Shout by Dann Michalski

V Wars 2019

Based on the comic series, V Wars is an exciting horror series from Netflix. Season 1 follows Dr. Luther Swan as he works with the NSA to try to contain the spread of a virus that activates a dormant gene that causes people to turn into vampire like creatures with superhuman strength and feed off blood. Starring Ian Somerhalder, Adrian Holmes, Laura Vandervoort, Kimberly Sue-Murray, Nikki Reed, Kandyse McClure, Greg Bryk, and Peter Outerbridge, the show features an all-star cast of genre actors. And the writers do a good job playing up the moral ambiguity of whether the infected are diseased or an emerging species. The action too is well-done, full of intense and thrilling chases and fight sequences. Additionally, being Netflix, the show doesn’t hold back on the blood and gore; making for some disturbing creature effects and kills. Yet the powers that be cancelled V Wars after 10-episodes, bringing an end to what was promising to be an epic battle for the future of civilization.

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