Shout by firefountain

V Wars 2019

OMG.. why.. why can't they make a good "Vampire" show.. without all the stupid cliches!!!!

The "news reporter" is so over the top ridiculous, the police officer so typical ... the plot so far is.. so full of holes.. so many.. so so so so many holes.. had hope, but the pilot just killed it..

Let's see how the second episode goes.


All done.. This is nasty i'm sorry.. Lots and lots of plot armor, the plot keeps running on the side, extremely predictable. Runs like a bad B series that syfy makes. Love the idea of the pathogen that's asleep in the ice that gets release, lots of good ideas, horrible execution.

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@maryannacarvalho yes! But honestly I’m not sure if it’s just the acting or the material...

Also what the hell was that ending?!? Rambo?????

@firefountain well, everything is bad in this show... acting, writing..
about the end... ikr?! I think they gonna try to change his image, the "good" doctor now is a badass killer... To be honest, that ending was the only part i liked haha
