

Omicron Persei 8

Fallout: 1x02 The Target

What are the chances that all 4 main characters bumped into each other in just a couple of days...
The quality of writing, so far, is more like Westworld S3-4 than S1.

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Westworld: 4x05 Zhuangzi

So, now it's just a ripoff of The Matrix??

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Absolutely nothing new or fresh to write home about. All the tired Boomer cliches from every sports movie ever are in this. If this was made in the 80s-90s, Bo would've been African American and it would've been the exact same White Savior story.

How do you make a sports film in 2022 and not incorporate sports science, sports nutrition, mental health education etc. etc.?

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Tehran: 2x08 Blood Funeral

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-17T13:33:58Z— updated 2022-06-20T20:12:32Z

Great finale, but I was hoping Milad would turn out to be an undercover agent for the Sepah (thinking he botched the car assassination purposefully) and would have had to blow his cover to stop Tamar.

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Better Call Saul: 6x07 Plan and Execution

What a disappointing ending to a great episode...
Having Howard get killed off by Lalo out of the blue is the laziest thing they could've done with his character (and the impact of Jimmy's & Kim's actions on his life). I've read a dozen more interesting scenarios on Reddit ffs...

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Citadel: 1x01 The Human Enigma

Discount Bucky: The TV Show.

As expected from the Russo brothers, we got Marvel-levels of bullshit, exposition, unfunny banter, flavor-less dynamic fights and veiled U.S. propaganda as the regurgitated trope of America as World Police pt. 2 (We're the good guys now, we swear!)

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Gotham: 5x06 Legend of Dark Knight: 13 Stitches

So, technology in this world is stuck in the 1950s but Strange managed to invent and manufacture a MICROCHIP and a Brain-Computer Interface??

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Westworld: 4x03 Années Folles

Everytime a TV show/film does the "Nostradamus" trope, it just shows such poor understanding of quantum physics and how a multiverse would work. The fact that Bernard now knows the correct path IS a new quantum parameter (or unknown variable) that could/should cause his reality to branch out into a different outcome. If there are infinite possibilities/outcomes, then there are (by definition) infinite "good" ones and infinite "bad" ones. There can't be just one "correct" path.

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On the Line

What a waste of time...
The THREE plot twists at the end devalue every single character and basically mock the issues of power harassment, racism, sexism, emotional abuse, suicide etc. etc.
I was initially puzzled by Mel Gibson's decision to play an unsympathetic version of himself in the guise of a boomer radio host, but in the end it was made clear that this was a conservative puff piece all along.

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Doom Patrol: 3x08 Subconscious Patrol

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-10-31T14:32:49Z— updated 2022-08-02T10:18:39Z

Damn, this episode was as subtle as a hammer...

I mean, anti-heroism is a noble message, especially in this age of superhero idolization, but do people really need to be spoonfed like that? Judging by other comments, I guess they do...

Also, "there are no black superheroes"?? I'm getting sick of this revisionist bullsh!t. There were a bunch of black superheroes in the 70s and even earlier. Did they forget Mal Duncan (aka Vox, the second Guardian, Hornblower) that first appeared in 1970 on Teen Titans? He even joined the Doom Patrol recently.

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Ted Lasso: 3x07 The Strings That Bind Us

It didn't make sense for Jack to be a love-bomber.
Love-bombing is a narcissistic behavior derived mainly from low self-esteem, life-long fears of abandonment, and a desperate, constant need for reassurances. Nate would've been a textbook love-bomber, yet he brushed off the crushing of his elaborate gift way too easily to frame that as a moment of character growth.

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Sorry For Your Loss: 2x05 Norway

Accurate portrayal of "communal narcissism" in Danny's and that new girl's behaviors.
Sometimes people feel the need to help other people but their drive happens to be their own narcissism, instead of empathy.

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Wow, Di$ney really doubled down on the non-consensual medical scans and interventions.

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The Old Man: 1x03 III

Oh man, I was hoping that Chase was imagining talking to his dead daughter, as a symptom of his dementia and a way of coping with her death... What a nothingburger that was.

The show seems to be getting a lot more straightforward than it initially let on and I'm starting to lose interest.

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All My Friends Hate Me

The longer I thought about this movie the more it seemed that Pete may be suffering from borderline personality disorder:
The paranoid mind-reading, the distorted self-image (the numerous times he insisted that he wasn't how his friends remembered him), the hypersensitivity to emotional stimuli, the slow return to a normal state after emotional activation, his fears of abandonment (both when he arrived to the empty house and later with his girlfriend taking too long to show up), his history of sleeping with all his female friends, his history of substance abuse etc. etc.

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum

Compared to Legion or Doom Patrol, this is like a kids show. Is this the best Di$ney/Marvel can do?

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Castle Rock: 2x03 Ties That Bind

Whenever Stephen King's works lean into the supernatural, they lose my interest. I find them a lot more suspenseful and dreading as long as they're grounded to reality and the supernatural elements are ambiguous.

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The Midnight Gospel: 1x03 Hunters Without a Home

What a load of unscientific, New-Age-y BS...
There is no magic or life energy or "currents" or karma. Everything is stimuli, subjective perceptions of those stimuli and responses. For example, a "faith healer" doesn't need to be a true believer to trick people into believing they have been healed. Attributing magical qualities to a stimulus instead of recognizing how subjective, biased or suggestible the human mind is, is a common tactic/fallacy of all (western) faiths.
Ritualistic behaviors can be helpful/beneficial as coping behaviors, but that doesn't mean they are truthful.

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The Midnight Gospel: 1x01 Taste of the King

That was a fairly well-made introduction to meditation, mindfulness and emotional self-regulation. I wish the zombies fitted somewhat better thematically.

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Midnight in the Switchgrass

5 minutes in and an extra playing a cop stumbles on a yellow evidence marker at the crime scene... lol
The film spends way too much time on the serial killer, his personal life and on him threatening and abusing his victims.
A couple of scenes with Willis and Fox were decent but overall a forgettable crime thriller.
What I didn't understand was how the hell did Fox's character get roofie'd at the bar while she was drinking a beer... Did the barman roofie'd her? Or did she just blackout from one beer?

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Swamp Thing: 1x01 Pilot

Irreprehensibly bad writing. They clearly did very little to no research on how the CDC operates (or any hospital for that matter). The police response was equally bad. If they were going for this level of gross incompetence and unprofessionalism, they should've placed it in the '70s. Crystal Reed's character is smug and unlikable. All the stupid horror cliches are present, including jumpscares and people making stupid decisions. Plus, they changed the origin story completely for no good reason.

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Harrow: 2x01 Abo Imo Pectore

What a ridiculous episode...
Not only Harrow was NOT a womanizer last season, he was just released from the hospital AND got over Soroya to sleep with some bimbo who turned out to be a pathologist AND his new colleague?!? Bullshit...

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Undone: 2x01 The Cave

Shout by Erebos

Oh FFS... I feared they would go this route.
The cave reveal was supposed to be her wake-up call, yet the plot decided to further validate her delusions so they can milk this for another season while kicking the proverbial can of psychiatric help down the road...

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Raised by Wolves: 1x10 The Beginning

Shout by Erebos

WTF?!? Is this a joke?! Are they trolling us?!

So, Mother gave birth to one of the giant serpents that once roamed the planet and went extinct? Why?? What purpose does that serve? Apart from a handful of people, there isn't anything for it to eat anyway, so it will just go extinct again. Is that what it is? The planet's defense system against invaders? Because if it wasn't the digital simulation of Campion (the Creator), who/what impregnated Mother after all?

And what about the prophecy? The very obvious reference to the Virgin Mary and Joseph? Or is it Eve and Adam now that we have a snake? And the revelation that the indigenous population was Neanderthals that devolved into the "creatures" made no sense.

I hope the creator of the series, Aaron Guzikowski, never gets to work writing scripts again.

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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

It tries to tackle things like porn addiction, queerness, dysfunctional marriages and polyamorous relationships, but ultimately it just wraps things up too quickly and neatly. It even lacked the signature Black Mirror tragic twist. I feared that Danny's son would log on at some point and get virtually raped by Karl.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x03 Smoke Signals

The only interesting thing so far is the possibility that Ethan is a school shooter in the making (and Harrison potentially having to kill him in the future to prevent an attack on his school).
Everything else regarding Dexter is just a rehash of what we've already seen in previous seasons.

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Gen V: 1x05 Welcome to the Monster Club

Shout by Erebos

In the previous episode, I suspected Cate being an accomplice, but the plot hole in this episode was that when everyone woke up wiped, she didn't have bloodshot eyes... Omitting that, feels like dishonest storytelling.

Also, why does Andre's voice change so much when he's using his power? Is that how he activates it? Or is that just his "angry" voice?

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The Boys: 3x07 Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed

Superb episode, with only a couple of small stupid points:
- Kimiko shouldn't have been drinking with her abdomen stitched up. Alcohol inhibits clotting and encourages bleeding. She could've died of internal bleeding long before taking the Compound V. (Plus, I feared the alcohol would interact adversely with V, causing her to die or "hulk-out")
- I didn't like how they presented Annie's and Kimiko's decision of "I'll save you, even if you don't want me to" as triumphant, when it's no different from the toxic macho "damsel in distress" crap. Frenchie and M.M. should've objected and easily win that argument, considering their past experiences and discussions.

"V isn't good or bad" yes, but no person is all good or all bad either, nor do they stay good or bad forever no matter what. Of course, there are certain patterns of reinforcing behaviors, but everyone is constantly shaped and ever-changing by their life experiences and decisions. I think this is the most important takeaway from the show.

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Moon Knight: 1x06 Gods and Monsters

Shout by Erebos

Well done, Di$ney, you managed to glorify mental illness in an even worse way than Legion ever did.

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Resident Alien: 2x03 Girls' Night

Holy sh!t with the man-hating, fake feminism... Vagina jokes and jokes about men killing themselves... So progressive and brave...
I hope this nobody writer gets blacklisted after this.

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