

Davis, California

The Sopranos: 3x11 Pine Barrens

What a hilarious and interesting episode. It was like The Sopranos mixed with a Coen Brothers movie (Fargo?) with just a hint of Waiting For Godot. Almost every scene with Paulie and Chris was gold. The way Paulie was constantly making things worse and trying to blame it on Chris was funny and built up the deeper cracks in the relationship between the two. There was a little bit of The Simpsons "Mountain of Madness" played mostly straight here, and it worked perfectly.

I'm getting a little tired of the Gloria stuff here. Mefli's comment implying that Tony's attracted to women like his mother is interesting, but the execution just leaves me kind of underwhelmed. My wife was right to point that she feels a lot like Lila from Dexter (who postdates this episode), who wasn't really my favorite. She also has a certain quirky childishness akin to Amy from The West Wing which puts me off as well. She feels more like a device than a character, but I'm sure the introduction of this unstable element to the proceedings is going to cause problems in the remaining couple of episodes, probably at an inconvenient time.

Which leaves us with the Jackie Jr. stuff. Again, I have a big meh. This feels like Dawson's Creek type stuff to me, and my patience for it is growing thin. I get the thematic relevance of it, emblematic of the failed hopes for the next generation in comparison to Meadow (and to a lesser extent Chris). But it's just so plodding and predictable at this point that I have a hard time getting into the storyline, and the acting from Jackie Jr. isn't enough to keep a dull story afloat. We'll see where it goes.

This doesn't read like a 9 out of 10 review, but the Chris and Paulie stuff was really good, so I still finished the episode smiling.

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I think it’s about Jackie Jr fucking up and probably Tony getting revenge for treating Meadow like that. We’ll see how things end up for Jackie Jr in regards to Tony, and remember that Ralphie is his stepfather, so another tension can be rebuilt.

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Game of Thrones: 7x05 Eastwatch

Shout by Kimme Utsi

This is the episode when Samwell Tarly learn's that Prince 'Reggis' had his marriage annulment recorded and Jon Snow is an true born Targaryen...

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@kimme That's a lie. Sam didn't learn that. Jon Snow didn't realize he's a true Targaryen yet. Why are you lying?

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Dark: 2x05 Lost and Found

Reply by Kevin

Reply by Ashwin

Shout by Anto Butera

I'm obsessed with the show! It's amazing. But there's one little detail that annoys me to no end. Why are Jonas' eyes blue and adult Jonas' eyes hazel?! They went so far as to give every one of the Claudias heterochromia, but Jonas has a different eye color depending on his age? Such BS.

Also, I love how both Jonas and Martha are having the exact same sex dream. It's so weird.

And I feel so bad for Ulrich and Bartosz. They were both dealt crappy hands.I hope they get some peace in the end.

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@abtr Eye coulour could shift easily with age, my friend eye colour can turn from blue to green in a matter of month.

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That’s so true. I guess people with dark eyes have no idea how light-colored eyes work.

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The Office: 1x02 Work Experience

Reply by Kevin

Not majorly entertaining but I'll probably prefer it when I know the characters better (even if essentially I know their American counterparts). Don't remember this storyline being in US so maybe it's not as much of a copy as I thought?

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The US version copied the British one. Why do you assume Americans create everything? It’s the total opposite actually.

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Mean Streets

Reply by Kevin

Most boring Scorsese film… maybe it’s because I just don’t like gangster/organized crime movies

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Keep watching Sex Education and Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

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Miller's Crossing

Reply by Kevin

I thought this was a neat little movie - well written, acted and directed. At times it was a little difficult to understand the dialogue. One interesting twist in this movie was the character of Gabriel Byrne. Byrne is essentially a mobster that walks through life with neither a gun nor muscle around him. Instead, he uses his intellect and wit to (barely) navigate through sticky situations. It is an interesting movie in that there really isn't a storyline that spans the whole movie. The first section of the movie is heavy on dialog and preps the viewer for characters that they have not yet meant. The acting alone is worth the time spent.

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@adammorgan I also did not understand the dialogue first. In the first 10 minutes, I did not know what the movie was about, although it was easy to sense that it was crime-gangster related.

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The Sopranos: 3x03 Fortunate Son

Reply by Kevin

Meadow is truly an ungrateful fuck!

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She indeed is, but typical of the average American woman.

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The Office: Special 2 Christmas Special (2)

Reply by Kevin

David finding a woman who is seemingly interested in him truly proves there is someone out there for everyone lol.

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@jonginnie Yeah, mate, it took him like 25 years in finding the one.

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Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story: 1x01 Episode One

Reply by Kevin

I didn't like this at all. I've watched a few documentaries and the movie 'My friend Dahmer'. I like watching crime docs and true story crime movies and shows, but this one does something that I don't like. It adds a lot of sensation and turns a true story in to a horror show. I think the choice of style is just wrong. The amount of gore adds absolutely nothing to the story and is just straight up respectless to his victims and their relatives. This show turns Jeff Dahmer into a Hollywood serial killer like Hannibal Lecter, Anton Chigurh and Dexter. The only problem with this is that Jeff Dahmer really existed and did monsterous things to real people. They made Dahmer stronger, more charismatic and communicative for this show and did the opposite to his victims who are made to look weak, sweaty and trembling.

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@gusanito1886 I've noticed something similar too: turning him into some sort of Hollywood celebrity. Also, I've found the show too cliché.

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Dark: 1x02 Lies

Reply by Kevin

This eps and the pilot should've been the same episode. It's only becoming quite clear where the episode is headed.

Two episodes so far, and they spent too much time on still shots seemingly to show character's expression and general mood of the situation. That could work if they've gone a bit further in the episodes, but we're still on eps. 2 where we don't know or don't care about each characters. There's no world-building as well. What we know so far about Winden is it's just a small town in the middle of forest with a nuclear plant heavily guarded where no significant crime has happened.

So that's a lot of time wasted.

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@xaliber It's also about showing the atmosphere, the characters, and how depressive is everything in that town. Like really depressing, not just boring. Think more about it and you'll see is not much a waste of time.

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Dark: 1x01 Secrets

Reply by Kevin

Most boring show ever. Tries too hard to be dramatic. Actors really bad or poorly directed. Annoying as fuck sound score!

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@adansantos This show is not for everyone. You keep watching Gossip Girls and Ellen Degeneres.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

Reply by Kevin

Booooooooooooo! Booooooo! throws vegetables at TV and hissing in Peasantry

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@dreadlockuni You better should try to keep watching "Friends" and "Grey's Anatomy". There are some interesting symbolisms in this episode.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

Reply by Kevin

Bran: I can never be Lord of Winterfell, I can never be Lord of anything, I'm the Three-eyed Raven.

Also Bran: I'm the King.

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@deanzel You did not get the message. He did not choose anything, the gods have chosen him. If he ends up as king, it is because it is supposed to be that way, for Westeros.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Reply by Kevin

Wah Wah most of you feel betrayed that the egotistical queen of dragons, breaker of chains, and full of bullshit Daenerys was actually mad herself all along. What you also did was ignored foreshadowing, character progression, and sucummed to idolize a character who had flaws you wanted to ignore. It's a mixture of people who missed signals, and book nerds who are upset the story ended a way they didn't approve of that hate this ending. Sorry guys, if you watched this show quickly and without spoilers or theories then this was easy to see coming. Revenge is a powerful motivator and she showed signs of it seasons ago, yall just didn't see the writing on the wall.

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@paulvincent83 Yes, it's true that a lot of millennials idolized Daenerys. Such an empowered independent woman! I think the directors just trolled the audience by turning Daenerys into the opposite of what she was supposed to be.

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The Strangers: Prey at Night

Reply by Kevin

i was able to finish it, so it's watchable. the acting is decent, and there are some great moments of realism (the amount of recoil shown when the daughter uses a shotgun most of all, honestly refreshing in a horror film) and up until the ending happened this could've been a 6/10. watchable up until the final scene, so just bail at the fade in and you'll probably be able to tolerate it.

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@birdcages Yes, I agree. The final scene is so ridiculous.

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The Office: 2x01 Merger

This season starts off pretty okay, with a great bit riffing on The Muppets and carrying through into David getting chewed out multiple times for offensive humor. It's still not my favorite show (and there aren't enough episodes left for it to earn that title, at this point)—but at least I'm not completely bored?

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@dgw Oh come on, chill out! They are just jokes!

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Death Note: 1x25 Silence

Shout by Ali Farooq

Fucking hell L is dead. I thought It was one of his tricks to bring out the real face of light but he is actually dead :scream::scream:

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@iamalifarooq Yeah, dude! I can't believe it!

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

Reply by Kevin

Why is this season so hated, again?! It's mostly great.

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@the_argentinian The beginning of the season was stupid and very unrealistic, but it got better in the last couple of episodes.

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

Reply by Kevin

the scene with little finger was so satisfying.

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@anaa_mgs It was absurd, but he deserved it after all.

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