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Yes Theory

Season 2017 2017

  • 2017-01-01T05:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 8m
  • 11h 36m (87 episodes)
  • United States
  • Adventure, Reality

87 episodes

Season Premiere


2017x01 Giving people MONEY!! | Yes Theory

Season Premiere

2017x01 Giving people MONEY!! | Yes Theory

  • 2017-01-01T05:00:00Z8m

Where is somewhere you'd want to go in 2017 and why? Respond in the comments below!

With our friends at ARK Project Now, we decided to put a new spin on the holiday spirit of giving back. Introducing "Putpocketing": The game where you have to put money into unwitting strangers' pockets. We even ended up getting Vitaly himself!

Yes Theory are four friends from four different countries who constantly seek discomfort in order to grow. Ammar, Thomas, Matt and Derin met in Montreal, Canada in the summer of 2015 and bonded over their shared desire to live a life that challenged and excited them. Fast forward to a year later, the team is now based out of Los Angeles, making a show on Snapchat Discover every Sunday on the Brother Channel.


SHARE the love! And SUBSCRIBE for more.

What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Let us know in the comment section below.

We stayed overnight in a ghost town and it was absolutely terrifying. Not a lot more to say here.


Yes Theory are four friends from four different countries who constantly seek discomfort in order to grow. Ammar, Thomas, Matt and Derin met in Montreal, Canada in the summer of 2015 and bonded over their shared desire to live a life that challenged and excited them. Fast forward to a year later, the team is now based out of Los Angeles, making a show on Snapchat Discover every Sunday on the Brother Channel.

Thomas has been spending most of his time behind the computer, editing these videos. So, as a treat to his social life, we decided to go out and find him dates in unique ways. How do you think it worked out?


Rio Silver Medalist Olympic Diver, Sam Dorman joins Derin in jumping out of a helicopter into the pacific ocean.

If you have a fear of heights you should NOT watch this video!!!

2017x07 i was a shitty teenager

  • 2017-02-09T05:00:00Z8m

Here's a story about my life...a little reminder that you are good enough and that you can do that thing ;)

We wanted to test our limits by going on an hitchhiking adventure for 24 hours.


Thank you for watching this crazy adventure! SUBSCRIBE if you want more!

We've been wanting to kidnap a group of strangers (consensually of course!) to test people's spontaneity for a long time. We're super pumped to have finally gone through with it! We know most of you probably won't believe that they actually agreed to put these paper bags on their heads but... neither did we in the beginning!!

Starting on 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica we went on a crazy adventure... Hope you enjoy!!

Thank you Isabel and Luis for being such a good sport!

Thank you to York from iflyheli make sure you follow him on instagram @iflyheli !

Thank you to the "Best Friends Animal Society's NKLA Pet Adoption Center." Go check them out! NKLA.org/adopt

Thank you for watching this crazy adventure! SUBSCRIBE if you want more!

In the past 18 months, we have spent the majority of our time in very close quarters. So we took the opportunity of having our friend Kazzy with us to really test our relationship by getting handcuffed for 24 hours.

We were not invited to any of the big Oscar parties so we thought we'd give a shot at crashing one in Beverly Hills. What we thought was going to be a casual adventure knocking on doors ended up being so much more. I hope you enjoyed watching this! We do not promote that anyone sneaks into parties without permission, we always do this with the best intentions and are always mindful of the hosts. If you do try, be kind!

OK... ANYONE CAN APPLY. We want to hear all the stories even under 18 then we will see :) It's just easier if you're over 18!

We were filming for our Snapchat show in Japan back in May 2016. We were having such a hard time making friends until this happened... :)

We sat down for an interview with one of our role models, Justin Trudeau, as he explained his views on how to be a man in the 21st century.

Hi everyone! We read pretty much all of our comments and one of THE MOST asked questions of all time is asking about where we find our music and what the name of our songs are... We are finally answering that today.

Hope you enjoy our secret weapon for finding the best copyright free music to use on YouTube :) Love!

In order to really test our public performance skills, we went to a place where we were definitely going to stand out from the rest of the crowd. And to do that, we had to rip our shirts off...

We wanted to throw the world's greatest party without spending any money. We managed to get an artist, food, drinks, and venue all through the generosity of strangers.

Thomas' dad was in town from Paris and his whole life he's wanted to do two things. He thought we were taking him surfing, but little did he know what he had planned instead...

If you're ever in San Diego, these guys were truly incredible...go visit them! skydivesandiego.com

Also, thank you to @tonydecou for the incredible tattoos!

Who are we?
Yes Theory are four friends from four different countries who constantly seek discomfort in order to grow. Ammar, Thomas, Matt and Derin met in Montreal, Canada in the summer of 2015 and bonded over their shared desire to live a life that challenged and excited them. Fast forward to a year later, the team is now based out of Los Angeles, making a show on Snapchat Discover.

This is the story of when we made a terrible judgement call climbing down Japan's tallest mountain.

Our friend BC has fallen madly in love with his girlfriend Taylor and for a while now he’s been wanting to surprise her. So, BC recruited us to give her the best day ever, without her having any idea. What ensued were 7 amazing surprises and tears, lots of tears.

We're in a tough place but we'll get through it. Thank you guys for all of your love and support so far.

We've swam in their pools, ridden in their golden ferraris, snuck into their parties, and now we wanted to do the impossible...sleep in a billionaire's home for a night. We went to Beverly Hills in our pajama unicorn onesies and gave it a go...and then things went very wrong. Enjoy :)

Our friend Roberto found himself in a pickle by racking up 2 parking tickets he can't afford to pay off.. The worst part is, one of the tickets is on his aunt's car.. So he's freaking out. But luckily, we're here to help. So we came up with 2 creative ways to pay off his parking tickets in a day.. all while having fun. ENJOY!

We're glad to finally share a side of us you've never really seen before. Before starting to make videos both Ammar and Thomas were working in tech and still are incredibly passionate about it. If you're an OG and reading this description we'll drop you some secret info: we're actually building an app for Yes Theory right now ;) No one will probably read this so we're good. Anyways, go comment the city you want us to travel to and hit us up on Instagram it was us super happy.

A few weeks ago we hosted the ultimate adult sleepover. We invited over 50 of our friends to sleep at our house, have a crazy pillow fight and watch La La Land. To all the special ones reading the description, hi HOW YA DOIN? This is Thomas I thought I'd start dropping some personal notes for y'all who actually read this. We're actually super interested to get your ideas for the sleepover 2018, should we host it with all of you in a like a huge warehouse or something?? That could be cool. Anyways, have a good day :D

Thomas has two amazing military veteran friends. 1- Mikhail Venikov, the #1 ranger in the U.S. in 2006, Pro MMA fighter, SWAT team officer, deployed 3 times in Afghanistan and Iraq. 2- Roc Ryder, military veteran, airborne and overall survival badass. They took us on an epic 48 hour survival and military bootcamp. The first day was physically insane while for part 2 coming out next Sunday we learned how to survive in the wild...

We've always wondered what it would be like to have to survive an apocalypse. Would we be able to hold up? Would we be able to get food, water, and make shelter? No. Definitely not. Which is why for part 2 of our military training with Roc and Mikhail, we learned exactly how to survive in the wild. Enjoy!

A few months ago we went to visit the incredible abandoned city called Slab City. It used to be a military base but hundreds of squatters came and made it their home. We went with our friend Justin Escalona and truly had a fascinating experience. We thought the place would be hostile and dangerous when in fact it was inviting and beautiful (in it's own way). Shout-outs to all the description readers out there you know we love you :)

2017x40 Standing out on YouTube

  • 2017-06-15T04:00:00Z8m

We spend A LOT of time thinking about originality and creativity on YouTube. We're obviously not claiming that we've got it all figured out but we constantly challenge ourselves creatively and personally to come up with new fresh ideas. Trying to do something different has surprisingly slowed us down on YouTube, but with time it became appreciated and we're going to continue pushing ourselves to become better creators and better human beings. Don't miss out on tomorrow's secret announcement by turning on the post notifications :) also I PROMISE you will be blown away by Sunday's episode. Our backyard has turned into a piece of art. Can't wait to show you.

This is the story of how a few broke guys created a backyard worth $200,000...with the help of one really great friend.

Hey guys, we've had a pretty rough morning so please forgive us for posting a different video than what we had originally planned. Our house got robbed last night, Final Cut wasn't working, and we weren't able to finish the date episode on time. It'll go up this Thursday though. Thanks for your patience.

Matt is always working behind the scenes on all of our different projects so we decided that we'd have him take a few days off and do something he's never done...go on a blind date. Except this was not just any blind date...it was the greatest one ever. And it all happened in Hawaii (Maui).

Getting free flights is pretty much the greatest thing ever. It's the ultimate way to travel on a budget. Unfortunately it's never happened to us. UNTIL NOW. By making the right connection, we were able to get 21 free flights and had the greatest adventure the whole way through. Enjoy!

Last year when we were in Japan we met Asashōryū Akinori, often considered the greatest sumo wrestler of all time. People call him the Michael Jordan of sumo wrestling. We managed to get a meeting with him and this was days after we had gotten those crazy samurai haircuts, so it was all such a weird and hilarious situation. Hope you enjoy what ends up happening! (aka we became best friends)

Our friend Markian helped us surprise a Yes Fam member, Sammy. We decided that together, we'd do the most uncomfortable thing we could think of: laughing out loud as hard as we could, in public. We did it around the USC Campus. It was hilarious, awkward and amazing all at the same time. And Sammy killed it! We had such a blast. Hope you enjoy!

2017x49 2 Years of YES in 7 Minutes

  • 2017-07-30T04:00:00Z8m

Well, here it is! We are unveiling a new 5-day series focusing on the story of Yes Theory and what lies ahead for us and for you.

Part 2 of our 5-video series focusing on the story of Yes Theory and what lies ahead for us and for you.

2017x51 How We Became Yes Theory!!

  • 2017-08-06T04:00:00Z8m

This is the story of how we travel for free and do what we love for a living. We generally don't talk much about money, but in this case we figured it was important to share how we survive off what seems like just a YouTube channel. Hope you enjoy :)

We usually have a really positive outlook on life, but even us have gotten through rough times and overcame a lot of obstacles to be here. We still do. Hope you enjoy :)

Here it is! The final part of our 5 Part Series is here and it's about YOU. It's easy to think that you can only have fun once you make enough money but what we've learned in our last two years together is that it is truly possible to have an incredible time with no money. So many of the adventures we've been on have required $0 and just some creativity and ridiculousness. So, we hope this inspires you to go out and chase adventure without waiting till your older or you have this or that. Go, now!

HI! So… If you are the couple in this video watching this… First of all we’re sorry! If you scroll our channel you’ll see it’s all about positivity… So to give back to you… Watch until the very end we have a gift for you! Much love.

We felt terrible after crashing a wedding, so we figured out a new way to compensate... go to Vegas, become bridesmaids and best men for a couple's wedding, and give them an awesome wedding gift!

Dear Elon Musk, wanna get in a hot tub and discuss simulation theory with us? We think that'd be pretty cool. Tweet us @YesTheory

We somehow became the first Youtubers ever to be given this opportunity and massive exposure. Follow us on instagram @yestheory to watch the first twenty seconds of the snapchat show.

So this week-end we drove to Las Vegas hoping to make it into one of the biggest fights of the decade... Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor but our trip took an interesting series of events... Watch the full video to see all the crazy things that happened... Much love!

Thank you for all the love and support from our first episode that we aired on Snapchat! We got over 420,000 Snapchat subscribers to our show in less than 48 hours. That number alone blows our minds, so thank you thank you thank you.

We've gotten a lot of requests for this video so we gave it a shot. 3 attempts at changing the Wikipedia pages of 3 artists later and we realized it wouldn't work. So instead, we used an old technique...being friends with a world famous DJ who invited us backstage to his sold out show. It was unreal.


2017x61 we have some news

2017x61 we have some news

  • 2017-09-07T04:00:00Z8m

Alright guys, we've been uploading 2 videos a week for about 8 months in a row now. It's been a crazy ride to sustain since many of our videos take several days to film, but it's been an incredible ride. Our goal is to INCREASE the number of videos we post on this channel with a TON new ideas. The problem is we don't have time to plan out these new ideas right now and we also don't have the editing resources to handle the production value we want to accomplish. SO, we are scaling back to 1 weekly video on Sundays for about 4-6 weeks until we create a sustainable system.. then we'll eventually start scaling up to 2-3 and then potentially more... Lot's of exciting things ahead and we're glad you're coming along with us.

NOW, we're also SO hyped to release 5 Project 30 episodes a week from Monday-Friday on Instagram. They're made to be watched on your phone so Instagram was the perfect home for these episodes. Can't wait to see you there! www.instagram.com/yestheory

This is the first episode of a our 7 part series in Egypt. We went through a lot of ups and downs and we can't wait to share those moments with you. Ammar's situation is very complicated and we'll share that with you another time. For now we hope you like this first episode! Much love to you and leave a comment telling us what you think we love hearing your thoughts.

This is part 3 of our series in Egypt where we surprise Thomas with his Egyptian Instagram/Celebrity crush

They may be the happiest people we've ever met. For part 4 of our Egypt series we went far off into the desert by the Red Sea, and spent time with these incredibly kind people who have been living in the deserts for thousands of years. They've never lived in cities, have never experienced pollution, and spend every night by a fire under the stars. Not a bad life :)

Our friend Nourhanne Eisa (@nourhanneeisa) is an Egyptian celebrity and influencer. She's a big deal in the fashion world. She's also terrified of open water. So, of course, we had to help her overcome her fear :)

2017x69 Why I'm Leaving Yes Theory

  • 2017-10-24T04:00:00Z8m

Because of his visa situation, Derin has to leave Yes Theory :(

But this has only fired us up even more. Our back's against the wall and we're only gonna take things to the next level.

Hi everyone, we know there's been a sad tone on our channel this week but rest assured... On Tuesday we're back with sneaking in, wheel of discomfort and adventures with strangers... It's going to be NUTS! We just had to get these two stories out.

This situation with Ammar in Egypt is very complicated, we hope you understand the situation and appreciate TD's amazing piece at the end. Some of you might not agree with Ammar's decision to stay in the U.S. but at the end of the of day, it's his and his only. Having this emotional weight over our shoulders while traveling in Egypt did make it harder to focus on videos sometimes but it was a trip that was necessary for us all.

We didn't have any plans for halloween weekend... So instead we decided to crash as many parties in the neighbourhood as we could! Make sure to comment what you think Ammar's punishment should be... Love you all and have an amazing Halloween!!

35 strangers came out to Nicaragua with us to build homes and go on the most epic adventures that the country had to offer...tune in next week to see how we built 7 homes in 48 hours

We've been a little too comfortable recently... So we're taking things back to the basics with Wheel of Discomfort Pt. 2!... 5 of us have to do really uncomfortable things in public. Hope you enjoy watching us suffer!

This is the story of how we took 35 of our viewers out to Nicaragua and built 7 homes for a community in need. Techo is an amazing organization making a huge impact within communities around Central America and every donation counts :)

Ammar's much awaited punishment is finally here... We chose out of your comments and in the end he had to find a stranger to swap rooms with.. The result will inevitably surprise you. Like the video and leave us a comment if you want more videos like these :) Love ya!

We are huge fans of the show Narcos so while we were in Medellin, we had to get a tour of where some of the most intense days in Colombia history took place...Pablo Escobar's Prison, La Catedral, as well as the place he was killed. It was a surreal experience, but what made it even crazier was that our tour guide himself was involved in drug dealing in the past and had an inside look at what this life is like. Let us know what you thought of the episode!

Disclaimer: I hope you all know this was just an experiment for entertainment. Please do NOT try to replicate this on your own... And to the venues I hope you just take this as an opportunity to tighten up your security.

While in Medellin, Colombia, we figured the guys should get really uncomfortable by having to get dates and a job, only speaking Spanish. The problem is that none of them speak Spanish very well. So, we got our local friend Steph to tag along and help them out. Let's just say, it wasn't very smooth. Yet when our two girl friends Miku and Lucy gave it a shot, it wasn't a different story. Let us know what you think!

We did something a little different this week when Thomas pranked the house for the first time by staging a robbery... Everyone freaked out and Roberto tackled the robber!

So while in Medellin Colombia, we couldn't resist going to explore Pablo Escobar's abandoned mansion. He's a very controversial figure in the country, so we're obviously not trying to glorify him or his history simply documenting his ruins.. and taking the chance to have some fun paint-balling.

We turned our worst travel day ever leaving Colombia into one memorable 40 hour trip to get back home to LA. This episode wraps up our series in Medellin Colombia. Our Europe adventures start airing later this week. Happy Holidays everyone :)

Thank you again to University of Helsinki for the amazing experience! To learn more about studying on exchange at the University of Helsinki you can go here: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying
