the audience is not that smart to find out stuff. The kiss between Martha and Jonas was very romantic, two confused lost souls comforting each other.

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Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story: 1x01 Episode One

Watched on Netflix. I expected more of this first episode. People were all telling me how amazing the story was, but I don't see anything special or awesome. Just some dude who is mentally ill and did gross things. The only thing I suppose the audience is waiting for is to know how this serial killer got away for so long. I think there is a hint this episode gives: systemic racism. Is that true? Or is Netflix again siding with the trendy political ideology? We are looking forward to knowing what the next episodes say about it.

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Dark: 1x04 Double Lives

Watched on Netflix. A little confusing. But still intriguing. Just some unrealistic things about a small, grey, rainy town in the middle of nowhere in the German forest. Despite that, it is a good story and manages to make people keep wanting to know what happens next.

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Disappeared: 1x02 A Mother's Secret

Watched on The Roku Channel. It is good they put the other side of the story, Rob Dixon's lawyer, but still, the case was biased favoring the "model mother" Paige, who was a prostitute and put herself in dangerous situations. The story, honestly, was not very interesting and there was nothing to suggest that this was a difficult case to solve.

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The Sopranos: 2x10 Bust Out

Watched on HBO Max. Tony realizes how important having a father figure is for a boy. What a relief he received after learning that the eyeball witness changed his mind. Carmela is showing her true colors as a wife.

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The Office: 2x04 Motivation

Watched on Hulu. Man, this episode was hilarious, but not as much as the previous ones. It felt a little bit forced, but I think that was the point: David is really a weirdo lmao. And how he treats Dawn... just hilarious. Dawn seems the most miserable there: first, she has to see how Tim and Rachel were making out all the time, in front of her; and later, be with David, seeing him how a fool of himself he was at that event. David is a weirdo and he's not even embarrassed oh my god hahaha

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The Wonder Years: 2x06 Pottery Will Get You Nowhere

Watched on Hulu. First time I see Kevin's parents fighting. That reminds me of my own family and the tension I used to feel when my parents fought. There were times that the tension felt for days. In the case of Kevin, the fight only lasts a day or a couple of days, and they tried to not yell at each other in front of their children. In my case, it was quite different. It reminds me of sad times, definitely. But now I'm older, and I only think that it was what it was and I can't change it, and all these things influenced greatly my personality and the way I am these days.

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Mayday: 1x05 Cutting Corners

Watched on Youtube. It talks about a very scary accident, when the airplane dives and goes upside down and crashes into the Pacific Ocean. It is really a very horrible way to die, and I feel sorry for the people who had to go through that nightmare. But corporate is to be blamed here, because of maintenance issues. They failed to do that. A very interesting episode, where it explains how one of the worst air accidents happened, and how the pilots at first regained control, but later could not. It would be a great episode if it wasn't for some unrealistic cast members if you know what I mean. We need more realism, fellas, because I don't believe that the NTSB investigators looked that way. And that is true, because in the audience, with real footage, it shows how the investigators actually looked like.

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The Office: 2x03 Party

Watched on Hulu. A funny episode. A little bit vulgar, but their vulgarity is so well done that it is still funny and good. The way David ends up in front of everyone after his sexual joke about The Corrs is just hilarious. Very sexual, vulgar, but funny as hell. Also, the tension between Dawn and Brenda is becoming noticeable. And Tim is a lucky bastard.

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Mayday: 1x04 Flying on Empty

Watched on Youtube. It was not a good episode for me. The acting was bad, and the way the investigators were portrayed did not look realistic. Also, there was not a thorough explanation of why the leak happened. It just blamed the company for not caring much about the right replacements for the engines. But the worst part was the actors. Please, some realism! Anyways, it was nice to see how those two pilots were awesome and did a great job at landing a glitching plane.

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Return of the Jedi

Watched on Disney Plus. Overall a good movie, but it was kind of predictable. The best thing I have found in the story is the strong bond between father and son that cannot be broken so easily, even if Lord Vader went to the dark side. The rest is cliché and a little repetitive of the previous two movies. Everything has to end up good and happy, and that is what happens. However, it was funny and entertaining, and the ewookees are such funny creatures. I guess, in the end, it was a good end to the trilogy.

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Dark: 1x03 Past and Present

Watched on Netflix. Now the story is becoming a little confusing, yet amusing, and makes us want to see more. It is definitely unique and odd. The only bad thing I have found is the comparison of some characters between 1986 and 2019, which is unnecessary. It is like they want to help the audience to figure out who is who. With the names and last names, it is enough. Also, this episode confirmed the mystery of the story, and now we all know that it is about time traveling combined with mystery and crime. Let's see if the next episodes surprise us.

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The Wonder Years: 2x05 Just Between Me and You and Kirk and Paul and Carla and Becky

Watched on Hulu. That Kevin Arnold is a lucky bastard lmao. He is in that love triangle, along with his buddies, and it's funny how they get confused by Winnie's feelings. In the end, she doesn't know what she is doing, she doesn't realize she's playing with these guys. That scene of the aliens, while Kevin was unconscious, was dumb. And when Kevin claims that he and Winnie were miserable is completely untrue. Those guys are lucky. They are having a normal adolescent time, with romantic drama and full of new experiences, in the suburbs, something that a lot of people nowadays don't have anymore. But overall, the episode was funny and I am certain it made many adult guys laugh.

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Dark: 1x02 Lies

Watched on Netflix. I think it is sort of clear where the story is heading, that time travel has a lot to do with it, so instead of a crime, or mystery show, they are also adding science fiction. That is original, although some say that it is like Stranger Things. First thing why it is not: the music, the environment, and the setup is very different. In this show, the atmosphere is dark, gloomy, and depressing, with the characters appearing to be in a rainy, isolated prison, and that is what this series great. The soundtrack is awesome too; it goes related to the storytelling. Good episode and let's see what happens next.

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Disappeared: 1x01 The End of Innocence

Watched on the Roku Channel. Another young white woman missing mysteriously. Nobody knows what happened, she just wanted to have fun and she is gone. Very saddening to see how her mother was trying to not cry in all the interviews until, in the end, she does. She disappeared in 2006, in an area full of Trump-supporters cowboy wannabes, so I don't think the cops will ever find her. No cameras, no evidence, nothing.

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The Sopranos: 2x09 From Where to Eternity

Watched on HBO Max. A little bit disappointing, because of some "miracles", and expected events, like the killing of one character, and in the end, that did not make much sense, when Carmela and Tony do certain things. Like why? If she was mad. And Paulie is not acting rationally.

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Andes to Amazon: 1x06 Penguin Shores

Watch on A very interesting documentary, that basically says how important the Humboldt current is for the marine life on the Pacific coast of South America. Penguins are the main animal that lives all the way from the cold southern ocean to the Galapagos islands. It is also very concerning what the BBC says about the El Nino event, which would destroy the richness of marine life and subsequently all the birds and marine mammals that feed on them, and that due to global warming, it is more often than usually. Finally, I am happy that Paracas is mentioned in the documentary, a magnific place on the Peruvian coast. I wish I could visit it someday.

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The Wonder Years: 2x04 Steady as She Goes

Watched on Hulu. Teenagers dating and wanting to "go steady" lmao. But Winnie is right: Kevin and Becky make a cute couple.

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Death Note: 1x29 Father

Watched on Netflix. What a sad episode! But also how the honor of Yagami and the love for his son are very well represented here. A lot of action and in the end, I bet many people even cried. It made me think about how a father can die at any moment. Finally, the attitude of Kira... oh my God, he only cares about himself.

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Dark: 1x01 Secrets

Watched on Netflix. This German show looks very promising, making the audience want to know what exactly the story is about. Until now, I can't tell where this is heading, but the disappearance of two people in the small town of Winden makes us wonder if this is another crime series, or something more original. For now, it looks original and depressive, starting with a suicide, but we'll see. And one last thing: the letter. What does the letter say? That's the suspense.

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The Wonder Years: 2x03 Christmas

Watched on Hulu. Many wise things are said in this episode, about how memories are the most important thing in a person Christmas is the best example of how to make things right, so in the future, it can be remembered with joy and nostalgia. In the Arnold family, things seemed to be coming apart, but Jack made things look better in the end, having all his family members have at least a little bit of fun. Lastly, the symbolism of Winnie Cooper with the clover that she gave to Kevin as a present. That meant a lot. It's like she was telling him: "Remember me! That's all I want". Very sweet.

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The Outlaw Josey Wales

Watched on HBO Max. Good movie, with a solid plot, no defects in the narrative, and overall a classical western. It sort of shows how much of scumbags most people back in the old west era were. Nonetheless, there is honor, bravery, and courage also. This mix of lonely cowboys like Josey Wales, mercenaries like the bounty hunters, regular militias of the Union, and Indians make the movie entertaining, but also realistic. I see some nostalgia towards the South also. Maybe because the movie was based on a novel written by a segregationist southerner. I wish more movies like these were made these days for entertaining, for mass consumption.

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Mayday: 1x03 Flying Blind

Watched on Youtube. So the one to blame for this accident is the maintenance worker, who taped one of the ports. The name of this irresponsible worker is Eleuterio Chacaliaza. He only received two years in prison. I would have liked the documentary to suggest that maintenance workers in the aviation industry should be people with education, with a degree, not just anybody that could cause an accident. Seventy people died, and no survivors. It is very sad that most of the passengers were still alive seconds after the plane crashed, and many of them died by drowning.

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Andes to Amazon: 1x05 Amazon Jungle

Watched on It describes the diversity of the Amazon jungle, from spider monkeys, tamarins, sakis, ants, and tapirs to waoroanis. The latter are a group of indigenous people that have interesting hunting skills and are highly adapted to the Amazon forest. That is key in the Amazon: one must be highly adapted to survive. Another interesting thing this episode shows is the importance of clay licks, which is so vital for many animal species to counteract their poisonous diet. Yes, even if one has the illusion that food is never scarce there, most fruits and leaves are poisonous, and that is something many people do not know. It is chemical warfare between plants and animals. So that is why clays must be consumed by monkeys, tapirs, deers, and macaws. If not, they would die poisoned. And also, another thing worth mentioning, is how bromeliads serve as a little oasis at the canopies, and these types of plants can be home to hundreds of even thousands of different species. The tropical heat can turn the top of the forest into a desert. It does not always rain.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne