

Omicron Persei 8

Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

It tries to tackle things like porn addiction, queerness, dysfunctional marriages and polyamorous relationships, but ultimately it just wraps things up too quickly and neatly. It even lacked the signature Black Mirror tragic twist. I feared that Danny's son would log on at some point and get virtually raped by Karl.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Helena punching out Indy and not letting him die in peace is the perfect metaphor for what Disney is doing to the franchise...
This is elder abuse.

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Baby Reindeer: 1x07 Episode 7

I broke down when his dad finally hugged him, shedding his own shame from the abuse in his past.

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Basically, it's a 150-minute trailer for the sequel(s).

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Raised by Wolves: 1x10 The Beginning

Shout by Erebos

WTF?!? Is this a joke?! Are they trolling us?!

So, Mother gave birth to one of the giant serpents that once roamed the planet and went extinct? Why?? What purpose does that serve? Apart from a handful of people, there isn't anything for it to eat anyway, so it will just go extinct again. Is that what it is? The planet's defense system against invaders? Because if it wasn't the digital simulation of Campion (the Creator), who/what impregnated Mother after all?

And what about the prophecy? The very obvious reference to the Virgin Mary and Joseph? Or is it Eve and Adam now that we have a snake? And the revelation that the indigenous population was Neanderthals that devolved into the "creatures" made no sense.

I hope the creator of the series, Aaron Guzikowski, never gets to work writing scripts again.

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Ted Lasso: 2x07 Headspace

Missed opportunity for Keeley to complain that "he's here, he's there, he's every-f*cking-where".

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Ted Lasso: 3x05 Signs

I've been saying it since Season 1, Rebecca needs a therapist, not a freaking psychic nor a baby.

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Resident Alien: 1x05 Love Language

This show has really gotten better with time. I love how it doesn't shy away from talking about social psychological concepts.
We finally got a glimpse of why Sheriff is emotionally abusive to his deputy. A perfect example of a transgenerational cycle of abuse.

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The Flash: 7x04 Central City Strong

Couldn't Flash just rebuild the whole city in, like, a day? Instead he was zooming Iris off to Maui and Paris, leaving volunteers to clean up the mess that he felt was his fault...

The introspective talks were great, but the fight scenes were really silly and ridiculous, especially Abra Kadabra's death.

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The Flash: 6x15 The Exorcism of Nash Wells

"I created a device that converts light into energy."
First of all, light IS energy.
Secondly, if she meant to convert light into a form of energy that we can use, like electricity, I guess the writers never heard of solar panels...

Also, Caitlin, you can't view an EEG (electroencephalogram) in 3D without specifying what the z axis represents. It's simply a measurement, not an actual object. Brainwaves are not 2D squiggly lines inside our heads.

Do they have 5 year olds writing this show?

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Resident Alien: 2x03 Girls' Night

Holy sh!t with the man-hating, fake feminism... Vagina jokes and jokes about men killing themselves... So progressive and brave...
I hope this nobody writer gets blacklisted after this.

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window: 1x02 Episode 2

It's pretty obvious that Anna is an "unreliable narrator".
The inscription on Elizabeth's tombstone changed from "If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever" on Ep. 1 to "In heaven you can dance like no one's watching" on Ep. 2. Plus, the vast amount of moments of bathos, repeating circumstances and overall ridiculousness (like how Elizabeth died) tell me that we should probably be sceptical about everything we see.

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The Expanse: 6x05 Why We Fight

Camina: "F*ck you, you self-righteous shit."

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

LOL @ A-Train's energy drink commercial, parodying Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad.
So many good parallels drawn from reality, like The Deep's support for Homelander's "hard stance on crime" which is, of course, used as doublespeak to excuse racial biases in law enforcement.
I love how much the writing has improved this season. The central theme seems to follow the great proverb:

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
- John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

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Raised by Wolves: 1x09 Umbilical

It seems that starvation is only relevant when the plot demands it...
What do the soldiers of Sol eat/drink? How did Otho eat/drink? What do the children now eat/drink?

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Baby Reindeer: 1x02 Episode 2

Fantastic episode!
The newly-revealed relationship with Teri, the "Tony" persona, the internalized transphobia, they all add nuance and complexity to Donny's character, showing how his low self-worth and unmet needs for acceptance and affection have allowed Martha to bulldoze his boundaries, with gradually escalating transgressions leading up to her sexual assault on him.

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Raya and the Last Dragon

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2021-03-06T22:16:49Z— updated 2021-03-08T20:52:14Z

Like others have pointed out, it's basically Moana + Avatar: The Last Airbender + MLP: Friendship is Magic.
The symbolism was kinda sloppy and shallow. If the Drunn were personifications of human discord, greediness and other dark sides of humanity, then they should've only affected the bad people first and manipulated them to corrupt and turn others evil like them. That would've been a much more realistic and emotionally complex story, I think, especially if people couldn't immediately tell if someone had been turned or not, which is where trust and kindness would come in.

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Baby Reindeer: 1x01 Episode 1

Martha shows signs of manic behavior, all consistent with bipolar disorder: the grandiose lies, the giddiness, the pressured speech, the persistent sexually inappropriate remarks, the disorganized home etc.

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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-08-13T12:43:46Z— updated 2023-08-26T12:56:32Z

The last 30 minutes absolutely ruined the movie, turning the victimized sister into a superhuman boogieman. WTF were they thinking?!?
That's not empowerment. That's vilifying victims of abuse, and perpetuating the stigma of "broken" people.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x04 Is This Not Real Magic?

Jen whines about men objectifying women, while objectifying men. GG
Jen once again lampshades the bad writing. Still not funny.
At this point, just cut your losses and go watch Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law .
Oh and can we sue Disney with a class action for spoiling The Sopranos?

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Nine Perfect Strangers: 1x04 Brave New World
The Flight Attendant: 1x02 Rabbits

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2020-11-27T19:54:57Z— updated 2020-12-27T19:21:35Z

I'm glad the show is raising awareness for alcoholism among young women.
It's deeply saddening how normalized/trivialized/minimized women's alcoholism is in pop culture.

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Dune: Part Two

The only scene that was worth a damn was Paul's speech at the Circle; the rest of the movie felt like watching a trailer for a graphic novel adaptation of the book. The dialogue for the most part was atrocious, especially for the Harkonnens. Zendaya's line delivery and mannerisms were too "American", compared to the other Fremen, breaking the Middle Eastern-inspired atmosphere.
In 2024, conflating the terms "psychotic" and "psychopathic" is inexcusable. How the fuck did none of the story editors/producers pick that one up?

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Citadel: 1x01 The Human Enigma

Discount Bucky: The TV Show.

As expected from the Russo brothers, we got Marvel-levels of bullshit, exposition, unfunny banter, flavor-less dynamic fights and veiled U.S. propaganda as the regurgitated trope of America as World Police pt. 2 (We're the good guys now, we swear!)

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Crimes of the Future

For a philosophical and political cyberpunk film, it has some of the most inspired ideas and themes since eXistenZ and The Matrix, but it is structured and directed like a low-budget indie film and that really hurt its accessibility (and it's a pity because the message is really important). It felt like each character was a composite of 2-3 different characters' worth of ideas that didn't quite gel together. Maybe the script needed some trimming and polish, or maybe it would've worked better as a book than a film.

As food for thought, it was spectacular. As entertainment, not so much.

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

Feels like US Army recruitment material... like, "Join up NOW to help us bring home thousands of our allies!"
The characters were flat, macho grunts. The drama was as straightforward as it could get. The cinematography was basic and uninspired.
With his streak of bad movies from King Arthur to Aladdin to Wrath of Man to Operation Fortune, if Guy Ritchie feels that he has to put his name on the title now to draw audiences, you know he's finished.
Skip this and go watch The Outpost (2020) instead.

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Harley Quinn: 3x06 Joker: The Killing Vote

Great episode.
Like before, this show is at its best whenever they move away from Harley & Ivy. This deconstructed version of Gotham is so deep and interesting that it's always fun exploring these alternate versions of established characters.
Props to Conner Shin for writing this amazing episode and he's not even credited on IMDb yet.

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This Is Going to Hurt

The season 1 finale was a little underwhelming, so not perfect, but definitely the best medical drama since House.

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Memories of Murder

Authoritarianism + anti-intellectualism. Name a more iconic duo.

This is a political satire at heart, disguised as a crime thriller. It's Bong Joon-ho's way of shining a light on the rampant police brutality and socioeconomic inequality under the several dictatorships that the people of South Korea had to endure from 1961-1988.

I'm deducting a couple of points because the third act was a bit messy, even though detective Seo's character development was pivotal in showing how toxic corruption is.

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The Witcher: 2x03 What Is Lost

I'm so sick of this boomer-style training trope. Shitting on a complete novice not being able to overcome a very difficult challenge from the very beginning until they magically can is not efficient nor safe training. It's not even interesting to watch. A proper training montage needs to be progressive and profound to the character, as we watch the gears inside their heads turning and they gain a new understanding of what they were doing wrong or what they need to do to succeed.

Also, why are the other Witchers acting so emotional and toxic, like a bunch of highschool jocks? Haven't they gone through the same training as Geralt? Weren't they supposed to have "all their emotions trained out of them"?

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