

Davis, California

Death Note: 1x37 New World

I can't believe this is the pathetic final of Kira.

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The Sopranos: 2x02 Do Not Resuscitate

Nothing much interesting. Just that Janice is showing her true colors, and Tony is clueless about it.

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Death Note: 1x24 Revival

Good episode! Misa is really dumb; she doesn't see she's being used by Light. L seems aware of something weird going on.

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The Sopranos: 2x04 Commendatori

Honestly, I didn't see the point of Tony's gang going to Italy. Also, this episode kinda incorrectly portrays the Italian culture as more feminine and matriarchal, which is not very true at all. Finally, Pussy freaking out and killing someone didn't make much sense.

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The Sopranos: 2x08 Full Leather Jacket

Watched on HBO Max. It is interesting to see how Carmela wants to bribe someone for her daughter. Gangster behavior at its finest. Also, it is a little funny to see how something shocking and unexpected happens to Christopher. I didn't expect that. But overall, the story evolves more and more and we will see what happens later.

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The Sopranos: 2x07 D-Girl

A lot of interesting things happen in this episode. Christopher tries to become a screenwriter, and it has some funny scenes, while Anthony Jr becomes nihilistic emo, which was funny to watch too. Finally, what a thing about "Pussy": he got wired. In conclusion, several characters are showing their true colors.

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The Wonder Years: 1x01 Pilot

That's how the 60s was in American suburbs. All was innocence and happiness for high school kids.

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The Birth of a Nation

It is a controversial film but a key one for people who are interested in film history. This movie is considered the first feature film in history. Artistically, this movie is a masterpiece, being the first one in using important features of feature films found until today.

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Dark: 2x05 Lost and Found

Watched on Netflix. A lot of things are explained and clarified. I liked what Adam said about time, the our god is actually time, and it has no mercy. Sad scenes of old Ulrich trying to recover his children.

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Stranger Than Paradise

A very underrated movie. Even back in the 80s, suburban America was very dull and boring, and immigrants pretty much regretted having moved to this so-called “great” country that has nothing to offer. The final scene is very spot on: Willie always wanted to get the fuck away from the US, he just needed the movie and go back rich to his home country, and he didn’t lose the chance. Eva, on the other hand, wants to leave too, but since she’s already been for a year, she hesitates and wants to give a last chance to f*** America. Eddie, being American, doesn’t understand this reasoning. Jarmusch pretty much gives a good representation of what immigrants think of this country, the regrets for having left Europe.

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The Office: Special 2 Christmas Special (2)

Watched on Hulu. It started very depressive and realistic, but in the end, it was a happy ending. I didn't like much the happy ending. Life is not like that. I would have preferred to be hyper-realistic, even if that meant super cringe and sad. David Brent was the perfect archetype of the modern man lost in this post-industrial world. But overall, it was a good finale and the change of mood from sad/cringe to happy was smooth and did not seem forced.

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The Sopranos: 2x13 Funhouse

Poor Pussy. His death kind of shocked me. And Meadow finally learned her place as part of her father's mafia.

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Watched on Peacock. I didn't understand. I'll have to think about it.

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Death Note: 1x35 Malice

Watched on Netflix. Wow! This Light is a cold-blooded smartass! He didn't care killing her. He uses women for his malevolent purposes lmao.

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Death Note: 1x31 Transfer

Watched on Netflix. The series is becoming more and more exciting. There's a lot of tension and surprise. Interesting how minded matched is the new notebook owner with Kira's thoughts, suggesting the inevitability of the group mind, even among outcasts. A desperate, but good idea of Kira.

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Death Note: 1x30 Justice

Watched on Netflix. Funny how Kira is losing his patience and people around him are starting to distrust him. Also, interesting to see how the government of the United States is portrayed, as a bunch of coward chickens. Really looking forward to the next episode.

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The Empire Strikes Back

Watched on Disney Plus. It was an okay movie, with a defined plot, action, and great special effects. Definitely, it is not as good as its prequel, but it is not bad either. The topic that is part of the movie is how Luke can be tempted to join the dark side of the force, and how he is also too impatient and less disciplined. Also, quite a surprise what Vader reveals to Luke, something that Yoda seemed to have been concerned about. Some comical scenes too, of course: the cyborg is always talkative, teasing R2, and when Luke lands and does not know who Yoda is.
Some things that needed to improve: there was no need for so much romantic parody between Han and Leia, and also it is not too realistic to see that the empire is too bad at catching the rebels. They have all the power, and still can't. The new character, Han's friend, was not too convincing either, but he was not bad either.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

Watched on HBO Max. Sort of ridiculous episode. Jon Snow turned out to be a dumb, weak man LOL. And the acting of Daenerys and Cersei, is just comical. And yet it doesn't explain how Arya killed the Night King in the previous episode. I don't know, it kind of is start looking like a telenovela, with predictable outcomes and just for the drama between Daenerys, Sansa, and Cersei. Jon Snow is out of the picture now. Yes, the king in the North has become Cersei's pet. The characters' behaviors don't make much sense. The only reason why it is a 5 and not lower is because of the drama, which is still able to have the audience interested in the show. Two more episodes and is over. I predict Daenerys takes King's Landing and Sansa wages a war against her.

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Death Note: 1x27 Abduction

Even without L, the show keeps being interesting, and now Kira is more compromised than ever. He got two more enemies! And his sister... and his father that is rushing... What a headache for Kira! And the shinigami is indeed having fun watching this!

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Death Note: 1x25 Silence

I would say this is the best episode of the series. It escalates quickly, starting from a new beginning to the sudden death of one of the protagonists, after some symbolism, which in that case was that sort of weird interaction of Light and Ryuzaki in the church, in the middle of the storm. Some people would say a homoerotic interaction, but it was rather a fraternal one, of mutual respect. In the end, it is proven that Light is clearly a psychopath and only cares about him. Impressive episode.

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The Sopranos: 2x06 The Happy Wanderer

Normal episode. The first executive game by Tony Soprano, and this drama between David Scatina and Tony and Richie. There's some suspense about how all this drama will end up. Looks like David's days are counted.

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The Sopranos: 2x05 Big Girls Don't Cry

This episode is about anger episodes of two men: Tony Soprano and Christopher. And they both have women in their lives. So they are aggressive, violent, with no self-control, and yet they are lucky to experience love. That's an interesting take by the writers of this show. How anger and lack of control are pervasive in gangs and alpha males' environments, and women love that! In the end, Tony is back in therapy with Dr. Melfi, who seems to be sort of in love with her patient.

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

A little bit of a sensationalist episode. Some things seem not too realistic, like Greyjoy convincing his tribe to save Yara, and this little game between Sansa and Littlefinger, that leads to the latter's death, is kind of pathetic. But the tension is good. Sensationalist but good. Then the meeting between Cersei and Daenerys, and proves how such a fool Jon Snow is. Many people meet again, people that were enemies before. In the end, Jon fucks Daenerys, despite him being a Targaryan, as Bran Stark figures out. Cersei is pregnant. So many things are found out, and that makes a good episode. Some things are unrealistic, I repeat, but there is a lot of tension like this episode seems to be the breaking point in the great war of Westeros. Finally, the Wall in the North is destroyed, leaving us in awe, leaving asking ourselves what will happen next. We are all looking forward to season 8.

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The Sopranos: 2x03 Toodle-Fucking-Oo

A little boring, like too forced that that prick Richie shows up in the show. I don't know what's the point. We'll see how the appearance of Richie Aprile changes the plot of the show.

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The Wonder Years: 1x04 Angel

So this commie guy goes to his girl's house to insult her family, and she wants to be with him! Wow! What a son of a b*** lmao.

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The Wonder Years: 1x03 My Father's Office

How a single 20-minutes episode can say a lot about the role of a father in his family

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The Sopranos: 2x01 Guy Walks into a Psychiatrist's Office

So her psychiatrist doesn't wanna see her anymore? But funnier was the part where these two Tony's nephew's employers kicked a guy's ass. So funny, lmao. "Anyone got a problem with Webistics?" And: "Get back to your fucking office," they yelled. It looks like these two guys will have some importance in the future.

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Game of Thrones: 7x05 Eastwatch

A boring episode, to be honest. Tons of women are in charge now. The only exciting thing is that Jon Snow looks for another adventure with the dead army. That dude has balls.

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Air Disasters: 2x01 Cracks in the System

Good episode, about how a seaplane suffers from structural failure, a crack in the Z string of its right wing, and it falls after take off.

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The Wonder Years: 1x02 Swingers

I loved the soundtrack and all the beauty that surrounded the Atlanta suburbs. Now obviously Atlanta and its suburbs are way different than what it was back in the 60s.

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