Shouts about...

V Wars 2019

only watched this for Ian, it was pretty bad

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Shout by Deleted

At moments I don't think this show is not as bad, and then I remember I basically just heard half the show because I was not interested in any of it, so yeah...

Final score: 4/10

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I wanted to love V Wars, the idea was solid and interesting, but the writing is so bad. I hate when writers make smart characters do dumb things because they can't write themselves out of a paper bag.

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Not a bad show - it was a pretty mediocre vampire series. But it was watchable. I really do wish however that these greedy studios would at least FINISH a series when they get canceled. Please! Make a wrap-up movie for goodness sake.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Based on the comic series, V Wars is an exciting horror series from Netflix. Season 1 follows Dr. Luther Swan as he works with the NSA to try to contain the spread of a virus that activates a dormant gene that causes people to turn into vampire like creatures with superhuman strength and feed off blood. Starring Ian Somerhalder, Adrian Holmes, Laura Vandervoort, Kimberly Sue-Murray, Nikki Reed, Kandyse McClure, Greg Bryk, and Peter Outerbridge, the show features an all-star cast of genre actors. And the writers do a good job playing up the moral ambiguity of whether the infected are diseased or an emerging species. The action too is well-done, full of intense and thrilling chases and fight sequences. Additionally, being Netflix, the show doesn’t hold back on the blood and gore; making for some disturbing creature effects and kills. Yet the powers that be cancelled V Wars after 10-episodes, bringing an end to what was promising to be an epic battle for the future of civilization.

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A very corny show that looks like a mix between The Strain and The Vampire Diaries. It offers nothing new, nothing exciting and offers you a story full of clichés, plotholes, stupid shit and not enough weird shit.

I also didn't accept the fact these "Bloods" (wonder where the Cribs are) would just kill anyone without remorse just cause "survival"... Many other vampire shows showed this ethical conundrum much better.

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very very poor story... Interesting ep 1, 2 and 3 then very classical vampire story. ep 8 I think show runners are laughing at us... I stoppes at ep 8... Byebye

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I liked the show overall, which is easy to do since I wasn't looking for reasons to hate it.

Simply put...
If you like Vampire shows you will like this.
If you need it to be the greatest vampire show in the history of television... look elsewhere.

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Diferent that I was expecting, nice série to pass some time

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Can't wait for Season 2 !!!!! #djstatusphere #schweppervescence

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The cliff hanger Sucks but still will come back and watch for a 2nd season

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Could've been better, a whole lot better. That much is certain. Overall, I was mildly entertained, at best. I'm sure there were many issues most people noticed immediately, something I'm not prone to do, I guess. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not one to strongly hate anything, even if it's warranted, especially then. So I say give it a shot. Strongly hate it, strongly love it, or anywhere in between, that's up to you. To me, it simply served as watching material to pass the time. There were moments I enjoyed, there were moments that I didn't care about due to varied reasons I'm not sure even I can put into words. I wouldn't particularly care if it gets a second season, but I'd watch it, and I wouldn't particularly care if it gets canceled. View that as you may.

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Traceable. I'm looking forward to season 2

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really enjoyed this ans am hoping for a season 2. mainly so we can get some of the really cool characters/vampires from the books

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Remember a time when fantasy and sci-fi werent cool? The best shows we had were shows like this. Average but engaging enough you wanna watch the next episode. I´m up for a 2nd season.

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Wow, watched the entire went from meh to wtf? And not in a good way!!! This show was basically the Strain( which overall sucked) without the White Blade dude, the mythology, and the better vampire design.

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A great waste of time.

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The show is good, but some characters such as the doctor are idiotic and make no sense at all.

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This series starts out like a big budget show and then rapidly runs out of money and ideas as it goes on. It seems to be a good idea for a pilot but the writers do not seem capable of carrying the idea forward to a gripping long running plot.

None of the characters make much sense as they transition from one state to another demanding the 'right to live' whilst at the same time seem to miss the irony that they are killing everybody else.

Even more bizzarely they seem to somehow form some sort of political ideology of 'bloodnation' existence which simply springs out of nowhere without any rationale.

In addition there is no rational explanation how people can then transition from normal human beings to bloodthirsty killers overnight while maintaining the same sort of personality they had before.

This is one to avoid.

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OMG.. why.. why can't they make a good "Vampire" show.. without all the stupid cliches!!!!

The "news reporter" is so over the top ridiculous, the police officer so typical ... the plot so far is.. so full of holes.. so many.. so so so so many holes.. had hope, but the pilot just killed it..

Let's see how the second episode goes.


All done.. This is nasty i'm sorry.. Lots and lots of plot armor, the plot keeps running on the side, extremely predictable. Runs like a bad B series that syfy makes. Love the idea of the pathogen that's asleep in the ice that gets release, lots of good ideas, horrible execution.

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I so hope this turns out to be sucessful - would love to see Laura on screen for some time again

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