What are the chances that all 4 main characters bumped into each other in just a couple of days...
The quality of writing, so far, is more like Westworld S3-4 than S1.

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@erebos To be fair, in the context of a story like this, they are main characters because their stories do intertwine. If the show started with them meeting then flashed back to show their individual paths to that meeting you wouldn't question it. That said, I think the problem might be the lack of foreshadowing. There would usually be more hints within the writing that their paths would cross so that it feels more natural.


they are main characters because their stories do intertwine.

Of course, I'm not an idiot.
My gripe is that Wilzig bumps into Lucy on her first night out, and then she bumps into the other 2 on the next day, out of pure chance. What are the odds of all that happening? And it wasn't that anyone had any intel about where the others would be.

Also, there was supposedly a bounty on Wilzig and everyone was looking for him, and yet he walked into town and almost into Ma June's shop without anyone stopping him if it weren't for The Ghoul.

That said, I think the problem might be the lack of foreshadowing.

The problem is that, in fiction, happenstance needs to be surprising but also needs to feel inevitable. Otherwise, the suspension of disbelief breaks down.

There would usually be more hints within the writing that their paths would cross so that it feels more natural.

What it lacks is story elements that would've made their meeting each other almost inevitable, instead of astronomically improbable.
Because as they stand, there is seemingly nothing special about them that would've pushed them into each other's paths, other than just Wilzig being the McGuffin.

@erebos i wasn’t implying that you are stupid, I was just replying to the words you wrote as I understood them. The point is not that it’s unlikely that they would all meet as unlikely events are often what a story is built around. The point is that it wasn't written as well as it could have been. Some viewers that don't have a basic understanding of scriptwriting (which doesn't make them stupid) might think it is in fact the coincidence that is the problem rather than how the story was told.

From your reply it seems we are generally in agreeance about the problem, thanks for clarifying.
