



Ok I loved this movie despite the bad reviews.... and well Matthew is not hard to look at. The story has a lot of twists and turns that still somewhat confuse me but the movie was good. Past and present, reality or game.... this has it all! Will watch again I loved it so much!

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Bachelor Mother

Funny love story with a unique story. Loved it and loved Ginger Rogers. Donald Duck takes the cake. Watch it.

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From Russia with Love

Bond.... great film! Not as complicated as the Bond films we know know but this one is lacking nothing! Bond is a spy type in this one and it’s great!

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Second Act

This movie was just ok. The story line was a little unbelievable and it wrapped up a little too nicely for reality. The final message that we get up every morning with the ability to change ou lives is a little one sided for most people. I gave it. 6 because I did the like Maya’s friends and Milo Ventimiglia. An ok watch if your looking for something light that ends happy and your not going to over analyze it.

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Private Parts

The King of all media truly is king! Its a comedy, a biography, it has it all! Love how Howard plays himself through the whole movie. Recommended watch.

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A Dog's Way Home

A feel good movie with a perfect ending. I cried through the whole movie as 2 of my dogs died in February in the same week. I loved Bellas commentary(one of my dogs was named Bella) Shows the true love a dog has for their owner.....unmatched by any human. Recommended watch.

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Flaming Star

Elvis in a dramatic role with no singing. strange for Elvis but surprisingly good. Elvis plays a man stuck between 2 worlds. Born from an Indian mother and white father during a war between the whites an indians. Serious movie and worth a watch even without the singing.

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Jailhouse Rock

The best of the Elvis movies! Great story, great songs and great choreography. A fun movie that is now historical. Elvis plays an ex con trying to get into the music business. He meetss a girl who becomes his business partner while trying to get famous. This movie has a young Elvis trying to keep promises to his former cell mate while trying to rise up the ladder. The ending has a twist ending that leaves all happy. Highly recommended.

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Fun in Acapulco

Fun Elvis movie with some latin music. Not one of his best movies but entertaining enough. Elvis plays a former trapeze artist was looking for work as a singer and lifeguard. all the while he is being pulled in 2 directions by 2 different women. The finale comes with a big cliff jump...

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Dr. No

A great intro to the Bond series of movies. Simplistic in comparison to Casino Royale but nonetheless a great movie!

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The Jazz Singer

Good movie about the struggle to maintain traditional values while following a dream that is not in support of these values. The soundtrack is very nice to listen to provided your a Neil Diamond fan. Older movie but highly recommended.

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Movie starts a little slow and then picks up as it progresses and understanding come into play. Lots of interesting twists and turns keeps you glued to the tv.

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Holy Smokes was that wholesome!

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The Dirt

Sex, drugs and rock n roll man! Words to live by! Excessive, over the top, but who am I to criticize. The movie was entertaining with a great soundtrack. I think all the actors played their roles well. Im a fan and loved the movie, but even a non fan will like it.

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A great movie based on a true story of survival. What this team of people had to resort to doing in order to survive is unthinkable and taboo. i had the pleasure of listening to a lecture from 2 of the survivors of this crash. An experience as a listener i will never forget. This film burdens you with a deep question..... would you?

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'Til We Meet Again

A beautiful lovestory where the couple overcome surmountable obsticles to reunite. Oberman is Dying and Geoege Brent is a murderer on his way to San Quentin via a luxury liner. The couple meet and fall in love each maintaining their secrets. Near end of their trip a date is made to meet again which seems impossible to each one. But love surmounts all.... a lovely picture. Love George Brent and Merle Oberman...

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Bedtime Story

Funny classic about a playright and his actress wife. One wants to retire one doesnt which leads to divorce. The film culminates to a finally where the now seperated husband tries to keep his ex wife from consumating her new marriage. Funny light film where the ending is hilarious.

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Some Came Running

Dramatic film about a man returning home after a tour of duty trying to find redemption. The lady that follows him on a whim falls in love with him and the gambling friend he meets who lives life on his own terms. Shirley Maclaine is a scene stealer in this movie and Dean Martin is just as cool as ever. This film has it all, family conflict, love, heartbreak and tragedy. a great movie with a nice pace.

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Nothing Sacred

screwball comedy which begs the question, was there fake news back in the 30’s? Nice light movie and funny too! misdiagnosed girl goes to New York all on a newpaper wanting the big story.... chaoes ensues as Lombard tries to keep the secret all the while the journalist falls in love with her..... recommended watch.

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Every Girl Should Be Married

This is a classic gem of a movie. I loved it! comedic view how a woman manovers a happily confirmed bachelor to fall in love with her. It wasnt easy but had great comedic results. Light, funny and entertaining and of course great scenery with Cary Grant to look at. Highly recommended.

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These Glamour Girls

This movie was ok. A look into the upper crux at a college where everyones money is daddys money. Rita Hayworth was good in this movie as she mistakenly gets invited to a college romp. as the underdog she teaches the elite about life. a little slow for my liking and silly to boot.

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Holmes & Watson

This movie is no Stepbrothers but despite the bad reviews I thought is was funny. Many hits on the BBC but I liked the movie. I found it funny.

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In Name Only

This movie is a tear jerker. Love outside a marriage that only exists for money and status. Carole Lombard is a great actress and a great fit fit Cary Grant. Sad movie as happiness is dependant on a wife in a loveless marriage. Thank you TCM for this little gem.

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Love in the Afternoon

A love story that has no age limits. An older man and a younger woman fall in love much to the surprise of the latter. A wonderful twist on the story as Audrey Hepburn slowly works her way into Gary Coopers heart. Lovely ending.

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Free Solo

Wow! Unbelievable feat of strength, endurance and guts! A great documentary that follows the pursuit of the greatest feat in rock climbing.

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The Glass Bottom Boat

Fun movie with Dom Deluise and Paul Lynne as the highlights: story is ridiculous but keeps your attention.

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The Long, Long Trailer

A very funny movie. Classic Lucille Ball! Very enjoyable, good pace and great story, a must watch!

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Viva Las Vegas

You don’t watch this movie for the plot or the cinematography but rather for Elvis..... good looks and that voice.... that’s all that matters!

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Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd

Classic Abbott and Costello, quite funny and I light. A great movie just to relax and laugh.

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Separate Tables

This movie is good but seems dated by today’s standards. Great acting by Deborah Kerr. The story s unsympathetic to those slightly weak or flawed: not unlike today in many ways. A good watch without the frills of effects.

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